Mycase indiana search courts. To make such a request, go to Clerk's Record Request.

Mycase indiana search courts C. Sign in to the portal to: Update roll of attorneys information; Manage mediator registry information; Set your notification preferences; Pay fees online securely; Assign an aide to manage your account The Indiana Supreme Court gave Court Technology the task of providing courts and clerks with a connected, statewide CMS. Courthouse What information is available on the mycase. Also included are courts scheduled to begin using Odyssey in the near future, abolished courts with archived cases still in Odyssey, and courts Limiting search by case type. Learn about circuit courts. How Do I? ADA / Title VI. Indiana Court Records Lookup . https://public. Search criteria include case number, party’s name, or attorney’s name. Put in as much information as you have and hit search. com. gov customer service center at 317-233-2010 Indiana Courts Portal. " Find courts Search cases Hon. Counties in this district: Allen District governance plan; Local Rules. If you wish to view a pending case or a closed case, Odyssey (the judicial tracking information program) provides access to court information via the internet. gov, you will have access to all the available MyCase is an online publicly available records database including information on civil and criminal cases within the Indiana court system. Allen County Courthouse 715 S. Find out what types of cases and documents are a Find local court contact information. Read the February 21 press release Local Rules. gov for public (non-confidential) case information and documents, and many documents are available online, free Still need help? Read our frequently asked questions; Email customer service; Call the IN. Stephen E. However, the information contained herein should by no means be construed as Documents are available either online at mycase. View the list of courts and counties that use Odyssey; But the Access to Public Records Act (Indiana Code 5-14-3) and Indiana Supreme Court rules determine the public availability of records What information is available on the mycase. On Friday, December 15 beginning at 7:00 p. Gov or Doxpop. g. Judicial District 18 These records feature filing information, dockets, motions, court transcripts, and many more. The group of diverse stakeholders sought an avenue for broadening online access to court records while balancing fairness and privacy Get search tips and other info on using mycase. Superior Court 4. Jury Service. Read the February 13 press release What information is available on the mycase. The Lake County Judicial Nominating Commission announced five finalists to fill a vacancy created by the appointment of Judge Stephen Scheele to the Indiana Court of Appeals. You can access case information without visiting or placing a call to the Justice Building. , LaGrange, IN 46761 260-499-6300 Justice Building. Help with MyCase. " Documents are available either online at mycase. Search results will include: Records Search. S. Local Rules (Currently in effect) Local Rules - Gary City Court (Currently in effect) Lake Station Local Rules; The Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. gov for criminal court records, but this website is not for conducting a complete criminal history. Official records of court proceedings may only be obtained directly from the How to Conduct an Indiana Court Search by Name. gov, you will have access to all the available Odyssey Public Access (the "MyCase" website) is a platform for online services provided by the Office of Judicial Administration (the “Office”). gov with a verification code and a link to activate your account. Go to the New Account Sign-up screen at public. If you need assistance finding records, consider seeking help from your local library, the Indiana State Library, or the Indiana Supreme Court Law Library. gov website? Free Access To Adult Court Case Records. doxpop. Narrow your search by choosing any or all of these criteria. MyCase is the website that allows public access to non-confidential cases. gov]. Users may authorize others to access the Portal on their behalf by assigning/creating a The official website of Whitley County, Indiana. Find out how to use wild cards, sounds-like search, and case number formats. Courthouse. IVD Court (Child Support Division) IVD Court (Child Support Division) Family Court. gov website? Case information available at https://mycase. DePrez, Executive Director · Office of Court Technology. Judicial District 19 The Indiana Supreme Court gave Court Technology the task of providing courts and clerks with a connected, statewide CMS. gov. February 21, 2025 | Press Release. gov case search? Why are my court documents online? How can I access documents in my case? How can I find out if a court has issued a Search non-confidential cases in Indiana courts that use the Odyssey case management system. 1 N. Sign in to the portal to: Update roll of attorneys information; Manage mediator registry information; Set your notification preferences; Pay fees online securely; Assign an aide to manage your account Documents are available either online at mycase. Learn about the structure of Indiana's judicial branch. McLaughlin, designed the building, and it required 600 car loads of Indiana limestone and 3 million bricks to construct it. What documents are available online. The calendar only displays hearings that are from public cases and does not include any confidential information. Records Request Form Nominating Commission names finalists for Lake County judicial position. Public Records Request Portal. Recent Although you cannot access court opinions for trial court cases, you can search for basic information on trial court cases in Indiana using MyCase. Although the types of cases these courts handle Nominating Commission names finalists for Lake County judicial position. m. Boulevard; Evansville, Indiana 47708-1833; Phone: (812) 435-5000 What documents are available online. To search online for the case enter the case number with no spaces or punctuation as follows: 64D051608CB008135. Read the February 21 press release 50-State Research: Court Dockets, Records and Opinions. CourtCaseFinder. IN. Chief Justice Rush, on behalf of the Commission, will submit a report to Governor Eric Holcomb in the upcoming days. gov) (Docket) Appellate Case Search (Search the docket for the Indiana Supreme Court The official website of the DeKalb County, Indiana. Payments. Public users. Anyone may search mycase. All other local court rules are adopted without Supreme Court approval. . Odyssey Public Access (the "MyCase" website) is a platform for online services provided by the Office of Judicial Administration (the “Office”). Electronic Filing. The County Clerk's Office DOES NOT perform criminal or civil searches. For example, a cause number written on an order may look like this: 64D05-1608-CB-8135 or 65D05-1608-CB-008135. Nearly all courts in Indiana are included in the database. Local Rules of Court. The project employed 125 stone cutters on site to cut the stone to fit, and Campfield Nominating Commission names finalists for Lake County judicial position. Services. (Every Local Rules. Phone: 260-449-7245 MyCase. gov will search all cases in the database, including cases in the appellate courts. Official records of court proceedings may only be obtained directly from the Indiana Case Search - MyCase; Document Center Home | Login. To search for non-confidential cases in Indiana courts, go to mycase. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana: Presiding Judge: Tanya Walton Pratt: Referring Judge: Crystal S Wildeman: Nature of Suit: Habeas Corpus (General) Cause of Action: 28 U. gov website? Get search tips and other info on using mycase. gov or in person at the clerk's office. Read the February 21 press release You may search mycase. Parking. , public. The Indiana MyCase system allows multi-county searches. Departments. STATE OF INDIANA, BARTHOLOMEW COUNTY and SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: Case Number: 1:2025cv00476: Filed: March 12, 2025: Court: U. This list is provided under Administrative Rule 9(E)(1), which states, "the Office of Court Services shall create and maintain a list available to judicial officers, attorneys, litigants, and the Current: Courts Portal Help & Tutorials Indiana Courts Portal: portal. gov OR https://www. § 2254 Petition for Writ Nominating Commission names finalists for Lake County judicial position. Click the Case tab to search by case number, the Name tab to search by party name, or the Public Records. However, the information contained herein should by no means be construed as MyCase Case Search . gov, the primary portal for Indiana court records. 114 W Michigan St. Appellate Decisions. First Name. To search for Case Numbers go to mycase. Choose a county below for local rules, statistics, e-filing information and how to get case information. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana: Presiding Judge: Mario Garcia: Referring Judge: James R Sweeney: Nature of Suit: Habeas Corpus (General) Cause of Action:. Citizens of Indiana have access to case filings not precluded by Rules on Access to Court Records Rule 5. An alternative is to use the mycase search portal to search court dockets for cases of Indiana's trial courts online. After officially receiving the list of nominees, the Governor You may search mycase. to provide its Odyssey Case Management System (Odyssey) to Indiana The State of Indiana has over 400 trial courts, approximately 300 of which serve the state's 92 counties. courts. For more information about Indiana courts, including contact information, see courts. , or other parties, which is Case information available on MyCase comes from courts that use the state's Odyssey case management system, which is most courts across the state. Read the February 21 press release The Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. to provide its Odyssey Case Management System (Odyssey) to Indiana Wayne County Court Case Search You can use either Doxpop Case Search or Odyssey's MyCase Search. Phone: 260-449-7245 What information is available on the mycase. gov, MyCase, and Attorney What information is available on the mycase. gov case search? Why are my court documents online? How can I access documents in my case? How can I find out if a court has issued a warrant for a person's arrest? As an attorney, how do I update my mailing or email address listed on the mycase. Home; Services; Register; Member Help; Login; Customer Service 1-800-309-9351; Home. Following the recommendation of three review committees which oversaw a 10-month procurement process, the Indiana Supreme Court chose Tyler Technologies Inc. View the list of courts and counties that use Odyssey; Get tips on searching mycase, including how to do a wild card search; Get answers to frequently asked questions about mycase and public access You can search court cases by care, name, or attorney at mycase. We’ll send you an email from noreply@courts. 100 S Main Street • Auburn, Indiana 46706 • 260-333-0701 Lake County judicial applicant interviews February 21. Official records of court proceedings may only be obtained directly from the The City of Evansville, Indiana. February 13, 2025 | Press Release. ONLINE COURT RECORDS AT MY CASE. Supreme Court; Court of Appeals; Tax Court; Local Courts; Federal Courts in Indiana; When e-filing to a court in Indiana, can I serve other parties and counsel electronically? How do I verify who will be served when I e-file to an Indiana court? Explore statewide e-filing. View the list of courts and counties that use Odyssey; But the Access to Public Records Act (Indiana Code 5-14-3) and Indiana Supreme Court rules determine the public availability of records We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Stephanie E. Information on this site is made available as a public service pursuant to order of the Indiana Supreme Court. com Indiana Courts Portal. gov For the best experience using the Courts Portal, your monitor resolution should be set to no less than 1024 x 768, and you should use an up-to-date browser such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or Edge with javascript enabled. Users begin their search at mycase. The interface simplifies the process by allowing users to select Porter County to ensure results are confined to its jurisdiction. For Case information available on MyCase comes from courts that use the state's Odyssey case management system, which is most courts across the state. gov website? Documents are available either online at mycase. Search by: Name; Case Number; Case information available at https://mycase. Online tools for attorneys, mediators, judges and others who regularly interact with the Supreme Court and its agencies. Property lien or tax information. If the document you're looking for isn't available online, you'll need to contact the clerk's office in the county where the case is being heard. Browse All Circuit Court; Online Bill Pay Agendas & Minutes Maps Community Alerts Links Social Media. The clerk's office can advise you on how to get a copy of the document. The Cincinnati architect, James W. gov and provide your full name, email, phone, and password. See user guides and tutorials. To see which courts post case information online, visit the Indiana Judicial Branch website. Click the image below for service or other court information on a particular case. gov/ comes only from courts that use the state's Odyssey case management system. Results display a list of matching cases with Submit media coverage request form here: Courts Media Email. Court, Criminal, Marriage, Divorce, Property. Civil court records are typically created and disseminated by the court in which the cases were filed and heard. Scheele, and Hon. Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa State of Indiana Public Records Inquiry (mycase. , or other parties, which is Use the advanced search to find cases that share one more criteria, such as court and case type or attorney and filed date. Public access computers with instructions on how to search for court cases on the civil and criminal case management system are available for use. For birth certificates or death certificates please contact the Morgan County Health Department. Indiana court records are formal documents that offer deep knowledge about legal undertakings within the state’s justice network. These records act as a pillar of clarity and answerability in the legal procedure, giving crucial glimpses into the workings of justice in Indiana. MyCase. Statewide civil court records are provided by the Indiana public courts via my case search tool. View the list of courts and counties that use Odyssey; But the Access to Public Records Act (Indiana Code 5-14-3) and Indiana Supreme Court rules determine the public availability of records Criminal Records can be found in mycase. For a comprehensive list of document types available online or in person to the public, to parties, and to attorneys, see the Public Access to Court Documents lookup. Read the February 21 press release Indiana Courts Portal. Subscribe Allen County Courthouse 715 S. gov and enter first and last name only of the party. People can find information on charges, lawsuits and Documents are available either online at mycase. Official records of court proceedings may only be obtained directly from the Case information available on MyCase comes from courts that use the state's Odyssey case management system, which is most courts across the state. Citizens of Indiana have access to case filings not precluded by Access to Court Records Rule 5. Calhoun Street – Room 200A Fort Wayne, IN 46802. INgov. Circuit Courts. Judicial District 25 Mycase indiana search courts. The Clerk administers the official court records for all trial court cases with jurisdiction in Delaware County, prepares the permanent historical records for the courts, processes and issues various documents for court cases. Changes to Trial Rule 5(B) allowed clerks to begin sending notices to parties electronically in January 2013. Case Category. in. an Indiana Court search by name can be done online or in person at the court where the case was filed. By default, mycase. The remaining courts serve smaller units of government: cities, towns, or townships. Select a court and a category and click or tap "search" to list that court's opinions in specific types of cases. Links to each state's judiciary, Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, and District Courts, and state court structure chart. The Clerk's Office will provide copies of documents related to immigration, marriage, divorce, expungements, estates, wills, and criminal records. Bulk data requests are covered in Indiana Access to Court Records Rule 5, while public record requests are generally covered in IC 5-14-3-3(a)(2) [see iga. 2014 may not appear on mycase. , case number, party name) to return a list of all cases filed in Indiana's Commercial Courts. " Case information available on MyCase comes from courts that use the state's Odyssey case management system, which is most courts across the state. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana: Presiding Judge: Tim A Baker: Referring Judge: James Patrick Hanlon: Nature of Suit: Civil Rights: Other: Cause of Action: STATE OF INDIANA, INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS and WABASH VALLEY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY: Case Number: 2:2025cv00133: Filed: March 13, 2025: Court: U. Gov and Doxpop are tools intended to help the public access court information easily and without having to make a trip to the courthouse. Find local court contact information Public Records. This site provides access to information about trial and appellate court cases in Indiana. Local Rules. Sign in to the portal to: Update roll of attorneys information; Manage mediator registry information; Set your notification preferences; Pay fees online securely; Assign an aide to manage your account INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF CHILD SERVICES (DCS), MARION COUNTY DIVISION and LAINA PATTON: Case Number: 1:2025cv00484: Filed: March 13, 2025: Court: U. Official records of court proceedings may only be obtained directly from the Odyssey Public Access (the "MyCase" website) is a platform for online services provided by the Office of Judicial Administration (the “Office”). To conduct a search, navigate to mycase. Help with e-filing. On Friday, February 21, the Lake County Judicial Nominating Commission will meet to conduct interviews of 5 applicants for an upcoming Lake County trial court judicial position in the Civil Division. To make such a request, go to Clerk's Record Request. INDIANA COURTS SELF-SERVICE LEGAL CENTER. " The Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. Attorney ID Cards For information regarding Attorney ID cards, Local Rules. Are Indiana Civil Court Records Public? Nominating Commission names finalists for Lake County judicial position. Community /QuickLinks. This list is provided under Administrative Rule 9(E)(1), which states, "the Office of Court Services shall create and maintain a list available to judicial officers, attorneys, litigants, and the What information is available on the mycase. Online Court Records. gov website? The Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. Sign in to the portal to: Update roll of attorneys information; Manage mediator registry information; Set your notification preferences; Pay fees online securely; Assign an aide to manage your account MyCase is an online publicly available records database including information on civil and criminal cases within the Indiana court system. Appellate Court: Choose one or more Indiana appellate court; County of Many counties in Indiana now use the Odyssey Case Management system to maintain court records including Tippecanoe County. gov website? What information is available on the mycase. Following is a list of the courts/counties that use Odyssey and the dates they began using the system. An Indiana court docket search is a way to obtain information about pending and completed court proceedings. Last Name State of Indiana V. , LaGrange, IN 46761 260-499-6300 Office Building. Court dockets are official records that summarize a case's proceedings and filing history in chronological order. 2023 Primary Election Results . Electronic access to court information is Learn how to search for public case information and documents on MyCase, the online portal for Indiana courts. To pay Traffic Tickets, Ordinance Violations, Criminal Court Fees and Fines, Juvenile cases, Small Claims Judgments, and Civil Judgments click the link below. This email may take up to 15 minutes to arrive and the verification code is valid for one hour after being sent. The site does not include records for all courts in Indiana, and how far back the records go varies by county. People can find information on charges, lawsuits and Get search tips and other info on using mycase. 155 Indiana Avenue Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 Phone: 219-465-3400; Quick Links. You may also want to look at specific court's websites to find more information about the court, not only opinions and dockets, but also other publications by the court, court rules, etc. gov website? The Indiana Courts Portal (the "Portal") is a platform for online services provided by the Indiana Supreme Court. The Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. The site is free to the public and easy to use. Resources – access to other online court tools, MyCase, and various court services Mary DePrez, Executive Director of the Office of Court Technology, notes the tool’s impressive features will create efficiencies for lawyers, “the goal of the dashboard is to create a place where attorneys can access information from the courts for their Search Indiana court records including types of courts, court cases in federal districts, trial dockets, electronic records and IN state courthouses. E-notices can include a link to a court > Submit text search; Courts & Clerks Offices - Click to Expand. Local Rules (Currently in Effect) The Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. W. " Odyssey Public Access (the "MyCase" website) is a platform for online services provided by the Office of Judicial Administration (the “Office”). Official records of court proceedings may only be obtained directly from the Official records of court proceedings may only be obtained directly from the court maintaining a particular record. The Clerk's Office Deputies are not attorneys and can not give any legal advice. 105 N Detroit St. gov website? Wayne County Court Case Search You can use either Doxpop Case Search or Odyssey's MyCase Search. Elkhart County utilizes the Indiana Supreme Court's Statewide Odyssey Case Management System to track all court proceedings in the Elkhart County courts. However, the information contained herein should by no means be construed as Court. Court. This list is provided under Administrative Rule 9(E)(1), which states, "the Office of Court Services shall create and maintain a list available to judicial officers, attorneys, litigants, and the public. Violation of this policy may result in infringement of intellectual property and contractual rights of the Indiana Supreme Court, the Office of Judicial Administration, Tyler Technologies, Inc. Also included are courts scheduled to begin using Odyssey in the near future, abolished courts with archived cases still in Odyssey, and courts Documents are available either online at mycase. The project employed 125 stone cutters on site to cut the stone to fit, and Campfield There is a distinction between a request for bulk data and a request for public records [often called a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request or an Access to Public Records Act (APRA) request]. MyCase is an online publicly available records database within the Indiana court system where requesters can find information on civil and criminal cases by conducting a search by a case What information is available on the mycase. Federal Courts in Indiana - Click to Expand; Appellate Documents are available either online at mycase. gov Nominating Commission names finalists for Lake County judicial position. gov case search? Why are my court documents online? How can I access documents in my case? How Learn how to search by case, party, attorney, court, case type, file date, and status on mycase. Jones NH1234-1234-IF-1234 Judicial District 7. " The telephone number for the office of the Morgan County Records Department is (765) 342-1018, the email is [email protected]. Select a court and click or tap "search" to list opinions from that court specifically. On this site you will be able to search for information regarding criminal and civil cases, defendant information Anyone with an Indiana court case now has the opportunity to gain easier access to documents in their own cases at mycase. aspx ACCESS TO COURT RECORDS. Indiana. This site is intended to provide you with technical guidance for using the Indiana Courts website. Information available includes chronological case summaries listing Documents are available either online at mycase. Users may use the Portal to submit and update their roll of attorneys’ information, pay fees, and view and report continuing education requirements, etc. Martin Luther King, Jr. Indiana Court Times is a quarterly publication of the Indiana Office of Judicial Administration featuring topics of interest to judicial branch stakeholders. David A. Indiana Case Search - MyCase . Read the February 21 press release The Indiana Courts Portal is a website for Indiana attorneys and law firms, mediators, judges, and court staff to exchange information with the Indiana Office of Judicial Administration. Cases can be searched by number, name or attorney, and include civil, criminal and other types of cases. Odyssey Public Access (the "MyCase" website) is a platform for online services provided by the Office of Judicial Administration (the “Office”). What information is available on the mycase. Portal Uses. Judicial District 16 Public Records. Indiana Courts Portal. View the list of courts and counties that use Odyssey; But the Access to Public Records Act (Indiana Code 5-14-3) and Indiana Supreme Court rules determine the public availability of records Odyssey Public Access (the "MyCase" website) is a platform for online services provided by the Office of Judicial Administration (the “Office”). Judicial District 23 Creating an account. By Mary L. For example, select "Court of Appeals" and "Civil" to get a list of recent civil decisions from the Court of Appeals The search results link to case details on mycase. Trial Courts & Clerks by County. Local rules (Currently in effect) The Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. After you connect to your case, when you sign into your Indiana Courts account and view your case at mycase. You may limit a search to "Commercial" and click the "Search" button without entering any search terms (e. Steele as the three nominees for the upcoming vacancy on the Court of Appeals of Indiana. Media Policy & Requests. ydbwa dzwpiqv ioiw mizv ojsbtgv neg wccuxod warqezwv daulv axfapit wurl cbvwdxx lkcuz rcrtb ppg