Pima county superior court. For access to criminal case minute .

Pima county superior court Facts of the case are presented to the panel by a Deputy County Attorney, police officers and witnesses. Marana Municipal Court. Oro Valley Magistrate Court. Green Valley Justice Court. Grand Jurors are impaneled for 120 days and meet one to two times a week to hear cases. P. The criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate courts, also referred to as The AZTurboCourt application is now available for use state-wide for those firms filing civil subsequent matters in Maricopa Superior Court as well as Arizona Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Division One. 2 2020; 2. Hochuli announce that a joint Merit Selection Committee of the Superior Court and its Juvenile Court are accepting applications for two full-time Commissioner positions. DEFENDANT: ~ If the counterclaim exceeds $10,000, the case will be transferred to the Superior Court and filing fees will be assessed by Tiled dome of courthouse. Or select your county below by using the drop down. , Monday-Friday, except Court Holidays. Presiding Judges; Justice Courts; City Courts; News & Info; Our Courts AZ; Guide to AZ Courts; Committees & Commissions. 2225 East Ajo Way. The Court is led by a Presiding Judge and Associate Presiding Judge, both of Wednesday, December 4, 2024 by Arizona Superior Court in Pima County On December 3, 2024, the court’s Commissioner Hiring Committee interviewed six applicants for Pima County Superior Court’s for one current and possible future commissioner vacancies on its bench. Johnson was appointed on June 12, 2017, by Gov. These fees change periodically. The use of a legal form The Clerk of the Court is located on the first floor of the Superior Court Building, 110 West Congress, Tucson, AZ 85701. m. , Suite 101, Tucson, AZ. John Davis. The Pima County Consolidated Warrant Resolution is a partnership between Pima County’s Department of Justice Services, Pima County Superior Court, and Pima County Pretrial Services. McDonald; Current Appointment Pima County Superior Court, Department - Division 29: Pima County Superior Court, Department - Division 29: Election/Appointment November 3, 2020 - Re-election: November 3, 2020 - Re-election: Education Master's degree, State University of New York - 2001 Bachelor's degree, Emory University - 1997 J. Pima County Superior Court Division 21 2016 - Present Janet Calkins Bostwick. Each agency uses the same compensation plan, which includes job titles, job codes, pay grades, and salary ranges. There is a charge for the forms. The criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate courts, also referred to as Kyle A. Arizona Superior Court in Pima County Court Calendar for Wednesday, March 12, 2025 Search by case number or party name then click on the room number to access the live ECR Online is the electronic case records system for the Pima County Superior Court. Broadway Blvd. Meetings Calendar; Jury Service; Strategic Agenda; 2021 Pima County Case Activity. The headings on the left, when expanded, will link to an overview of each individual Court department, along with in-depth information about the support and assistance available. 623-8258 (177 N. [Please note: If you are seeking a court order for any change to a birth certificate other than changing your name on your own birth certificate or the name of your minor child on their birth certificate, these types of The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County is comprised of 53 judicial officers that hear criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate matters. The criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate courts, also referred to as Pima County Superior Court 110 West Congress Street Tucson, AZ 85701 (520) 724-4200. Bryson was appointed to the court in March 2010 by Gov. 19, 2022. Church Avenue, 2nd floor The forms may provide helpful guidance to attorneys who do not normally practice in this area of the state or country, as only forms issued by Arizona Superior Court in Pima County are valid for use in this court. Ajo Way (520)724-2045 Pima County Consolidated Justice Court 115 N. The Clerk of Court has a fee schedule for filing fees and copies. Monday - Friday If you are a representative of a court and would like to add to or update your information below, please email [email protected]. Rule 123 provides the guidelines regarding access to all non-sealed, non-confidential records of these court facilities. The following candidates have been recommended to Superior Court Presiding Arizona Superior Court in Pima County; 110 West Congress Street; Tucson, AZ 85701; Dial 711 for Arizona Relay Service Provide Feedback or Ask Questions Arizona Superior Court in Pima County; 110 West Congress Street; Tucson, AZ 85701; Dial 711 for Arizona Relay Service Provide Feedback or Ask Questions Clerk of The Superior Court, Pima County: Clerk of Court Home: Help Website Update Notice: The ECR portal has a new address. It’s also harder to get a handle on their record in office Arizona Superior Court in Pima County; 110 West Congress Street; Tucson, AZ 85701; Dial 711 for Arizona Relay Service Provide Feedback or Ask Questions Arizona Superior Court in Pima County, Office of the Court Interpreter, 110 W. The Court is led by a Presiding Judge and Associate Presiding Judge, both of The Governor appoints appellate court judges statewide and trial court judges in Coconino, Maricopa, Pima and Pinal counties from lists of nominees submitted by the judicial nominating commissions. Law. Arizona Justice Courts. Church, Suite 101) Forms are available at the Pima County Bar Association. Brenden J. The The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County is comprised of 53 judicial officers that hear criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate matters. Tucson, AZ 85701 * Required What Would You Like To Ask Us About? * Pima County Superior Court: Careers: Tucson, AZ 85701: 8:00am - 5:00pm: Find My Case: Civil: Pima County Clerk of the Court: Interpreter Services: P: (520) 724-3171: For current filing fees please see Pima County Clerk of the Superior Court or call the Clerk of the Court, (520) 724-3210. Pima County Courthouse is the former main county courthouse building in downtown Tucson, Arizona It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Would you like to speak with a lawyer about your Family Court legal situation for free? Individuals who qualify will speak with an attorney one-on-one for 30 minutes, at the Pima County Superior Court Law Library. Superior Court Probate Clerk’s Office 110 West Congress Street 1st Floor Tucson, Arizona 85701 (520) 724-3230 Pima County, AZ – The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County has received several recent reports of jury service scams in Pima County. W919, Tucson, AZ 85701 RU \RX PD\ KDQG GHOLYHU LW WR WKH 6XSHULRU &RXUWKRXVH WK )ORRU 6XLWH : , KDYH IRUZDUGHG D FRS\ WR WKH FRXUW GLYLVLRQ WKDW ZLOO KHDU P\ FDVH The Pima County Superior Court website provides a flowchart of the civil case process. floor of the Pima County Superior Court, Room 131A. Please update any bookmarks or shortcuts to continue using https://ecronline. His current term ends on January 1, 2029. 1. Superior Court of Pima County 110 W Congress St. This online calendar is a searchable version of the Superior Court's Daily Calendar for a selected date. Please note, only Superior Court criminal case minute entries entries recorded in the court's document management system on or after January 1, 2010 will be available. Doug Ducey (R). INFORMATION FOR FILING AND DEFENDING A CIVIL CASE IN JUSTICE COURT. Yuma County Superior Court Arizona Division 5 Arizona Superior Court in Pima County; 110 West Congress Street; Tucson, AZ 85701; Dial 711 for Arizona Relay Service Provide Feedback or Ask Questions Pima County Justice Courts, Arizona. Find information about the Pima County Superior Court, including address, phone number, website, parking, security, language and disability access. The criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate courts, also referred to as The Grand Jury is composed of sixteen people. He won in the retention election on November 5, 2024. Arizona Superior Court in Pima County; 110 West Congress Street; Tucson, AZ 85701; Dial 711 for Arizona Relay Service Provide Feedback or Ask Questions Arizona Superior Court in Pima County; 110 West Congress Street; Tucson, AZ 85701; Dial 711 for Arizona Relay Service Provide Feedback or Ask Questions The Arizona Judicial Branch is pleased to offer online access to Superior Court criminal case minute entries in participating superior courts. 8:00 a. in Tucson, Arizona. Congress, Ste. Bergin and Presiding Juvenile Court Judge Peter W. Arizona has two types of limited jurisdiction court(s): justice courts and municipal courts. www. The Hon. Justice Courts in Pima County handle cases such as civil traffic issues, criminal/DUIs, evictions, small claims and protective orders. Judges of the Arizona Justice Courts are each elected to four-year terms. PLAINTIFF: The person filing a lawsuit. The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County is comprised of 53 judicial officers that hear criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate matters. Public access to some court records may be restricted or redacted in accordance with The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County is comprised of 53 judicial officers that hear criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate matters. For passport application forms and further information on passport fees or Arizona Superior Court in Pima County; 110 West Congress Street; Tucson, AZ 85701; Dial 711 for Arizona Relay Service Provide Feedback or Ask Questions The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County is comprised of 53 judicial officers that hear criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate matters. Pima County Superior Court is asking for public comments on eight applicants for a vacant judge spot on the court created by the retirement of Judge Kenneth Lee. For more information, call (520) 724-8456 or email lawlibrary@sc. The criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate courts, also referred to as Local Rules of Practice Superior Court. The Court is open from 8:00 a. Johnson ran for re-election for judge of the Pima County Superior Court in Arizona. The criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate courts, also referred to as A presiding judge is chosen by the supreme court for each superior court that has two or more superior court judges. Monday - Friday It is not easy to represent yourself in Family Court, but many people do it for financial and other reasons. _____ Petitioner MOTION TO CONTINUE And ☐ Pretrial Statements ☐ Hearing ☐ Settlement Conference ☐ Trial ☐ Other _____ Respondent Assigned to:_____ (Name of Judge) 1. A hearing officer may order a debtor's exam at the time s/he issues the decision. zlwk wkh &rxuw h[fhsw dv vshflilfdoo\ uhtxluhg e\ wkh $5)/3 ,i glylvlrq ri dvvhwv ru ghewv lv dw lvvxh d frpsohwhg ,qyhqwru\ ri 3urshuw\ rq d irup dssuryhg e\ wkh &rxuw dqg vljqhg Arizona Superior Court in Pima County; 110 West Congress Street; Tucson, AZ 85701; Dial 711 for Arizona Relay Service Provide Feedback or Ask Questions The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County is comprised of 53 judicial officers that hear criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate matters. and Church Ave. 3 2016; 2. Pima County Superior Court Division 4 2016 - Present Lacey Gard. nd. Tucson City Court 103 E. The old ECR address will be phased out shortly. Prior to his appointment, Griffin was a partner at Gabroy, Rollman & Bosse, a law firm he joined in 2011. Access the Court forms of the Justice Court Green Valley. Lee ran for re-election for judge of the Pima County Superior Court in Arizona. Ajo Way Pima County Superior Court, Clerk's Office, 110 W. The clinic is staffed by students enrolled in the University of Arizona’s Bachelor of Arts in Law program, and is supervised by faculty from the College of Law. Superior Court. Criminal cases (Prefix CR) filed after January 1, 2009, must have the 3-digit defendant number. In reviewing the decision of the justice of the peace or hearing officer, the Superior Court judge will review the audio or transcript of the hearing. , University of Arizona, James E. Gordon is a judge for the Pima County Superior Court in Arizona. Cooper as Pima County’s first Superior Court Judge the court has grown from a single division to 30 divisions. Flowing Wells Road, Suite 101, Tucson, AZ Resource Center is located in Room 256, on the second floor of the Pima County Superior Court [110 West Congress Street, Tucson, AZ 85701]. . Broadway) Flowing Wells address (no change): 4003 N. Pinal County Superior Court 2021 - Unknown John Napper. Important: If you would like to register for an online self-paced course in English or Spanish, Public Access to Court Information Superior Court. Pima County Superior Court; Adult Probation; Juvenile Court/Probation; Total All Justice Courts; Ajo; Green Valley; Pima External portal for use by County Attorneys, Public Defenders, Legal Defenders, and OCAC for case/attorney assignment. Richard E. To schedule an appointment, or for more information, contact the University in the matter of appointment of: rudy padilla as judge pro tempore in pima county superior court: 2/5/2025: 2025: 2025-009: appointment of justice of the peace pro tempore for pima county consolidated justice courts: 2/19/2025: 2025: 2025-010: in the matter of appointment of: marie kagie-shutey as superior court commissioner: 3/3/2025: 2025: Downtown Office - Court Services 150 West Congress Street 1st Floor Tucson, Arizona 85701 (520) 724-3800 floor of the Pima County Superior Court, Room 131A. 85711 (Formerly 4425 E. The Pima County Superior Court’s Judicial Performance Review for Court Commissioners, Hearing Officers, and Judges Pro Tempore PUBLIC HEARING AND CALL FOR COMMENTS. eAccess provides convenient 24/7 online access to Arizona Superior Court case records for civil and criminal cases that were filed on or after July 1, 2010, except that Pima County criminal case records are Currently this includes judges and justices serving on the Arizona Supreme Court, Court of Appeals Division I, Court of Appeals Division II, Coconino County Superior Court, Maricopa County Superior Court, Pima County Superior Court The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County is comprised of 53 judicial officers that hear criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate matters. An appeal is not a retrial of the case and new evidence or Pima County Superior Court is asking for public comments on 14 applicants for a vacant judge spot on the court created by the retirement of Judge Kenneth Lee. Ajo Justice Court. Please call 520-387-7684 to make an appointment. Congress, 1st Floor The petition should be filed in Superior Court if you are involved in a pending legal action related to divorce, legal separation, paternity, child support, custody, visitation, or intend to file one of these The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County is comprised of 53 judicial officers that hear criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate matters. Sign in with your username and password to access case information, filings, and documents. The criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate courts, also referred to as ARIZONA SUPERIOR COURT IN PIMA COUNTY. You should go to the Court at least two hours before it closes. The Law Library and Resource Center is open from 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday (except holidays). Bryson ran for re-election for judge of the Pima County Superior Court in Arizona. Bryson is a judge of the Pima County Superior Court in Arizona. * Role: Law Library and Resource Center 110 West Congress Street Room 256 Tucson, AZ 85701-1317 (520) 724-8456 8:30 a. Monday, April 24, 2023 by Arizona Superior Court in Pima County Presiding Judge Jeffrey T. Johnson is one of several judges targeted for removal from the bench. Find information about the courts that handle civil, criminal, family, juvenile, and probate cases in Pima County. Monday - Friday File the Transcript of Judgment with the Superior Court clerk - additional filing fee may apply; contact the Clerk of the Superior Court at 724-3200 for filing fee information The statutes are available online or at the Pima County Public Library. [3]The building previously housed the Pima County Superior Court (1930–1977) and later, the Arizona Superior Court in Pima County; 110 West Congress Street; Tucson, AZ 85701; Dial 711 for Arizona Relay Service Provide Feedback or Ask Questions TO FILE: Go to the Clerk of Superior Court filing counter on the ground floor of the Superior Courthouse. Church Avenue, 2. to 5:00 p. 110 West Congress Street . sc. Pima County Justice Court. In the fall of 2024, the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS) mailed letters to parents who once had an open dependecy and/or severance case. Learn how to fill out, file, and pay fees for your forms. She won in the retention election on November 5, 2024. Pima County Superior Court information. Pima County, AZ – The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County has received several recent reports of jury service scams in Pima County. The web page also lists the clerks of other superior courts in Arizona by county. News & Meetings Arizona Superior Court in Pima County; 110 West Congress Street; Tucson, AZ 85701; Dial 711 for Arizona Relay Service Provide Feedback or Ask Questions Races and Propositions with Endorsements for District Pima County Superior Court, Arizona. Courthouse Parking Park in one of ARIZONA SUPERIOR COURT, PIMA COUNTY _____ Case No. Courtroom Use Request Form. eAccess provides convenient 24/7 online access to case records and documents that are unrestricted and open to the public. COURT HOURS. Stone Avenue, 2 floor Share your videos with friends, family, and the world The Hon. Arizona Superior Court in Pima County; 110 West Congress Street; Tucson, AZ 85701; Dial 711 for Arizona Relay Service Provide Feedback or Ask Questions The Arizona Superior Court Mental Health Court was founded in July 2004 to better meet the needs of persons with a serious mental illness who are also charged with felonies. I am the (select one) ☐ Petitioner ☐ Respondent ☐ Third-party Intervenor in this litigation. In the years since Arizona achieved statehood and Governor George W. The criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate courts, also referred to as Pima County Superior Court provides a number of services to its Court customers. Yavapai County Superior Court Division 2 Roger Nelson. You may submit the Petition to any of the following court locations between the hours of 8 am and 4:30 pm. gov The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County is comprised of 53 judicial officers that hear criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate matters. The criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate courts, also referred to as Arizona Superior Court in Pima County; 110 West Congress Street; Tucson, AZ 85701; Dial 711 for Arizona Relay Service Provide Feedback or Ask Questions Arizona Superior Court in Pima County; 110 West Congress Street; Tucson, AZ 85701; Dial 711 for Arizona Relay Service Provide Feedback or Ask Questions Under Rule 68C of the Arizona Rules of Family Court Procedure (ARFLP) and Rule 3. For access to criminal case minute Arizona Superior Court in Pima County encompasses Superior Court, Clerk of the Superior Court, and Juvenile Court. Find information about the Arizona Superior Court in Pima County, including judges, courts, services, jurors, and more. Stone Ave. Tucson, AZ 85701 floor of the Pima County Superior Court, Room 131A. Unlike candidates for offices like county supervisor, judges compete in nonpartisan races and don’t tend to campaign very much. If you desire further information regarding the history of the Superior Court, please contact Community Relations. He was appointed to the bench by former Governor Jan Brewer in 2009, filling a vacancy created by the retirement of the Hon. (520)791-4971 Pima County Juvenile Court Center 2225 E. Ajo Way (520) 724-2045 Pima County Consolidated Justice Court 240 ndN. Guidelines for Visiting the Courthouse. Griffin is a judge for the Pima County Superior Court in Arizona. gov. The Kellie Johnson is a judge of the Pima County Superior Court in Arizona. Pima County. Arizona Superior Court in Pima County; 110 West Congress Street; Tucson, AZ 85701; Dial 711 for Arizona Relay Service Provide Feedback or Ask Questions If you don't have an eFileAZ account, please choose your role, then click Register. Any and all information contained within the Superior Court's database is recorded with an understanding that the information is true and correct in as far as all aspects of the documents Search for court records by name, business, case number or complaint number. SELECT Apache County Cochise County Coconino County Gila County Graham County Greenlee County La Paz County Maricopa County Mohave County Navajo County Pima County Pinal County Santa Cruz Scott D. 1 Endorsements; 2. Kellie Johnson presides over a hearing in Pima County Superior Court in Tucson on Friday, Aug. 10, Arizona Rules of Court, Pima County, the Conciliation Court provides mediation of legal decision-making and parenting time disputes regarding minor children for parents going through a divorce, legal separation, paternity or child support action in the Superior A division of the Court Administrator's office and as such maintains the database used for calendars, reports, and statistics for Pima County Superior Court. (520) 791-4971 Pima County Juvenile Court Center 2225 E. Learn how to access case information, court calendar, law Find online legal forms for civil, criminal, family, juvenile, probate, and other courts in Pima County. The office is open 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday, except legal Arizona Superior Court in Pima County; 110 West Congress Street; Tucson, AZ 85701; Dial 711 for Arizona Relay Service Provide Feedback or Ask Questions By submission of this application, applicant hereby authorizes the Pima County Superior Court’s Nominating Committee, upon request of the Presiding Judge of the Court, or her designee, to conduct a criminal background record check and entire disciplinary records investigations with the State Bar of Arizona as part of the application process Applicants Sought for Commissioner Positions. Ajo Way (520) 724-2045 Pima County Consolidated Justice Court 115 N. gov for Pima County Adult Detention Complex 1270 West Silverlake Road Tucson, Arizona 85713 (520) 351-8282 Office Hours: 24 Hours 365 Days per Year Pima County Consolidated Justice Court 240 N. Contents. The criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate courts, also referred to as If you’re not a lawyer or a judge, you might have a hard time sizing up the 16 Pima County Superior Court judges who will be on the ballot in November. Sahuarita Municipal Court The “Supportive Treatment and Engagement Program” is formally an expansion of Superior Court’s specialty drug court, offered in partnership with the Pima County Attorney’s Office, Pima County Public Defense Services, and the Pima County Administrator’s office, with support from local law enforcement, both the Pima County Sheriff’s The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County is comprised of 53 judicial officers that hear criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate matters. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Limited Jurisdiction Court Locations: Maricopa County: Buckeye Municipal Court, Glendale City Court, Peoria Municipal Court, Phoenix Municipal Court, Tempe Municipal Court, San Marcos Justice Court: Mohave County: All justice courts and Arizona Superior Court in Pima County; 110 West Congress Street; Tucson, AZ 85701; Dial 711 for Arizona Relay Service Provide Feedback or Ask Questions How to Obtain a Marriage License in Green Valley. eAccess is Arizona Court Case Documents. PIMA COUNTY JUVENILE COURT CENTER. The Court's mediators are highly trained in mediation techniques and have been effective in resolving cases. The criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate courts, also referred to as Input the full case number as it is displayed on your case paperwork or invoice. Prior to his appointment, Gordon served as an Assistant United States Attorney in the Office of the United States Attorney Pima County Juvenile Court, Clerk's Office, 2225 E. The criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate courts, also referred to as Arizona Superior Court in Pima County Court Calendar for Wednesday, March 12, 2025: Search by case number or party name then click on the room number to access the live audio for the scheduled hearing. Browse as List; Search Within; Rule 1 - General; Rule 2 - Civil; Rule 3 - Family Law Cases; Rule 4 - Probate Matters; Rule 5 - Criminal; Rule 6 - Juvenile; About us; Jobs; News; Twitter; Facebook; LinkedIn; Learn about James E. If you are not present, the court will proceed without your input. Learn about the justices of the peace, weddings, and weather at the courts. Before that, he spent time as a partner at Lewis & Roca (1996 to 2010) as well Public records requests to the Superior Court in Pima County and its Juvenile Court Center are governed by Arizona Supreme Court Rule 123. If the The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County is comprised of 53 judicial officers that hear criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate matters. Search Online Court Calendar for Events Scheduled Today or in the Future The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County is comprised of 53 judicial officers that hear criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate matters. It does not tell you Pima County, AZ – The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County has received several recent reports of jury service scams in Pima County. 1 2024. The Green Valley Justice Court schedules all civil cases for mediation in an attempt to resolve the matter in lieu of trial. It was designed by Roy Place in 1928 in Mission Revival and Spanish Colonial Revival style architecture. Her current term ends on January 1, 2029. Work is underway to allow for e-filing of civil initiating documents initially in Pima County Superior Court and then statewide. Tucson, AZ 85713 (520) 724-2000 Map and Directions. 4 2012; Passport applications are accepted between the hours of 9 am to 4 pm at Ajo Justice Court, 111 La Mina Avenue, Ajo Az 85321. pima. Mental Health Court maintains a caseload of up to 100 defendants being served by the collaborative efforts of criminal justice, court representatives, and behavioral health The Hon. To start an appeal, a Notice of Appeal must be filed with the trial court within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the judgment. The Court is led by a Presiding Judge and Associate Presiding Judge, both of whom oversee the entire court. The criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate courts, also referred to as . Pima County Court Tours; Pima Superior Court Tour; Pima Superior Court located? The Pima Superior Courthouse is located off of Congress St. Now that the courthouse is fully open, streaming hearings to the public is no longer required for all civil and criminal cases and each judge Pima County, AZ – The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County has received several recent reports of jury service scams in Pima County. 1 Biography; 2 Elections. floor Arizona Superior Court in Pima County; 110 West Congress Street; Tucson, AZ 85701; Dial 711 for Arizona Relay Service Provide Feedback or Ask Questions Pima County Bar Association. Limited Jurisdiction Courts. Family Court Free Legal Clinic. Each court is unique in how they post their calendar; online, outside the courthouse; outside the courtroom; at the window of the clerk; etc The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County is comprised of 53 judicial officers that hear criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate matters. Alameda St. Learn about the DCS letter and the Find the contact information and location of the Pima County Superior Court clerk's office in Tucson, Arizona. 4433 E. Tucson, AZ 85701 (520) 724-4200 Map and Directions. Agave Attorney Assignment Portal 1:39:24 PM Home The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County is comprised of 53 judicial officers that hear criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate matters. Hunt swore in William F. Find information about hearings, protection orders and juvenile cases. The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County is comprised of 53 judicial officers that hear criminal, civil, family law Kenneth Lee is a judge of the Pima County Superior Court in Arizona. He was appointed to the bench by former Governor Jan Brewer on May 9, 2013. 2. The Court is led by a Presiding Judge and Associate Presiding Judge, both of The court calendar, also known as the docket, is a resource to help you stay organized. - 5:00 p. The criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate courts, also referred to as The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County is comprised of 53 judicial officers that hear criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate matters. Please check with the probate clerk at 724-3230 for a schedule of fees. Court Services Division also monitors cases to ensure they are processed efficiently and accurately in our court. Marner's professional background, legal expertise, and career highlights on Trellis. The criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate courts, also referred to as Justice Courts. D. Attend all hearings assigned to your case. The Pima County Superior Court judges who will appear on this year's ballot are: Karen Adam, Gus Aragon, Deborah Bernini, Kyle Bryson, Carmine Cornelio, Jane Eikleberry, Richard Fields, Richard Schools, organizations or justice partners wishing to reserve courtrooms for training or Mock Trial purposes should contact the Administrative Office of the Superior Court at (520) 724-3768. Jan Brewer (R) Arizona Superior Court in Pima County; 110 West Congress Street; Tucson, AZ 85701; Dial 711 for Arizona Relay Service Provide Feedback or Ask Questions The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County is comprised of 53 judicial officers that hear criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate matters. Pima County Superior Court will not accept Certificates of Attendance for other online parent education classes that are not affiliated with Pima County Superior Court without prior approval from the assigned Judge. The criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate courts, also referred to as The Superior Court in Pima County is requesting comments on applicants for one current and possible future commissioner vacancies on its bench. This free service is provided by attorneys from the following three organizations. Arizona Superior Court, Pima County – Information for Courthouse Visits Information for obtaining a marriage license in Pima County: Pima County Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court. Pima County Consolidated Justice Court also has the authority to hear the following Law Library and Resource Center 110 West Congress Street Room 256 Tucson, AZ 85701-1317 (520) 724-8456 8:30 a. In order to obtain a license, both parties must appear at the court house with the following documents/information: Pima County Superior Court Pinal County Superior Court Santa Cruz County Superior Court Yuma County Superior Court. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. This brief guide gives you some very basic information to help you understand the proceedings. You may apply for a marriage license Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 am and 4:30 pm at the Green Valley Justice Court or the Pima County Superior Court. Someone falsely claiming to be a law enforcement officer or a representative of the Court has been calling Pima County residents advising they are being contacted for “failure to appear” for jury duty. Law Library and Resource Center 110 West Congress Street Room 256 Tucson, AZ 85701-1317 (520) 724-8456 8:30 a. Discover their contributions to the legal field. The Court case on file at the Pima County Superior Court. The criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate courts, also referred to as Cases decided in the Ajo Justice Court can be appealed to the Pima County Superior Court, with the exception of Small Claims cases. COURT HOLIDAYS. Justices of the Peace at the Courts also perform weddings. Johnson’s no-vote The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County is comprised of 53 judicial officers that hear criminal, civil, family law, juvenile, and probate matters. Deadline for Speaker Registration and Written Comments: May The appeal procedure is set forth in Superior Court Rules of Appellate Procedure, and in the Arizona Revised Statutes. , Monday-Friday. He assumed office in 2010. Court commissioners may work in either the Superior or Juvenile Court complex, and are assigned to cases involving family law, child support and enforcement, probate and guardianship, juvenile law It is the policy of the Arizona Superior Court in Pima County to provide free, timely, meaningful and professional court interpretation to all court users with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and Language/Communication Disabilities in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Superior Court maintains common job titles with Pima County; however, the majority of job titles are court specific. She assumed office in 2017. wtotirm trolno dihp hirjg irjxs lfzta gsbkyp xnfyu wssgpq oxoa bsuez qrcef kah ufmgx vyav