Mame bgfx vs hlsl As for getting rid of moiré, I run a 4K display myself, and I'd suggest dialing back the shadow-mask alpha value, while not reducing it to 0. 172 bgfx #352051 - 03/28/16 03:57 AM Reply I wanted to show off just a fraction of what's possible with bgfx which will be available when 0. Hi, fantastic explanation and thank your for all of your time and effort for providing that! So the magic is in the bgfx_screen_chains parameter, which will allow me to create my custom hlsl json files for each of my tweaked settings, then I can reference that in each of my custom. 233 Mame installation didn't seem to be complete and was missing a few files, so [rightly or wrongly] I downloaded the latest version of Mame and used the bgfx folder from that version. vsh,或到文章末端下載 glsl 資料夾) 壓縮包內容:artwork + bgfx + glsl + hlsl 資料夾含檔案 Running MAME in BGFX video mode with the crt-geom-deluxe is the most hassle free way of reproducing scanlines, screen curvature, and phosphor decay with very little set up. 模拟器目录里,看了一下 mame. Real CRT have control over the color lines brightness while MAME can't do. Seem like there is a problem with the pixel size from the hlsl. 177 (only tested with Artwork) What this tells you: The absolute numbers are not that crucial, what counts is the differential between running artwork vs running no artwork. Améliore l'image et la luminosité avec le reshade. Licensed under The BSD 3-Clause License by Ryan Holtz and MAME Development Team Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right place to bring this up, and it's really just a minor issue, but: On my Windows 10 Home 64-bit system running official MAME v0. But the GLSL shaders are not part of the official MAME distribution, so I don't know who is gonna to fix them. ## DIRECT3D POST-PROCESSING OPTIO Mame 0. 172 開始發行版本就包含了 bgfx,因此無需下載任何其它檔案,只需要在 mame. ;ini;ini/presets. I'd like to use them due to the superior blur/defocus, but I get weird circular halos. mediafire. Mame. Monster Maulers Overlay 4k - Crt Shader . ini 的默认设置,inipath(ini 路径)的设置是 . For those using BGFX I'm pretty happy with my modified hlsl. 216 for 2020. 在配置文件里找到(不习惯直接改配置文件的话,进入游戏之前,选项里多找找。) video 选项,简单点,一般选 d3d ;找到 filter ,选项开启,值设为1 、需要马赛克画面效果的话就关闭,值 复杂一点的效果,可以去了解一下 MAME 中 的 BGFX mame64 pacman -video bgfx -bgfx_screen_chains super-eagle, you can find all this "enhancements" inside the bgfx\chain folder. What's new. The fix for HLSL and BGFX will be Posted by u/lil_cheeks - 14 votes and 20 comments Clearly modern Macs run every BGFX MAME shader with ease, but let's see which performance gains a truly lightweight shader can achieve. -Improved Scanline Simulation [ImJezze] * Changed the amount of scanline darkness, a setting of 1. What does this mean ? Well simply put it makes everything much simpler for the end user. Have to be emulated correctly or else not gonna look right on the fading and come back. 进入贴吧 全吧 So, I went and added a separate renderer module to MAME that talks to BGFX. ini and a Quick video testing out my preliminary settings for HLSL on MAME v 0. Enabling HLSL disables both bilinear and prescale as I got the same result using filter 0 and prescale 1, 2 and 3 when HLSL on. Latest reviews Search resources. None of scalers look that great for me, but that particular looked amazingly smooth while keeping that retro look. When I actually bother to use MAME as a user rather than as a > I found the hlsl. 253: 0. 172 releases in just a few days. The ones that are included have a pretty huge impact on performance. I don't know what they are, post the file so we can take a look, *. And it is a LOT faster than HLSL. I can't comment on reshade since I don't mess with it but I do have my HLSL shader settings uploaded over on the LB forums: https: These options are identical with what MAME officially recommends - some comments: bgfx_backend: I activated the Metal backend, which requires MacOSX El Capitan. Over time, MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), so MAME now documents a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators, in addition to the arcade This. 174 with tweaked BGFX settings produces some very nice results - howtos in my blog http://mameonmacs. Direct X 9 is installed correctly, I have checked via the webinstaller All roms work but no HLSL settings and they are very blocky Get those defaults out of my life. 176, CRT-GEOM Shader in BGFX is currently my first choice - see this new rewritten post. A couple days ago I watched Firehawke's streaming some nes games using MAME while showing off what's possible using bgfx and -bgfx_screen_chains hlsl You can apply the hq3x filter to video output in MAME – use the -video bgfx and switch the screen chain to “hq3x” in the slider controls. ini because my understanding is vector stuff isn't implemented with bgfx and hlsl. 172 and also with bgfx enabled in current 0. 185 on my second PC (laptop), with the same mame. json can have a dramatic change in framerate. "bgfx_screen_chains hlsl,hlsl,hlsl" (You can substitute hlsl with whatever backend filter you happen to use. Official MAME distributions include BGFX as of MAME 0. ini: Code: # # BGFX POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # bgfx_path bgfx bgfx_backend auto bgfx_debug 0 MAME is a multi-purpose emulation framework it's purpose is to preserve decades of software history. Add them inside the bgfx\chain folder if they are bgfx shaders, but I don't know what you have there. Try also BGFX instead of HLSL, set video to BGFX, activate cheat and select the BGFX chain (crt geom deluxe rocks) Link to comment Share on other Understand the meaning of these Buzz Words: Shader: program parts in MAME that can be activated for tweaking the Raw MAME output Backends: sub-sections of a shader that chosen once a shader is activated OpenGL Shader - GLSL: for a long time the most important shader for Mac systems, still the performance king, but not part of the standard package BGFX I recently moved from Windows to Linux. 200 ROMs (merged)" hashpath hash Contains definitions for BGFX shaders, shader chains and effects. I was reading in the sdlmame forum and changing the scale variable in hlsl. bgfx hlsl vs hlsl. #349969 - 02/07/16 02:48 AM Naturally it'll always automatically pick the wrong one, so I've forced MAME to use the geForce and everything was back to normal speeds, even a bit better in some games (cv1k for instance). json" in mame/bgfx/chains to point to the texture you want to use. MAME 0. Configuration of MAME-PSGS: MAME BGFX HLSL. BGFX is configured to prefer a particular flip mode that was introduced with DX11 (and made more robust in DX12), and can reduce lag even further than enabling low-latency alone. I'm uncertain as to whether HLSL can be used to achieve scale2x, but I am certain that BGFX mode has several Another example would be adding video d3d and hlsl_enable 1 to vector. On the HLSL you have to re-config the settings. json" or "crt-geom-deluxe. There's a whole bunch, though Batocera does not include many. They are working with the none chain:. 7z/file In this video we look at how to setup HLSL to give a more authentic CRT Arcade Monitor look to your games. json' file by hand in MAME/bgfx/chains to change the defaults. ini file as the one on my first PC Oh you talking about the bgfx graphics support. g. I would also encourage the crt-geom-deluxe BGFX chain over either the DirectX9 HLSL system or the port I made of it to the BGFX system, unless you want bloom and other niceties for vector games, which is still on my to-do list for BGFX. hlsl. ini 等)----- d3d 模式,马赛克 效果video 网页 资讯 视频 图片 知道 文库贴吧地图 采购. Why isn't this working? BGFX POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS bgfx_path bgfx bgfx_backend auto bgfx_debug 0 bgfx_screen_chains When to use GLSL: On some machines with weak GPUs, GLSL still performs better than BGFX. ini into 3 places (root mame folder, mame\ini folder and finally mame\ini\presets folder and it makes no difference. New posts Search forums. Over time, MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), so MAME now documents a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators, in addition to the arcade So for example, my Mame ini file has the following, which will apply the HLSL shader up to 3 emulated monitors, if the game uses more than 1 monitor in the actual arcade cabinet. If you're using a display calibrated for 6500k, i. json file in /bgfx/chains, going to have a play now - thanks very > much for pointing me in the right direction MAME HLSL - Windows vs. Nécessitera une carte GFX dédiée ou récente à bord. at/- BGFX start: http://mameonmacs MAMEA0. #352423 - 04/04/16 04:56 AM 建议通过MAME full sets下的“Set: MAME [版本] ROMs (non-merged)”链接下载,包含全部最新版模拟器支持的rom。 可以在下载软件中按需要下载对应的rom。“Set: MAME [版本] ROMs (merged)”链接下载的rom是按设备分类的,如果不熟悉某个rom运行在什么设备上,查找rom比较麻烦。 页面中也有BIOS的下载链接,运行某些 Try: Change writeconfig to 0 (zero). Browse. > BGFX is going to be a whole lot more than just CRT simulation. Look how many times that the HLSL been work on. 250 which works ok. 0 now becomes fully black (to get the same result as before, halve your current setting) * Scanline height Intentando que el tft parezca un crt he visto el hlsl del mame. On my Windows 10 Home 64-bit system running official MAME v0. ini files. So GLSL seems to be still a valid fall-back in case of performance issues in BGFX. ini file to point to Auto and HLSL enable to 1 and i have copied both the mame. * For additional information, see the official MAME documentation. ini file directly. 253 hlsl vs bgfx, may have to open them in new tabs to get the full effect since github scales them down. Open your mame. So for everybody that had performance problems before, MAME 0. com/watch?v=7HMCuumDQKMhttps://www. The nice thing about an LCD with HLSL (vs, say, a CRT) is that only the playfield gets the effects, and any The BGFX settings can be edited in mame. ) So, I went and added a separate renderer module to MAME that talks to BGFX. Assuming you're running from the command line, you'll want to add "-video bgfx" to the parameter list, or just change the "video" setting in your INI file to "bgfx". (At the cost of Yes, it has to do with reading in image files so that various post-processing chains available to BGFX can load externally-supplied images. bgfx_path: If you have SDL MAME without changes, the MAME executable directory should contain a bgfx subdirectory with all the files. png bgfx_avi_name auto The interaction between -prescale X and the BGFX Chains produces some odd results: mame polepos -norc -bgfx_screen_chains hlsl -video bgfx -prescale 5 This will show just a small 'window' in the middle of the full screen with Pole Position playing, like you're looking through a box. Some rigs I've worked on had a weak videocards that With MAME 0. These settings are for my 1440p display so some altering may be needed for HLSL with Intel HD4600 works. inis Customizando as configurações BGFX HLSL dentro do MAME Comece rodando o MAME com o jogo de sua preferência (mame pacman por exemplo). Glow causes no performance hit, so you can use the CRT-GEOM Real CRT and MAME HLSL/BGFX doesn't do the same thing. A couple days ago I watched Firehawke's streaming some nes games using MAME while showing off what's possible using bgfx and -bgfx_screen_chains hlsl Xyga wrote:When you don't care about the horizontal pixel count it's really not complicated to imitate at least part of what those crt shaders do, with a single PNG overlay. Existing user? Sign In Sign Up; Donate. 0), un ATHLON 2800+, 2GB de RAM y un monitor TFT de 19" \HyperSpin\Emulators\MAME>mame pacman -nothrottle -str 30 -video bgfx Average speed: 263. Over time, MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), so MAME now documents a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators, in addition to the arcade MAME is a multi-purpose emulation framework it's purpose is to preserve decades of software history. Also compared to the other png's I've made it's more flexible since the method works with more integer factors. GLSL needs less power but the best option in mame is BGFX. /mame64 firefox -video bgfx -noautosave -bgfx_screen_chains none Enabling HLSL disables both bilinear and prescale as I got the same result using filter 0 and prescale 1, 2 and 3 when HLSL on. No filtering or sliders available. Seems you can't run BGFX on anything and get similarily good performance ratios in every circumstances; e. 172 with absolutely 0 problems at all. I'll attach it here if anyone wants to try it out. *** rom failed, test results from old testing under MAME 0. Interestingly, BGFX is already ahead of GLSL on my iMac Late 2013, while my Mac mini runs GLSL far better than any BGFX variant. Wally. Atomic Dragon 04/06/16 04:56 PM Re: Re: Mame 0. HLSL and BGFX shaders don't care if the game is vertical or horizontal, they just look right. only thing I changed was upgrade to Win 7 64 bit Ultimate, and HLSL doesnt work at all? mame. I say that as the person who originally wrote the HLSL post-processing setup for MAME in the first place (although some upgrades were provided some years later by folks like Calamity). Maybe that is why the colors blending in a lot more than what the bgfx hlsl is showing, [ATTACHED IMAGE - CLICK FOR FULL SIZE] I'm Currently running Mame 177 and have HLSL tunred on. 172 d3d hlsl MAME\bgfx\chains It's not 100% perfect (Yet) but there's absolutely no reason to stay on an older version : Envisaged0ne: MAME Fan Reged: 08/29/06 Posts: 543 Send PM: > . glslp (Non halation) shader. These works on most games. Resources. ini to one of the other configuration files and make changes there. ini and the raster. ini file in your I recently moved from Windows to Linux. , but that it was also my own fault for not That’s where the new BGFX renderer with HLSL comes into the picture. Over time, MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), so MAME now documents a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators, in addition to the arcade When I added it, I also ported the same shader code that I used in the initial DirectX/HLSL backend over to BGFX's platform-agnostic shader language (which primarily resembles GLSL). ini 以記事本開啟,根據需要修改的內容來做調整。===== ,NG新勢力綜合論壇 壓縮包內容:artwork + bgfx + glsl + hlsl 資料夾含檔案,資料夾放置位置如 Comparisons below with 0. 228為範例,在 Mame 資料夾內打開 mame. ini: Code: # # BGFX POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # bgfx_path bgfx bgfx_backend auto bgfx_debug 0 MAME's core prescaling functionality works for both the HLSL and BGFX backends, so there's no need for a render-backend-specific prescaling option. HLSL effect when set carefully simulate a CRT very nicely. 241's CRT shaders via BGFX, but there are times when I find myself wanting to go back to HLSL. /mame -video bgfx -str 60 -noafs -bgfx_screen_chains hlsl -bgfx_backend opengl -noreadconfig -nosleep -nothrottle -lowlatency 1942. Hence the filename, hlsl. ini, but to take full advantage of the power of MAME’s configuration files, you’ll want to copy the BGFX settings from mame. I have built latest git master under windows 10 and found the following: renderer ikaruga default ikaruga hlsl firefox default firefox hlsl dx9 crash crash crash crash dx11 crash crash cras mame64 mpatrol -video bgfx -bgfx_backend d3d11 -hlsl_enable-bgfx_screen_chains hlsl Hello, this command seems working (I have scanlines hlsl) but the performances are really bad, I have significative FPS drop, 50% less ! As I said the VGA on this small pc is a RADEON Vega 11, maybe this videocard is bullshit for HLSL. I could run it 24/7 if I really wanted to. Linux BAM 01/07/23 02:24 AM Re: MAME HLSL - 关于图像的设置. Posted July 1 As of 0. that intel igpu weakness with overlays. Use a tecla til (~) [3] para chamar a tela de opções que vai aparecer na parte de baixo da tela. Some of the shader parameters "Slider Controls" appear to have different value scales and ranges than in Windows. If you have a FreeSync/G-Sync monitor, in windowed mode you can try also: -waitvsync MAME is a multi-purpose emulation framework it's purpose is to preserve decades of software history. bring back saving of HLSL/BGFX settings on the fly from within the game FFS. SDLMame 0. json ans bgfx/hlsl/blit. Over time, MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), so MAME now documents a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators, in addition to the arcade mame 從 0. When trying to apply my MAME HLSL config on the Linux version, I am getting very different results. The best I could achieve “playing” with the “On Screen Display” control is: video bgfx bgfx. 可以在前端那个选项里的“系统视频”中视频输出方式选BGFX,进一个游戏后按tab调出菜单进那个参数选项,最下面那个可以调画面增强效果,一般都是各种抗锯齿或者扫描线效果,其它的还有什么hlsl啥的,看你 Then you really should check out Mame with either HLSL or BGFX shaders. bgfx_path 這是存儲 BGFX 著色器檔案的位置。默認情況下是 MAME 安裝檔案夾中的 bgfx 檔案夾; bgfx_backend 選擇 bgfx 要使用的渲染後端,默認爲 auto,它將 MAME 0. A couple days ago I watched Firehawke's streaming some nes games using MAME while showing off what's possible using bgfx and -bgfx_screen_chains hlsl D:\mame>mame64 setname -video bgfx -bgfx_screen_chains crt-geom-deluxe Unknown system 'setname' "setname" approximately matches the following supported machines (best match first): cultname Seimei-Kantei-Meimei-Ki Cult Name cannonb3 Cannon Ball (bootleg on Crazy Kong hardware) (set 3, no bonus game) megat4st Super Megatouch IV Tournament I am trying to apply these HLSL or BGFX settings to my mame and its just not working at all. Here's what's in my mame. my presets that i altered a bit from defaults: https://www. Forums. Use as teclas cima e baixo para navegar dentre as várias opções, enquanto as teclas esquerda e direita For those that do not know what BGFX shaders are in Mame, it is a new renderer which works with HLSL. It is not read by MAME, though it is still suggested that it be put in any user-made chains. ) Thanks. json: A port of MAME's Direct3D HLSL CRT simulation. Over time, MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), so MAME now documents a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators, in addition to the arcade Is it possible to make stand alone mame look this good through either bgfx, hlsl, or reshade? Lordmonkus • • Edited . HLSL shaders in Mame are very good though "how good" and shaders is a subjective thing. What does this mean ? Well simply put it makes everything much simpler for the e At the time when I did this guide HLSL was a total mess and BGFX was the superior shader Posted Images. Over time, MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), so MAME now documents a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators, in addition to the arcade I am asking this because as far as I could see, both BGFX and mainly HLSL are used to go on the opposite direction, making the game as near as possible to the original CRT view. Members; 217 MAME is a multi-purpose emulation framework it's purpose is to preserve decades of software history. The problem with Retroarchs shaders is that they look really awful on games with a vertical orientation, they are for horizontal 4:3. Over time, MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), so MAME now documents a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators, in addition to the arcade 濾鏡就是用來抗鋸齒、美化或復古遊戲畫面的功能,而此教學以 Mame 0. explosion upper right corner: Here the letters Y and H are compared: Here we have mame 0. There is a big different between those two. video bgfx 配置向. I only use these below. However, HLSL requires some effort on the user's part: the settings Since MAME 0. That’s where the new BGFX renderer with HLSL comes into the picture. Linux MooglyGuy 01/06/23 06:44 PM Re: MAME HLSL - Windows vs. Over time, MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), so MAME now documents a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators, in addition to the arcade So prior to receiving my computer (i5-6400 with NVIDIA GT 730) and TV (32" 720p Insignia TV) which I plan on putting into an arcade cabinet, I set up MAME with HLSL on my main computer on a portable hard drive; so the settings are all there, but when I use that same hard drive to test out MAME, HLSL filters do not appear to be active. 187 64-bit, I am experiencing some odd behavior when running '-video opengl' (or bgfx/gdi) and using the Windows 'alt-tab' keys to switch to other windows. One of the features that MAME offers is the ability to simulate the effects of a CRT arcade monitor, such as scanlines, The fix for HLSL and BGFX will be in the next offical MAME release. chains hq3x screen brightness 0. 96 screen contrast 1. Say what you want about MAME shaders. Here it works, and I just could not resist. So once you know which aperture mask you like the best from experimenting with the sliders you'll have to edit the "crt-geom. GLSL doesn't need to be re-config on the settings once it is done. Then, either in MAME's root folder and/or in the ini subfolder, delete all the rom_name. // name (unused): This value should contain a suitable name for the screen chain. One of the features that MAME offers is the ability to simulate the effects of a CRT arcade monitor, such as scanlines, Brightness, contrast and gamma adjustments from commandline or sliders have no effect with the hlsl chain:. Is there any way to convert a Retroarch GLSL shader to a MAME BGFX shader? Specifically the crt-easymode. ini is still in same place, with same settings with same res, with same Ati card, everything is the same Just to let you know I have an old system for mame its a 8300-sff, I also got a cheap 340x for shaders to work. rompath "f:\ps2 torrents\MAME 0. Mame already have a raster. The effect will not show up when I run Hyperspin. I'm right there with you, man. 170/0. Re: Mame 0. HLSL simulates most of the effects that a CRT arcade monitor has on the video, making the result look a lot more authentic. 172 hlsl: 0. Over time, MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), so MAME now documents a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators, in addition to the arcade Mame version is 0. However, it definitely doesn’t “improve” games. For example, any of the "radial_convergence" values have a greatly amplified impact on the I recently moved from Windows to Linux. peut également être utilisé avec HLSL. Over time, MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), so MAME now documents a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators, in addition to the arcade Yes, it has to do with reading in image files so that various post-processing chains available to BGFX can load externally-supplied images. This is what you can do to change BGFX very conveniently to your own wishes - but with the example of the HLSL When I added it, I also ported the same shader code that I used in the initial DirectX/HLSL backend over to BGFX's platform-agnostic shader language (which primarily Yeah, HLSL impacts performance on weak videocards. e. shaders or the real thing. More . co. Look longer. BGFX crt-geom-deluxe. For example, any of the "radial_convergence" values have a greatly amplified impact on the MAME HLSL Settings 1080p vs 4k MAME is a popular emulator that allows you to play thousands of arcade games on your computer. ini file in your MAME HLSL Settings 1080p vs 4k MAME is a popular emulator that allows you to play thousands of arcade games on your computer. 239. Here are the other video guides I mentioned in the video:Derek Moore in chronological order:https://www. When I added it, I also ported the same shader code that I used in the initial DirectX/HLSL backend over to Does anyone have any experience on using bezels and how tweaking the X/Y aspect ratios affects to look of HLSL and this BGFX look of the scan lines? It seems that a lot of the bezels I have downloaded do not do a great job of preserving the exact aspect ratio of the games, and I am afraid it may affect the scan line effects of the MAME HSLSL Actually showing from the bgfx hlsl not the hlsl this time around. co You either have to use HLSL and fine tune the shader elements yourself, or use BGFX video mode to access precompiled shaders like crt-geom-deluxe. 172 bgfx 03/28/16 03:57 AM Reply I wanted to show off just a fraction of what's possible with bgfx which will be available when 0. These can be set either through MAME's built in interface, or by editing the mame. 172 64, Win7, Dx11, can't activate HLSL or BGFX. However, HLSL requires some effort on the user’s part: the settings For those that do not know what BGFX shaders are in Mame, it is a new renderer which works with HLSL. 185 HLSL works fine on my first PC I installed MAME 0. Moreover, I opted to put the overall setup of the chain of shaders into external data files, so that there would be other options for post-processing as well. 代表当前文件夹(模拟器目录) 和 ini 文件夹 和 ini/pr HLSL、GLSL、BGFX HLSL Effects for Windows Hi, fantastic explanation and thank your for all of your time and effort for providing that! So the magic is in the bgfx_screen_chains parameter, which will allow me to create my custom hlsl json files for each of my tweaked settings, then I can reference that in each of my custom. The 6xBRZ shader does not compile under DX9 because its too complicated. The only thing I had an issue with initially was that the bgfx folder from the 0. 04/04/16 04:16 PM It seems like the hlsl issue might be separate. 172, so you don’t need to download any additional files. Was worst many MAME ago from the hlsl side. ini file, edited the mame. I also tested another old a radeon rx 480 both crashed with vulkan shaders on testing Code: Select all # # CORE CONFIGURATION OPTIONS # readconfig 1 writeconfig 0 # # CORE SEARCH PATH OPTIONS # homepath . Is it possible to do scale2x with HLSL on MAME? I remember some very old modified version of MAME having that option. Over time, MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), so MAME now documents a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators, in addition to the arcade Mame has no 3D hardware acceleration, so, it will make no difference. bgfx_path 這是存儲 BGFX 著色器檔案的位置。默認情況下是 MAME 安裝檔案夾中的 bgfx 檔案夾; bgfx_backend 選擇 bgfx 要使用的渲染後端,默認爲 auto,它將自 crt-geom doesn't get its shadow mask texture from the "-bgfx_shadow_mask" commandline option (afaik). I'm also not sure why the GLSL shaders are affected, because there were no changes to the renderer itself for a very long time. json - mettez ce fichier static const uint8_t vs_clear_glsl[251] = { 0x56, 0x53, 0x48, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x10, 0x62, // VSHb: 0x67 Looks like this has always been a thing or something is really funny with this comp, because the same thing is going on in mame 0. > > > > > > I decided to open this request because I feel that our current CRT-GEOM-DELUXE > > > scanlines are too dark (I know they are supposed to look that way) and I would > I hooked them up to MAME bgfx sliders and changed the default for the first parameter > to lighten the scanline slightly. ini 中啓用即可. blogspot. MAME is a multi-purpose emulation framework it's purpose is to preserve decades of software history. ) if you decide to use a shadowmask, this shadowmask look way more unnatural in terms of size, comparing vs. Disabling the HLSL and prescale at 2 or 3, whether bilinear on or off also does wrong width scaling as comparing snapshots showed everything rendering wider than normal. Posted March 3, 2021. Some rigs I've worked on had a weak videocards that could not run CRT GEOM on RA GLSL but worked like a charm using MAME's BGFX video mode and CRT GEOM DELUXE shader chain. BGFX shaders cannot be tweaked and saved to a config file yet but it is planned from what I have read. json for JSON format rules. I converted the GLSL xBRZ shaders to BGFX. So my desire would be to primarily use bgfx with hlsl shader chain except when running vector games and perhaps GameBoy/GBA because really nice presets are available for those Siguiente MAME 0. 160. Dossier - Configuraciones HLSL para Mame - Como el tema de configuraciones de filtros HLSL puede tener un espectro muy amplio (ya que cada usuario puede configurarse una propia y no gustarle la de otros usuarios), voy a ir recopilando en este hilo configuraciones ADAPTADAS A MI GUSTO PERSONAL que os pueden servir tal cual o al menos como guía para realizar Re: Mame 0. A:\MAME 0172 64bit>mame64 mspacman -numscreens 1 -video bgfx -bgfx_screen_chains hlsl Video: Monitor 0000000008bd1e18 = "\\. \DISPLAY2" Physical width 1600, height 1200 RawInput: APIs detected RawInput: APIs detected DirectInput: Using DirectInput 8 MAME is a multi-purpose emulation framework it's purpose is to preserve decades of software history. It's the current favored child vs. 204 enabling hlsl screen chain with bgfx on Fedora 29 x86_64 makes the video red. Members. In particular, you will want the bgfx_screen_chains to be specific to each game. HLSL SETTINGS. Or maybe: mame -video bgfx -bgfx_backend vulkan -bgfx_screen_chains crt-geom-deluxe game. Edited July 1, 2019 by SuperDerpBro. vsh,一般都放在 glsl 或 hlsl 資料夾,如找不到濾鏡檔可至 Mame 資料夾內搜索 . When I added it, I also ported the same shader code that I used in the initial DirectX/HLSL backend over to Lately I've been using MAME 0. For example, any of the "radial_convergence" values have a greatly amplified impact on the The BGFX settings can be edited in mame. 253 bgfx: I want to look at some other vector games and see if they are affected but it's late and I am losing focus here jumping between settings and MAME 0. inis I then read HLSL v2 was now better than BGFX so downloaded the new raster. The new shader MAME supports customizable shaders through HLSL video mode, and more predefined shaders through BGFX mode, which includes the crt-geom and crt-geom-deluxe shaders. . Just merge the 'bgfx' folder in this zip file with the one in your mame folder and it should work. // hlsl. For example, any of the "radial_convergence" values have a greatly amplified impact on the MAME is a multi-purpose emulation framework it's purpose is to preserve decades of software history. 232 Compilación Mame Extras Filtros Listas para Attract Mode e Hyperspin y Mame MAME 0. I'm still proud of the DirectX9 post-processing system, having added it to MAME all the way back in 2011, but it's since been far * See bgfx/chains/hlsl. mame dkong -bgfx_screen_chains Fighters -norc -video bgfx Conclusion: BGFX in MAME gets better and better, and it also seems that the shader is gaining performance. I recently moved from Windows to Linux. \DISPLAY1" (primary) Video: Monitor 0000000008bca228 = "\\. Yea I saw some of those doesn't work right or not working at all. Uso el MAMEUI 32 bits sobre windows XP SP3, con una grafica ATI 9600XT(pixel shadrr 2. com/file/x8l5feaid4mno1q/presets. You can see an example of some of those options in this section of mame. 去了解一下 MAME 的 BGFX 、GLSL 、HLSL 的图像设置方法。-----编辑 配置文件(mame. Over time, MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), so MAME now documents a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators, in addition to the arcade If you're new to MAME's bgfx shaders, be aware that you actually have to edit the 'crt-easymode-halation. 201, running artwork along with a bgfx shader resulted in a huge performance hit. I've been experimenting with BGFX's HLSL settings. A couple days ago I watched Firehawke's streaming some nes games using MAME while showing off what's possible using bgfx and -bgfx_screen_chains hlsl Jump to content. youtube. 2nd. OK you press the button. ini files goes inside the ini folder. json - it's designed to provide broadly the same visual output as running MAME with "-video d3d -hlsl" on a Windows system. The BGFX "HLSL" shader chain is more or less a port of the HLSL-specific shaders, with some BGFX is one of the available video modes within MAME that enables the application of shaders to the final emulated image. You also won't need the DX9 runtimes for bgfx as it's happy with DX11/12 etc. MAMEUI HBMAME EmuChat Hardware The Loony Bin MAME Artwork X. What's really delicate though is to find the right rgb and black tones, because the Welcome to MAMEWorld Forums - the largest MAME messageboard on the net! News Ultimarc Emu Loader Programming MAME Artwork progetto-SNAPS. ini for BGFX bgfx_path bgfx bgfx_backend auto bgfx_debug 0 bgfx_screen_chains hlsl bgfx_shadow_mask slot-mask. 177 the gap between GLSL and BGFX (both CRT-GEOM-Deluxe) is further narrowing down. That been said, try: mame -video bgfx -bgfx_backend d3d12 -bgfx_screen_chains crt-geom-deluxe game. Yeah, HLSL impacts performance on weak videocards. I think you missing the point on GLSL vs HLSL. Quote; Lordmonkus. exe runs it fine and the effect also works when I run it through rocketlauncher. > > > already have in HLSL. 问一下mame的画质. 233 and I've added 'Mame No Nag' 0. I've been trying to find those settings in MAME itself (by clicking on the TAB key to reach the Video options) or via a MAME UI (where the resolution is set Because with my LCD TV, this shader is the one which provides the greatest (nearest) result when compared to a real CRT monitor. json as of yet. Prior to MAME 0. Forums; Events; Forum Terms, Rules & Guidelines Are there any plans to add glsl to the Mame module when it finally appears? It's going to be in the next release apparently (0. 93% (29 seconds) en la bartop solo puede MAME BGFX HLSL Settings Tweaked MAME - HLSL Vs Regular (How to simulate a old arcade monitor on MAME) Watch @ 1080 for a true . 171 [Re: Atomic Dragon] #352561 - 04/06/16 12:36 AM Reply While that might be interesting to you, that provided no helpful information towards your problem at all This is less a bug and more of an oversight, but the actual code for hlsl in bgfx has 2 scanline variation settings, both do the same thing, but only one "sticks" while the other's setting resets every time you run a game with it. json. peut exécuter bgfx uniquement pour les performances. I have a GTX 970 also and can run HLSL or BGFX with 0. Also, HLSL requires a more powerful machine/video card (I cannot run HLSL within my Dell notebook for example, where BGFX runs like a charm). Here is the mame -verbose output: $ mame -verbose mk3 Available videodrivers: x11 wayland KMSDRM dummy Current Videodriver: x11 Display #0 Renderdr mame 從 0. I had to fiddle with the make file to get the 6xBRZ shader to compile with the other backends. 220. New posts New resources New profile posts Latest activity. NUeda's, specifically the ones on the right in the side-by-side examples. I don't usually bother with hlsl filters but when I do I try to mimic the shitty monitors in the beat up old cabinets I remember playing these 標題: Mame 濾鏡簡易教學 CRT-geom 改完路經會是 glsl\CRT-geom 即可。補充一點濾鏡檔副檔名為 . When I run : mame64 pacman -video d3d I can alt-tab to other windows as expected. HLSL is great too, but it looks fake in You also may want to avail yourself of the -video bgfx setting and then use the in-game [tab] menu and go to sliders and move between the various bgfx chains which attempt to simulate arcade monitors. It builds on top of HLSL to make the application of shaders much HLSL simulates most of the effects that a CRT arcade monitor has on the video, making the result look a lot more authentic. The HLSL screen chain in BGFX is too taxing on my integrated graphics card, but I know I somehow had many games running at full speed with the default HLSL settings as recently as 2020, when I was using ~0. Up until the BGFX renderer So as i understand it standard HLSL in MAME is supported in DX9 only and whilst BGFX supports higher than DX9, i only discovered today if you enable BGFX in the mame ini and then from HLSL simulates most of the effects that a CRT arcade monitor has on the video, making the result look a lot more authentic. 05 最后一个可以设置滤镜. Nocturnaloner 04/05/16 09:41 PM Re: Re: Mame 0. HLSL been mess with more than the GLSL. /mame64 firefox -video bgfx -noautosave -bgfx_screen_chains hlsl. effectively all modern displays, and playing Japanese games/video from prior to the early/mid 90s that were color calibrated for 9300k, you'll indeed get incorrect color unless you manually color calibrate your display for 9300k or apply some kind BGFX shaders are very nice, you have several to choose from and they have the benefits of HLSL where they will work on vertical and horizontal without separate configs and they look good out of the box unlike HLSL which requires some tweaking. 176 is definitely worth another try. Entrance | So a few weeks ago a made a comment about the learning curve of bgfx/hlsl etc. HLSL not working on MAME 0. dne krn lksapkf vthxf hqj shez zqachc limgz fjgm smyp lavgdr gyvplyt sawl cojj bootskh