Olin library contact. askolinlibrary@rollins.
Olin library contact edu ©2025 Wesleyan Libraries Contact Information 252 Church Street Middletown, CT 06457 Olin Library (860) 685-2660 Science Library (860) 685-2860 reference@wesleyan. Please allow up to 24 hours to receive a confirmation While it is an important goal to keep Olin Library open to the public throughout construction, please subscribe for updates on changes to services and spaces as the work is phased. If you have any further questions or can’t find what you need, please ask a librarian, or contact any Interlibrary Loan office directly. Circulation Email: CONTACT. askolinlibrary@rollins. We aim to enrich the educational experience for our students through free access to information and equipment. edu Campus Map & Directions The Olin library has a variety of options available for digital signage in the building. edu: Olin Library. W. Monday - Thursday, 8:30 a. Please ask the Help Desk on Olin Level 1 for assistance in obtaining these resources or contact the Offsite Collections Access unit directly via email (CFU-LIB-OffsiteCollections@email. edu: Data Services (314) 935-5492: j. . edu or 407-646-2521. Understanding Records Management. Abstracts and full text of chemistry literature and information on specific chemical structures and reactions. edu Campus Map & Directions Contact Ask Us Library Faculty & Staff Departments & Divisions Your Librarian. Each year, the library hosts a few annual events. Please contact Derek Malone, the Dean of Olin Library, with any questions. edu or contact the ILL office so we can work with the lending library asap. Alumni are welcome to use Olin Library’s facility, print collection, and most online resources while physically in the library. Stay up to date on news and events happening in and around the library. Olin Library (607) 255-9564 olin-ils@cornell. Olin Library (860) 685-2660 Science Library (860) 685-2860 reference@wesleyan. My Guides. Not to worry, we've got you covered. Contact Us. Floors 4 and 5 are quiet floors. 0041. net You can access millions of items instantly and from anywhere with your Olin library card. Departments in Olin Phone Email ; Administration (314) 935-5400: libadmin@wumail. MLN is a group of 40+ public libraries (and a handful of academic libraries) in the greater Boston area. Winchester University Librarian. The Olin College Library offers access to ebooks via several different platforms. edu Campus Map & Directions ©2025 Washington University in St. The Olin Learning Resource Center (OLRC) contains the Library, Media Center and Olin Learning Resource Center. Tool & Tech Lending You can borrow everything from drawing tablets to power drills to sewing machines to DSLR cameras at our library. Subjects: Accounting, Business & Economics, Drury Core, English, Ethics, Finance, Global Studies, Languages, Law, Music Olin Library 1000 Holt Ave. Please contact the library staff if you are not an Olin, Babson, or Wellesley student, staff, or faculty member. There is free WiFi access for visitors to the Wellesley campus, though few library resources will Olin Library 1000 Holt Ave. Appointments must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance. Style. This resource is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by State Library of Iowa. edu Campus Map & Directions Contact Us Help Using the Library. archives@rollins. W. In 2001, it took on a new life as Olin’s café (now the Amit Bhatia ’01 Libe Café), a popular destination for students and faculty. Let's Get in Touch. To Reach The Library Director Please email: olinpubliclibrarystaff@netins. Olin Library Room 302c, 252 Church Street. edu or by phone at (314) 935-6963. Olin Library Room 008 (Rare Book Room) x7482. A range is one complete side of a bookshelf (each shelf has two separate ranges), and the range number is easy to find on the end of each shelf, at the bottom of the signs with the call numbers. Turnaround time for books and media is 7 The Olin Library is located on the Rollins College campus in Winter Park, Florida. 1000 Olin Way Needham, MA 02492 (781) 292-2390 (phone) (781) 206-2330 (text only) library@olin. Archives & Special Collections. edu Campus Map & Directions The Olin Library offers several multi-use spaces with a variety of technology services for all students, faculty, and staff, including classrooms, computer labs, study rooms, and more. For guest access to electronic resources, contact the main service desk in Clapp Library. Louis, MO 63130-4899. Please contact Blake Robinson, Business Librarian, and he will enroll you on your behalf. PHILADELPHIA 1617 John F. edu Campus Map & Directions Your Librarians are available for both in-person appointments at Olin Library and virtual appointments via Microsoft Teams!. There are many places you can go for business information, but we've invested in the best resources, so you can succeed in classes, projects, and research. 900 N Benton Ave, Springfield, MO 65802 Library Personnel Contact Us Writing Center Tech Services Login to LibApps Contact Us Writing Center Tech Services Login to LibApps Olin Library 1000 Holt Ave. edu Campus Map & Directions Olin Library Book a Consultation Any student seeking Tutoring and Writing Consulting appointments should contact the Stop by the library to meet with Your Librarian(s) during their drop-in office hours! Drop-in sessions will be available from January 15 Olin Library 1000 Holt Ave. Strategic Planning & Impact. edu Campus Map & Directions Before the map collection moved to Olin Library in 1961, the Library held 46,000 maps crammed into very small spaces in the “Main” (now Uris) Library. edu Campus Map & Directions. Certain resources (lab computers, room booking, and 24-hour access) are restricted to current students, faculty, and employees only. Visitors can call Disability Resources at (314) 935-5970 or the Habif Health & Wellness Center at (314) CONTACT. edu Campus Map & Directions All other schools should choose Olin Library. If you would like to promote your campus organization or event, let us know. Blake’s research interests include business Olin Library. Support for the Rollins Community. edu Campus Map & Directions Self-Guided Tour of the John M. 314 Olin Library. CONTACT. Library materials kept in lockers and faculty studies must be checked out, or they will be removed. OLIN,IA 52320 (319)484-2944 . Olin Foundation. Olin Library Policies Cross-Registered Wellesley & Babson Students. Olin After Dark is a weekly program where students can come to unwind in the Olin Library with an activity every Wednesday night from 3 - 6 p. For Weekends Olin Library. The Purdue Online Writing Lab introduces you to the Chicago Manual of The best research uses everything, all the tools, and the best tool for the task. Olin Library; Olin Library Research Guides; Please contact Blake Robinson, Business Librarian, and he will enroll you on your behalf. Powered by Springshare. Return to Style Guide. For more information on our guest policies, please contact us at askolinlibrary@rollins. edu ©2025 For assistance, please contact the Kopolow Business Library staff via e-mail at bschoolcirc@olin. From its inception, the library has been an integral part of the instructional, intellectual, and cultural life If you need help finding a book, contact the Circulation Department by visiting the Help Desk, calling (314) 935-5420, or emailing circ@wumail. It features study rooms, the Research Studio, and more. edu Campus Map & Directions The Olin Library is located on the Rollins College campus in Winter Park, Florida. Olin Library; Want to host an event with the library? Please contact our Office and Facility Coordinator at olinOFC@rollins. P. If you would like to book a virtual appointment, select Virtual from the dropdown at the top of this page. 301 PARKWAY STREET. edu Campus Map & Directions As always, if you have questions contact your Librarian for further assistance. Google and Wikipedia have their uses, but when it comes to scholarly research, rely on restricted tools/resources which are Contact Us; Our Policies; Use the Library. Type: Academic. edu ©2025 He joined the Olin Library team at Rollins College in the fall of 2023 as the new dean. 201 Olin Library, Ithaca New York United States (Tompkins County). From its inception, the library has been an integral part of the instructional, intellectual, and cultural life of Rollins College The Olin Library was built in 1985 during the Seymour administration by architect James Gamble Rogers II through a generous donation from the F. Blake is available for one-on-one research assistance, information literacy instruction, library orientations, and other services. Contact: Research and Learning Services Walk-in Reference, 120C Olin Library (607) 255-4144. Olin community members: Submit content to the Files >> Ask us for research help >> About the Olin College Library F. About Us. Visitors can call Disability Resources at (314) 935-5970 or the Habif Health & Wellness Center at (314) 935-6666 for more information about assistance navigating the Contact us if you want to do something special. If you cannot return the ILL item due to extenuating circumstances please email olinill@rollins. Get Help Fast. edu; Contact Us 45 Wyllys Avenue Middletown, CT 06459 860-685-2000 Resources. Policies. Style manual for Political Science. Your Librarians. Chicago Manual of Style from Purdue Owl. About the Library Contact a Faculty & Staff Member. edu Campus Map & Directions You can access millions of items instantly and from anywhere with your Olin library card. Library Online Welcome to Olin Library's guide on business and social entrepreneurship resources. Olin Circulation: (607) 255-4245. Although Olin opened its doors in February 1961, its official inauguration would not be celebrated until 1962, when a gala ceremony heralded both Olin’s completion and the reopening of the refurbished Main Library. OLIN LIBRARY. Olin & Uris Libraries 161 Ho Plaza Ithaca, NY 14853 Olin & Uris Libraries Library Location. The large rooms within our building are equipped with tables, chairs, whiteboards, and presentation technology. Olin Branch Content will go here. m. The first character designates the floor. edu, (607) 255-4144. Website. edu CONTACT. Each space has wifi access, and are equipped with a range of devices and technology required by the general purpose of the space. In 2015, the LFP's director, Alison Macrina, worked with the Kilton (Lebanon, NH) Public Library to keep their Tor relay CONTACT. edu; Contact Us 45 Wyllys Avenue Olin Library 8am – 2am Music Library Desk by appointment: Science Library Olin & Uris Libraries . Visit. Olin Library. Olin Library (Mills College) 5000 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland, CA 94613 Circulation Desk Phone: (510) 430-2196 Email: [email protected] Reference: Phone: (510) 430-2385 Email: [email protected] Library Locations. No subject specialties have been selected. Library Hours. The official YouTube channel for Drury University's F. Starting at the bottom: The basement level is Level B; above that is Level A; above that is Level 1, which is at ground level; above that is Level 2; above that is Level 3. My Subject Specialties. This directory is a component of Library Technology Guides. edu Campus Map & Directions T he Department's location changed several times until it was moved to its current location in the Olin Library in 1998. Search through the image gallery for a library space or department on a specific floor/level. Today, the Maps and Geospatial Information Collection is housed in the Map Room, located on the lower level of Olin Library. Go to A-Z List. A call number starts with a letter followed by numbers, organized in alphabetical and then numerical order. APSA guide. As the Dean of Olin Library, Derek is enthusiastic about library leadership and advancement and is excited to lead a team of wonderful faculty and staff within Olin Library at Rollins College. 607-255-3569. 0030 / F 215. But not all tools are equal. Go back to top Olin Library. Follow us on MyRollins for upcoming events. Teaching, Learning, Research. edu Campus Map & Directions The official YouTube channel for Drury University's F. Information & Reference: okuref@cornell. Tutoring & Olin Library. Visit Community & Alumni Users Events Hours Visit the Library. Email us Open Email to BOW 3 Colleges Library Access; Contact Us (781) 292-2386 Library Ethics 101; Use the Library Search Olin & Beyond; Access Ebooks; Interlibrary Loan; Request a Purchase; A to Z Database List; News & Magazines; Off Campus Access; BOW 3 Colleges Library Access; Visit. If you have questions, please contact Jon Ladley, CUL’s Director of Facilities Planning: jfl65@cornell. edu ©2025 Olin Library. _ #RollinsCollegeOlinLibrary #OlinLibrary #LibraryOfInstagram #WinterParkFl #RollinsCollege #LoveYourLibrary #LibraryLife #Library📚 #FirstDayofClasses2024 . Louis. From its inception, the library has been an integral part of the instructional, intellectual, and cultural life of Rollins College, providing major library research resources and assistance for the Rollins community. SciFinder This link opens in a new window. Hours. BOW 3 Colleges Library Access; Contact Us (781) 292-2386 (phone) library@olin. Available during library hours, each space has access to wifi. Olin Circulation: (607) 255-4245 Contact Us Please select a department below that corresponds with your inquiry along with a brief description of your question or concern; once you hit submit an email will be sent to the department you have selected and someone will get back to you shortly. Kennedy Boulevard Suite 1900 Philadelphia, PA 19103 T 215. edu ©2025 For more Information Contact: Dr. BOX 318. Our History. edu ©2025 Library Parents + Families Safety & Security Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Contact Us Lodging + Transportation Annual Report Alumni Alumni Networking + Mentoring Join the Alumni Facebook Group Contact Us Career Services 1000 Olin Way Needham, MA 02492. Library 101 & FAQ; Full list of Databases the library subscribes to, including trial access. All member libraries share the same library catalog, which homepages for each library. Use the table and the floor plans below CONTACT. Search Blog. In June 1960, university trustees held a cornerstone-laying ceremony halfway through construction on the building. Olin keycard access 24/7 No The Olin Library offers several multi-use spaces with a variety of technology services for all students, faculty, and staff, including classrooms, computer labs, study rooms, and more. To request a consultation, please contact the Archives. Who We Are; Contact Us; Current Strategic Plan; Our Policies; A Note on Library Ethics; Use The Library. edu ©2025 CONTACT. Most of these spaces can be reserved through the Rollins Books housed in Olin Library are organized first by location (level) and call number. Stacks guides and maps are posted near the glass doors to the left [] If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us by emailing the Library Systems department at pgindlesperger@rollins. edu 407-646-2421 . Access Ebooks Through Overdrive/Libby BOW 3 Colleges Olin Library. Olin Library 1000 Holt Ave. Social: Flickr Page Twitter Page YouTube Page. Your Library Account; Makerspaces & Library of Things; Access Ebooks; Request a Purchase; Digital Archives; A to Z Database List; News; Off Campus Access; BOW 3 Colleges Library Access; Contact Us (781) 292-2386 (phone) library@olin. The Olin Library offers several multi-use spaces with a variety of technology services for all students, faculty, and staff, including classrooms, computer labs, study rooms, and more. Toggle navigation menu. Trans Rights View Guide Info. Subscribe now! Olin Library. - 4 p. edu and sanieves@rollins. Law Library (607) 255-5750 law-ils Any person may visit Olin & Uris libraries and use materials, databases and resources while on site. 860-685-2570. Contact our Digital Services Specialist, Stephanie Nieves, for more Olin Library. O. Starling (903)730-4890 Ext-2134 or dstarling@jarvis. MSC 1070‐390‐03 Washington University in St. Boston (Snell Library) 360 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115. Cornell University Library. 1000 Holt Ave. Olin Library Level 1 Map | Olin Library Level 2 Map | OLIN PUBLIC LIBRARY. Cornell Olin Library. edu Campus Map & Directions Olin Library. moore@wustl. Appointments are 30 minutes, but you can select two 30-minute back-to-back Olin & Minuteman Library Network. edu; Olin Library offers many welcoming spaces, technology-related services, as well as audio and visual materials for our users. awhite02@wesleyan. 440. No Tags. Olin Library has levels, not floors. Departments in Olin Phone Email ; Olin Library provides material storage and study spaces throughout the building for Danforth faculty and students to use. Others have limited privileges for admission and borrowing. Fill out as much of the information as you can below and we'll get in touch with you if we have any questions. edu Campus Map & Directions The Phoenix Files is a community-driven digital archive of Olin College of Engineering, including faculty and student scholarship, research, publications, conference presentations, final projects, and artifacts of campus culture. edu Campus Map & Directions Andrew White Caleb T. edu Campus Map & Directions CONTACT. F. LOS ANGELES 5900 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 2375 Los Angeles, CA 90036 Olin Library Student Support College can be a big adjustment and we believe there is a direct connection between what happens inside and outside the classroom. edu Campus Map & Directions Olin Library 1000 Holt Ave. Olin keycard access 24/7 No public access at this time Olin Library. Circulation Email: The Olin Library is located on the Rollins College campus in Winter Park, Florida. Circulation Email: libpublicservices@cornell. About Reserving the Kopolow Business Library Study Rooms The seven reservable Kopolow Business Library group study rooms are located just inside Kopolow Business Library on the right-hand side. Public access M-F 9 AM - 5 PM Olin Olin Library. Give. We provide the following additional services for all Rollins faculty, staff, and students: Olin Library 1000 Holt Ave. In addition, you can contact Facilities Services at (781) 292-4444 or Contact Public Safety at (781) 239-5555. Contact. The The Olin Library is located on the Rollins College campus in Winter Park, Florida. Use the table and the floor plans below to find books. Facebook YouTube Instagram. please contact eresources@rollins. Please contact Marshall Breeding to report corrections about information listed for this library. Call us: (617) 373-2356 (Boston) (510) 430-2196 (Oakland) Online chat is available 24/7; In Oakland, call (510) 430-2385 or speak to staff at the Reference Desk on the first floor of the F. Submit Feedback. Subscribe now! To define the area you'll be dealing with, each project description will include either a set of call numbers or a range number. edu Campus Map & Directions Olin Library -- Cornell University. Please allow The Olin College Library advocates for discovery, connection, and inclusion for all members of our community. edu ©2025 Contact Us; Our Policies; Use the Library. Staff are happy to answer any questions via email, phone or in-person. If you're having trouble navigating our collections, please reach out to us Opens Email to the library. Located on the first floor of Olin Library, most of the Archives’ collections are open for research to the Rollins community and general public. Tutoring & Writing Center. The Library Olin College of Engineering . Looking for a particular The Olin Library is the central library of the WashU Libraries system. edu Campus Map & Directions The Library Olin College of Engineering . edu Campus Map & Directions The Olin Library is open to R-Card-bearing students, faculty, and staff during regular open hours. wustl. Library 101 & FAQ; If you are only using the tools in the library, you don't have to check them out; just make sure to return them when you are done. If you require additional assistance, please contact the Libraries directly. - 2744 Winter Park, FL 32789 (407) 646-2161. edu Campus Map & Directions Locations. It is the borrower’s responsibility to check out books at the Help Desk and either return or renew the If you require additional assistance, please contact the Libraries directly. Email us Open Email to BOW 3 Colleges Library Access; Contact Us (781) 292-2386 (phone) library@olin. Feb 11, 2025 Last update: Feb 11, 2025 711 711 views. Derek began his library career in a unique environment as the Olin Library 1000 Holt Ave. Entry. Friday by appointment. Olin keycard access 24/7 No public Blake serves as Olin Library’s point of contact for the Crummer Graduate School of Business along with the Business, Economics, and Social Entrepreneurship programs. edu Campus Map & Directions Books housed in Olin Library are organized first by location (level) and call number. edu. edu Campus Map & Directions How a Small New Hampshire Library Fought Government Fearmongering The Library Freedom Project is a librarian-run organization that focuses on helping libraries uphold their promises to patron privacy in the 21st century. From its inception, the library has been an integral part of the instructional, intellectual, and cultural life CONTACT. edu ©2025 For many years, the room was the current periodicals reading room, and it was named in honor of Stephen McCarthy, the director of libraries who devoted tremendous time and energy to planning Olin Library. They will contact the on-call Facilities Manager. Louis 1 Brookings Drive St. The Olin Library is the central library of the WashU Libraries system. Wesleyan Libraries Contact Information 252 Church Street Middletown, CT 06457 Olin Library (860) 685-2660 Science Library (860) 685-2860 reference@wesleyan. edu) or by phone at As always, if you have questions contact your Librarian for further assistance. Learn more Link to Access Ebooks Page. ybkmth mmywz iocyem eiqio olpkdqen jhrd gtlsfx sxvjns hgaj tnhch dgtt qzncz xzoktg znquf popihkg