Middletown police department staff Staff Directory; Wayne S. 4104 j essica. Staff Directory; John Ewanciw Police Department Title: Chief of Police Phone: 845-346-3151. Media Relations /QuickLinks. NICK GRAHAM/STAFF Staff Directory Search the Directory. Website Sign In Department Administration. Detective Bureau. Licensed Plumber. 65 N Main Street Middleton, MA 01949. Documents & Forms; Programs; Stormwater Management; Stormwater MS4 Program; Police Department. gov PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES November 18th, 2024 MEMBERS/STAFF ABSENT: Rich Davis – Deputy Chief of Police The Middletown Police Department is committed to establish partnership with all members of our community, to pro-actively solve problems and reduce crime. Staff Directory The Official Website of Middletown, Delaware Castle City Police State Police Troop 9 Employment Middletown Police Police/Fire Alarm Registration Compliments History of the Middletown Police Department Middletown's Most Wanted Tip Line Police Forms/Downloads Middletown PD FAQ's. Elected Officials. aspx. Category: Town of Middletown. 2 James Street Middletown, NY 10940. We are committed to fostering an attitude of cooperation based on mutual respect and understanding between our department and those with whom we interact. The Town of Middletown operates under the Council form of government. Events. Phone: 860-638-4030. Phone: 401-842-6500. Government Websites by CivicPlus We shall work in partnership with our citizens to keep Middletown a safe place in which to live, work, and visit. They range from relatively basic calls all the way to serious crimes. The police force is now nationally accredited and has grown from 20 members to 39 sworn members and 7 civilian support members. MON-FRI 08:30 – 5:00. 203-306-3140. Chairman Ford Calls Meeting to Order at 6:31 PM MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman Run Date: Middletown Police Department Run Time: 03/04/2025 09:42 Page 2 of 5 Charge and Description Name: Dhawan,Anand K Address: 163 Carriage Crossing LN Middletown , CT 06457-Black Incident No. Community Calendar Staff. as part of the recruitment process. Staff Directory; Public Works . Pete Feeney (215) 750-3845 ext. The Middletown Police Department has a long history of K-9 handlers. The Middletown Township Police Department Detective Bureau's main responsibility is to conduct latent or follow-up investigations of serious incidents that occur within the Township. Annual Reports; Bids, Request for Qualifications & Requests for Proposals; Changing of the Guard; Disposal of Medication; Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. 23 at 6 p. Our dedicated administrative staff handles all of the computerized data that needs to be sent to the various state and federal law enforcement agencies, as well as taking care of the Staff Directory; Explorer Program . Community Calendar By Hana Ikramuddin, Staff Writer March 12, 2025. Staff Directory; Divisions . 7004 Contact the Police Department Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. On December 4, 2018 Rob was promoted to Chief of Police. Bartolotta Central Communications Center Title: Director Phone: 860-638-3250 wayne. Phone: 860-638-4110. Staff. What are the hours of the Middletown Police Department? Six Middletown police officers were promoted this week and this completes the Middletown Division of Police command staff for the first time in nearly a year after the departure of the former chief. Monmouth County Prosecutors Office /QuickLinks. 8 a. Staff Directory; David Godwin Middletown Police Department Title: Captain Phone: 860-638-4115 Email. Middletown City Hall 16 James Street Middletown, NY 10940 Phone: 845-346-4100 The Police Department and its Staff Directory; Records Division . Here you can find helpful information about their initiatives, divisions, and more. Police Chief. Phone: Middletown City Hall 16 James Street Middletown, NY 10940 Phone: 845-346-4100 Hours: 8:30 am Middletown, NY 10940. Craig Weber graduated from the Monmouth County Police Academy’s 39th Basic Recruit Class in July of 1990. Middletown Police Department/contributed . Link: Police Department Administration Page. Fax: 845-343-4014. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) International Association of Chiefs of Police. View the administrative staff and their content information on this page. Need Staff Directory; Patrol Division . Middletown, RI 02842. Cliff McGregor at cmcgregor@middletownri. Call 911 or the Middletown Police Department at 860-638-4000. Staff Directory; Staff Directory Search the Directory. maintain the public peace and ensure the safe use of the City's roadways. What are the hours of the Middletown Police Department? Where is the Police Department located? Departments ; The Downtown ; Community ; How Do I Home; Staff Directory; Staff Directory Middletown City Hall 16 James Street Middletown, NY 10940 Phone: 845-346-4100 Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE. What are the hours of the Middletown Police Department? Where is the Police Department located? Directions Physical Address: View Map 61 Durant Terrace Middletown, CT 06457. Website Sign In The scene at Saybrook Road in Middletown Friday, March 14, 2025. dipasquale@middletownct. Our dedicated administrative staff handles all of the computerized data that needs to be sent to the various state and federal law enforcement agencies, as well as taking care of the Staff Directory; Police Department . Email Lt. Middletown police have identified the man who died after a vehicle crash on Washington Street Tuesday. Phone: 845-343-3151. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Travis, Karli Detective: 860-638-4135 Liseo, Brandy What are the hours of the Middletown Police Department? Where is The Middletown Police Records Bureau is the main contact for individuals and other agencies requesting information regarding Middletown Police Department activity. What are the hours of the Middletown Police Department? Where Chris Dehnel, Patch Staff. He was promoted to Chief of Police on December 4, 2018. com Directions Physical Address: View Map 245 deKoven Drive 1st Floor Middletown, CT 06457. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Phone: 860-638-4590 Directions Physical Address: View Map 245 deKoven Drive Room 209 Middletown, CT 06457. Chief of Middletown Division of Police station in the bottom for of the city building. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Barnhart, Zachary Staff Attorney (513) 425-7830 Middletown, OH 45042. 16 James Street Middletown, NY 10940. Rob was born, raised and has worked in Middletown. Phone: 860-638-4940. Contact the Police Department Link: Police Department Page The Police Department consists of 120 sworn and 8 part time sworn officers, as well as 3 Animal Control Officers, and 14 professional staff. Name Title Email Phone Police Department 401-846-1144 Ext. Website Sign In Staff Directory Search the Directory. Staff Directory; Eric Sanford Middletown Police Department Title: Officer Phone: 860-638-4061 Email. Name Title Email Phone Police Department 401-846-1144, ext. Employment. Middletown City Hall 16 James Street Middletown, NY 10940 Phone: 845-346-4100 Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Capt. Phone: 860-638-4010. Contact Us Form. 2244. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Barnes, Jonathan Police Officer Barone, Evan Middletown City Hall 16 James Street Middletown, NY 10940 Phone: 845-346-4100 Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Alerts. Staff The 120 members of the Middletown Division of Police MIDDLETOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT City of Middletown 222 Main Street Middletown, CT 06457 860. Beaches. Directions Physical Address: View Map 222 Main Street Middletown, CT 06457. Please see our careers page here for more details. 365 days a year. Police Desk. 7009 Return to Staff Directory. Ryan Morgan is a seasoned law enforcement professional with over 18 years of experience in policing, tactical operations, and officer training. Here are a few of the ways we do so: Middletown Youth Diversion Team: provides an alternative to court for first time youth offenders. What are the hours of the Middletown Police Department? Where is the Police Department located? Explorer Program Title: Police Officer Phone: 860-638-4099, ext. Emergency Phone: Fax: 860-638-1901. Departments ; The Downtown ; Community ; How Do I Home; Staff Directory; Staff Directory Middletown City Hall 16 James Street Middletown, NY 10940 Phone: 845-346-4100 Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Town of Middletown. Ryan Morgan Deputy Chief ryanm@cityofmiddletown. Our dedicated administrative staff handles all of the computerized data that needs to be sent to the various state and federal law enforcement agencies, as well as taking care of the Lockdown uses classroom and school security actions to protect students and staff from the threat that is happening inside the school. Staff The 120 members of the Middletown Division of Police are dedicated to public service and the safety of Middletown's citizens and businesses. Link: Police Department Page. Directions Physical Address: View Map 245 deKoven Drive Room 206 Middletown, CT 06457. What are the hours of the Middletown Police Department? Police Officers, Animal Control Officers, to our civilian staff, women play a role in every aspect of the Middletown PD. Fax: 401-846-0175. Community Calendar Policies. Link: Records Page The Middletown Police Department is the largest municipal force in Monmouth County. The department is organized into a Patrol Division and a Criminal Investigations Division. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Smith, Brian Deputy Commissioner Staff Directory; Divisions . Patrol Districts Staff The 120 members of the Middletown Division of Police are dedicated to public service and the safety of Middletown's citizens and businesses. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Police Department 401-846-1144 Ext. Community Calendar Step-By-Step Guidelines. 4104 swilson@middletownctpolice. 4104 Jessica. 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Phone: 860-638-4880. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Smith, Brian Deputy Commissioner Directions Physical Address: View Map 245 deKoven Drive Middletown, CT 06457. Category: What are the hours of the Middletown Police Department? Where is the Police Department located? Where can I park at the Police Department? /FAQ. Phone: 860-638-4801. Administration . Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Ewanciw, John Police Chief / Secretary 845-343-3151 DeStefano, Joseph M. Website Sign In March 8th is International Women’s Day! The Middletown Police Department would like to recognize our Female Supervisors, Detectives, Officers, Animal Control Officers, and Civilian Support Staff that are crucial to the overall success of our agency! Only 12% of law enforcement nationwide is made up of female officers! Chief R. Approval of Minutes – September 16th Middletown City Hall 16 James Street Middletown, NY 10940 Phone: 845-346-4100 Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. We shall work in partnership with our citizens to keep Middletown a safe place in which to live, work, and visit. Staff Directory; Brandy Liseo Explorer Program Title: Police Officer Phone: 860-638-4064 bliseo@middletownctpolice. Fax: 860-638-1980. Patrol Departments; Police; Police Our Mission The mission of the Middletown Division of Police is to protect and serve the public with honor, integrity, and professionalism. Monitor Water Use. Emergency Phone: 911. Fax: (302) 376-9952. Link: Police Commission Page. Staff Directory; Administration . Staff Directory; Catherine Lechowicz Recreation & Community Services Title: Director of Recreation and Community Services Email. Administrative Animal Control ATV Bikes Community Relations Honor Guard Investigations K-9 Unit Patrol Records School Resource Officers SERT Traffic/Motors. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Dugan, Christine Confidential Secretary to the Chief of Police Staff. 30. Mayor / Chair 845-346-4100 Return to Staff Directory The Middletown Township Police Department has an outstanding administrative staff which contributes greatly to the daily activities of the police department. Police Department employees are held to the highest professional standards, both on and off duty. View the Middletown Police Department mission statement. Traffic Bureau . Document Center. But it wasn't an The Middletown Police Department is a full-service accredited police agency, which provides professional law enforcement services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Need Help? New Residents. What are the hours of the Middletown Police Department? Where is the Police Department located? Crime & Safety 9 New Officers Added To Middletown Police Force The new officers to the MTPD force are officers Bracken, Derasmo, Flannigan, Gleitz, Kozak, Lanfranco, McGovern, Schwedes and Skelly. Each squad is staffed with a Lieutenant who serves as the Shift Commander, a Sergeant who is the Road Supervisor and 8 to 10 Police Officers. One Donham Plaza Middletown, OH 45042. The Police Department and its officers work hard to serve and protect the community. To follow Middletown Township Police Department, click the button below. What are the hours of the Middletown Police Department? The Middletown Police Department is a law enforcement agency working in collaboration with the people of Middletown to provide for the safety and security of the community which it serves. Contact the Police Department Link: Police Department Page. Our Auxiliary Officers are highly trained volunteers who serve their community in a variety of police-related tasks. Projects. Currently there are 56 full-time sworn police officers and seven full-time civilian support staff. 7017 Police Department. Directions Physical Address: View Map. To submit an anonymous tip to Middletown Public Schools, please do so here: Sandy Hook Promise: See Something, Say Something. Emergencies: Dial 911. Middletown City Hall 16 James Street Middletown, NY 10940 Phone: 845-346-4100 Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Chief Rob Herman was hired not only as our first Police Officer but additionally as our Training Coordinator. The Department is comprised of various units, to include: the Patrol Division, Criminal Investigations, Staff Directory Search the Directory. John Michniewicz (Open Records Officer) Middletown Police Department 5 Municipal Way Langhorne, PA 19047 Staff Directory; Police Officers . Police Chief R. Home > About > Command Staff. 6232 OFFICE HOURS. Staff Directory; Michael Desena Middletown Police Department Title: Captain Phone: 860-638-4141. Fax: 860-343-8022. gov PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES September 16th, 2024 Hybrid/In-person Meeting 1. A mixture of pool chemicals led to a chemical reaction and the release of chlorine gas at an orthopedic facility, officials said. Notify Me. Services. Middletown’s police department has undergone some staffing changes. Phone: Middletown City Hall 16 James Street Middletown, NY 10940 Phone: 845-346-4100 Hours: 8:30 am Staff Directory; Administration . Quick Links. The dispatchers dispatch for police, fire and EMS units and answer 911 calls for the city of Middletown, as well as parts of Butler and Warren Counties. Fax: 860-344-1928. Link: Technology Services Page Staff Directory Search the Directory. Phone: 860-638-4500. 732-391-4955. Mapping. Command Staff; In Memoriam; Public Works. Phone: 978-774-4424. What are the hours of the Middletown Police Department? Where is the Police Department located? Staff Directory; Administration Division . com if interested. For more information please contact the Middletown Police Department at 860- 638-4000. 4100 FAX 860. The Middletown Police Department said in a release on Sunday that at 11:34 p. Link: Explorer Program Page. Costa Middletown Police Department Title: Chief of Police Phone: 860-638-4100 Email. Public Meeting Videos. 5 Municipal Way Langhorne, PA 19047. 123 Valley Road Middletown, RI 02842. Middletown Police Department. For generations, the dedicated men and women of this police department have been protecting and serving our city, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year, with the highest level of honesty, integrity, and commitment. The Middletown Police Department is located at Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Arrest Date: 05:00 Court Date: 02/27/2025 09:00 MALE 55 years old as of Arrest Date Arresting Officer: 2/27/2025 2400065838 Directions Physical Address: View Map 245 deKoven Drive Middletown, CT 06457. What are the hours of the Middletown Police Department? The Middletown Township Police Department has an outstanding administrative staff which contributes greatly to the daily activities of the police department. What are the hours of Staff Directory; Brandy Liseo Middletown Police Department Title: Police Officer Phone: 860-638-4064 bliseo@middletownctpolice. Link: Administration What are the hours of the Middletown Police Department? Where is the Police Department located? The Middletown Police Department is the largest municipal force in Monmouth County. Chief R. Email; John E. Phone: 860-638-4000. The Middletown Police Department invites requests for traffic enforcement, especially in residential areas. 2 James Street Middletown, NY 10940 Police Assistant / Detective Secretary (845) 343-3152 DeYoung, Nathanael Detective Middletown City Hall 16 James Street Middletown, NY 10940 Phone: 845-346-4100 Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Chief's Office. Four members of the Middletown Police Department were promoted in a ceremony at City Hall Aug. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Dugan, Christine Confidential Secretary to the Chief of Police Ewanciw, John Chief of Police Harget, Eric Bureau Commander of Services (845) 346-4006 Thoelen, Jeffry Bureau Commander of Operations Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. 638. Link: Recreation and Commuinty Services Page Middletown police said a man was beaten and carjacked on the Route 17 Connector by two men hiding in his the back seat. Get Directions. Craig Weber Biography. Phone: 860-638-4073. 19709. The bureau has a staff of 4 civilian employees that serve an important role within the police department providing copies of accident/case reports, permits and record checks as Middletown Press Logo Hearst Newspapers Logo. MIDDLETOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT City of Middletown 222 Main Street Middletown, CT 06457 860. What are the hours of the Middletown Police Department? Staff Directory; Jeffrey Zadjura Middletown Police Department Title: Officer Phone: 860-638-4063 Email. m. Clark’s last day with the Middletown Police Department was Wednesday. Middletown, DE. The Department of Departments ; The Downtown ; Community ; How Do I Home; Staff Directory; Staff Directory Middletown City Hall 16 James Street Middletown, NY 10940 Phone: 845-346-4100 Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Fax. dipasquale@middletownct. Kaiser Deputy Chief Email Paul Bailey Deputy Chief Email; Police Department. Government Websites by CivicPlus Staff Directory; Aura Smith Middletown Police Department Title: Internal Affairs Sergeant Phone: 860-638-4123 Email. He previously served with the Borough of Atlantic Highlands Police Dept and the NJ Div. jbartorilla@mtpd. Ryan Morgan. Posted Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 10:00 pm ET. Staff Directory; John Stroud Explorer Program Title: Detective Phone: 860-638-4147 jstroud@middletownctpolice. Deputy Chief (2023–Present) Uniformed Patrol Division Commander (2024 Staff Directory; Doryann Presutti Police Officers Title: Police Officer Return to Staff Directory. The MYDT is made up of community volunteers and YSB staff who work with families to help form agreements that help repair harm caused Patrol is a staff of highly trained officers that work 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Sampson, William Chief : 978-774-4424 Armitage, Matthew Captain: 978-774-4424 Staff Directory; Karli Travis Explorer Program Title: Detective Phone: 860-638-4135 ktravis@middletownctpolice. Physical Address: 245 deKoven Drive Middletown, CT 06457. Online Bill Pay. Categories Telephone Command Staff In Memoriam Mission Statement Middletown Township Crime Data. We would like to wish all of our dedicated women a Happy International Women’s Middletown Youth Services is working to expand the way it supports young people when they struggle. Staff Directory; Detective Division . Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Staff Directory; Andrew Wasilewski Middletown Police Department Title: Sergeant Phone: 860-638-4123. We will be responsive to the needs of our community and will use technological advances to assist our service to the community. of Parks & Forestry, State Park Police, before joining the Middletown Police Dept on December 1, 1993. Lt. Staff Writer Jan 5, 2025. What are the hours of the Middletown Police Department? Where The Patrol Division of the Middletown Township Police Department is the backbone of the department, and is the largest and most visible division in the police department. Annual Reports; Bids, Request for Qualifications & Requests for Proposals; Changing of the Guard; Disposal of Medication; Drought Watch; All Staff; City Clerk; Elected Officials; Police Department; Find. Fax: 978-774-4466. Staff Directory; Patrol Division . Link: Human Resources Page By Cassandra Day, Staff Writer Sep 5, 2023. Phone Numbers (302) 376 Staff Directory; Police . 24/7. Link: Engineering Page MIDDLETOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT City of Middletown 222 Main Street Middletown, CT 06457 860. Link: Mayor's Office Page Staff Directory; Captain Patrick Howard Professional Standards Division Title: Professional Standards Division Commander Phone: 860-638-4121 Email. What are the hours of the Middletown Police Department? Where is The patrol function of any police department is recognized as the core function of a policing agency and ours is no exception. All Staff. for an aircraft that had crashed on Cedar Lake Road, also Staff Directory; Public Works . gov. Find. Directions Physical Address: View Map 245 deKoven Drive Middletown, CT 06457. Search through contact information for all organization staff and departments. Mary Alexandre, Patch Staff. Command Staff. The Middletown Police Department was founded in 2007 to meet the growing community of the Town of Middletown. Name Title Middletown Police Department 5 Municipal Way Langhorne, PA 19047 Phone: (215) 750 3845 Fax: (215) 752 0571 MIDDLETOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT City of Middletown 222 Main Street Middletown, CT 06457 860. Middletown, Kentucky 40243 Phone: (502) 245-2762 Open Monday – Friday 8:30 AM-5:00 PM Staff. Return to Staff Directory. Category: First Name: Last Name: Search. Licensed Electrical Inspector. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Dugan, Christine Confidential Secretary to the Chief of Police Staff Directory; Erik M. The mission of the Patrol is a staff of highly trained officers that work 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. Link: please call City of Middletown Police Department at 845-343-3151. Ryan Morgan Bio. bartolotta@MiddletownCT. Phone: 732-615-2100. What are the hours of the Middletown Police Department? The City of Middletown Police Department has a proud history, one that dates back more than 130 years to 1888. Middletown Police Department 5 Municipal Way Langhorne, PA 19047 Phone: (215) 750 3845 Fax: (215 Staff Directory; Police Department . The Clerk's Office handles administrative duties such as record keeping, staffing, service counters, screening solicitors, and more. 222 Main Street Middletown, CT 06457. com PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES STAFF PRESENT: Erik M. 11803 Old Shelbyville Rd. Jobs & Careers. Meetings, Minutes, & Codes. Costa - Chief of Police Jay Woron – Middletown Fire Chief The Middletown Police Department is hosting a virtual open house on Feb. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Ryan, Jason Middletown City Hall 16 James Street Middletown, NY 10940 Phone: 845-346-4100 Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Staff Writer March 14, Police and the local fire department responded at 4:15 p. 7037 Return to Staff Directory. Middletown, NJ 07748. Link: Planning and Zoning Page Middletown, NY 10940. Location. City Clerk. Records. Staff Directory; Law . pfeeney@mtpd. Notifications. Middletown, CT 06457. Physical Address: Police Department Page. Chief Joe Bartorilla (215) 750-3845 ext. Staff Directory. What are the hours of the Middletown Police Department? The center has an authorized staff of a Sergeant and 16 dispatchers. Parks. Phone: 860-638-4850. Boards and Commissions. Changes are in the works in 2025 for the police department. Patrol responds to approximately 38,000 calls for service in 2019. Phone: 513-425-7830. City Code. Fax: 860-344-3319. The City of Middletown Police Department; Public Works. Link: Police Department Divisions Page. Phone: 513-425-7700 / 513-425-7756. Aura Smith Staff Directory; Jason Bodell Middletown Police Department Title: Police Officer Phone: 860-638-4045 JBodell@middletownctpolice. There are several specialty units within the Patrol Division Staff Directory; Daniel Petrulis Middletown Police Department Title: Lieutenant Phone: 860-638-4060 Email. Phone: 860-638-4990. Phone: 860-638-4980. Fire Department; The City of Middletown Police Department; Public Works. officers were dispatched to the area of Liberty and Pearl streets for reports of shots being fired. Contact Us Middletown Officials & STAFF. Currently we have four K-9's. com. Mission Statement. org. What are the hours of the Middletown Police Department? Staff Directory; Maria Scarlett Human Resources Title: Acting Recruitment and Outreach Specialist Phone: 860-638-4942 Email. Department Administration. There are 6 patrol squads assigned to the Patrol Bureau. 2 James Street Middletown, NY 10940 Departments ; The Downtown ; Community ; How Do I Home; Staff Directory; Patrol Division Middletown City Hall 16 James Street Middletown, NY 10940 Phone: 845-346-4100 Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. From left are Mayor Ben Florsheim, Lt. Police Department. 24 Hours. The Operations Division provides patrol coverage Staff Directory; Timothy Beck Detective Division Title: Detective Lieutenant Phone: 401-846-1144 Ext. . Contact Us. Phone. 8:30AM-4:30PM (215) 750-3800 Middletown Township 3 Municipal Way Langhorne, PA 19047 Phone: (215) 750 3800 Fax: (215) 750 3801. Phone Numbers (302) 376-9950. Fax: 860-638-1959 Staff Directory. Mailing Address: Middletown, OH 45042. The Middletown Township Police Department safeguards lives and property, and protects the right of all persons within its jurisdiction to be free from violence and criminal attack, to be secure in their possessions and to live in peace Patrol Division Title: Deputy Chief Phone: 401-846-1144, ext. Link: Animal Control Page. Animal Control . 1 Kings Highway Middletown, NJ 07748 Middletown, NJ 07748. Bid Opportunities. Posted Fri, Jan 10, 2025 at 9:00 am ET. Staff Directory; Police Officers . Licensed Electrican. Middletown Police Facebook Page. Craig Weber graduated from the Monmouth County Police Academy’s 39 th Basic Recruit Class in July of 1990. Simply call the Middletown Police Office telephone number, 376 The Middletown Police Department: A Historical Perspective. Phone: 845-343-3151 (Emergency and Non-Emergency Calls) Fax: 845-343-2660. Derek Puorro MEMBERS/STAFF ABSENT: Staff Directory; Richard Davis Middletown Police Department Title: Deputy Chief Phone: 860-638-4100 Email. gov PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, October 16th, 2023 Hybrid/In-person Meeting at Middletown Police Department 1. Mission Statement It is the mission of the Middletown Police Department to proudly serve in Staff Directory; Detective Division . Mayor and Council. Town Councilors are elected at-large, and appoint the Vice-Mayor, Town Attorney, Municipal Clerk and Treasurer. Fax: 860-638-1950. He previously served with the Borough of Atlantic Highlands Police Department and the NJ Division of Parks & Forestry, State Park Police, before joining the Middletown Township Police Department on December 1, 1993. The department is divided into two major divisions, an Operations Division and the Administrative and Investigations Division. 2256. General Information Staff Directory. Monday through Friday. Town of Middletown. 911 for Emergencies. gov STAFF PRESENT: Chief Erik Costa Fire Chief Dave Albert Detective Chris Iovene Lt. 350 East Main Road. Thank you. What are the hours of the Middletown Police Department? Staff Directory; Police . Phone: 845-343-3169. Police Department; 222 Main Street, Middletown, Connecticut 06457 Phone: 860-638-4100 Fax: 860-343-8022 E-mail: ecosta@middletownctpolice. Link: Finance Page Staff Directory; Staff Directory Search the Directory. Phone: 401-846-1144. Link: Police Department Page Middletown City Hall 16 James Street Middletown, NY 10940 Phone: 845-346-4100 Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm What are the hours of the Middletown Police Department? Where is the Police Department located? Where can I park at the Police Department? Chief Rob Herman has a long history with Middletown, starting as the first Police Officer and Training Coordinator. Link: Law Department Page. The Middletown Township Police Department has an outstanding administrative staff which contributes greatly to the daily activities of the police department. The Middletown Township Police Department safeguards lives and property, and protects the right of all persons within its jurisdiction to be free from violence and criminal attack, to be secure in their possessions and to live in peace . Waterbury police and the state Department of Children and Families had interactions with the victim's family, but neither agency pursued the boy's wellbeing after he was pulled out of school by The Middletown Police Department is the largest municipal force in Monmouth County. Mailing Address: 245 deKoven Drive Middletown, CT 06457. Website Sign In City of Middletown Police Department Memorandum Date: 1/2/2024 To: Chief John Ewanciw From: Lieutenant Jeffry Thoelen Department of Health in reference to this increase and was advised by their staff that there had been a local outbreak of rabies and distemper that had significantly impacted the racoon population. 1 Kings Highway. Middletown, KY 40243 (502) 365-1900 Auxiliary Police. Hours. to 8 p. Fax: 860-638-1941. Saturday, Sunday. Chairman Ford Calls Meeting to Order at 6:45 PM Staff Directory; Animal Control . We are committed to maintaining and enhancing the quality of The Middletown Police Department is seeking applicants for the positions of full-time Police Officers. Emergency Phone: 911 / 401-846-1104. Email the Police Department Link: Police Page Middletown, OH 45042. to 3:30 p. 7033 Guerriero, David Patrol Officer (Community Policing) Town of Middletown. Bid Opportunities; Document Center; Parks; Licensed Electrican; Licensed MIDDLETOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT City of Middletown 222 Main Street Middletown, CT 06457 860. Agendas & Minutes. 2 James Street Middletown, NY 10940 Departments ; The Downtown ; Community ; How Do I Home; Staff Directory; Middletown City Hall 16 James Street Middletown, NY 10940 Phone: 845-346-4100 Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. The Daily News in October reported on the significantly lower turnout of applicants for the Newport Police Department than years past. 130 Hampden Road. Officer Matt Clark, who has been with the department for more than two years, has joined the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office. Contact Info. 4104 MEMBERS/STAFF ABSENT: Councilwoman Kelly Sweeney Chief Erik Costa Rich Davis – Deputy Chief of Police 2.
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