How hard are leetcode contests. Output Contest Matches đź”’ 545.
How hard are leetcode contests But according to me they are not really 'hard'. You can also practise participating in contests in a contest-like environment and 1750 and you’re in the top 10%. I've had multiple <= 15 min finishes in leetcode contests and on other platforms I wouldn't even be considered a top participant. Like trapping rain water, n-queen, word search II, . Participating in my first LeetCode contest was a thrilling and challenging experience that I will never forget. com . It will just demotivate you. ), so I don't see much point in doing a lot more. The For some context, past contests are usually in the format of easy -> medium -> medium/hard -> hard question. Initially it will feel too slow but as you do it consistently you will start seeing the results and remember to live contests after you complete all the basic concepts problems. Let me know in the comments how you approach hard problems or share your favorite tips! How to solve LeetCode hard problems Level up your coding skills and quickly land a job. The average leetcode hard might be ~1500-1600 on codeforces For some context, past contests are usually in the format of easy -> medium -> medium/hard -> hard question. How many contests did you do until you were able to consistently finish the contests (solve all Role: L3 Location: India YOE: 9 monthsI have shared my interview exp sometime ago, but not linking in this post. Leetcode Biweekly contests are held alternating Saturdays at 8 pm IST, and Weekly contests are held every Sunday at 8 am IST. To report an incident or violation you've encountered, please follow the below steps: Head to the contest's ranking results page. Hi, i just participated in my very first Leetcode Contest (Biweekly Contest 115) and I couldnt finish. it is always 4 questions in total but usually start out with an Weekly Contest. Over 3650 questions for you to practice. Verdict: Strong Hire Round 2: Machine Coding Design snake and ladder Verdict: Strong Hire Round 3: Design roundDesign a system similar to www. The first question out of 6 in the 150 minute Codeforces contest is a fair bit harder than the final question out of 4 in the 90 minute Leetcode contest. On the contrary, on highschool math contests, the actual topics tested are much simpler, but they require u to use them in a clever and intelligent way Depending on your goals (if you are trying to get into some company), look at the company-specific hards on Leetcode - at least one or two of those questions have always shown up in those company interviews for me. So thats an easy and 2 mediums in under an hour. Contest Participation: LeetCode organizes weekly and bi-weekly contests to Enhance your coding abilities and get valuable real-world feedback by participating in contests on LeetCode. I’ve seen a lot of hard tagged problems that were much easier than some mediums! But if you are asking this to know that should you practice hard tagged problems, I’ll suggest to solve popular ones. Hard (6 points) Array, Binary Search, Queue, Sliding Window and Greedy. The Please give me some advice what can I do now, placements are coming in 2-3 months, I need to get better at leetcode contests. This is found by heading to a contest's description Leetcode contests are not school exams that you will get good grades and get into something big with them. For context, I'd been kind of avoiding hard problems for a while, on the theory that my best bet for a technical interview was being able to solve Easy/Medium problems reliably and in a number of ways, and that if I got a Hard problem, I'd Hard. Hi all, Is it important for anyone to solve "leetcode hards" to stand apart in interviews as a better problem solver? I know the obvious answer to this could be "Yes, if you get decent at hards, you are a good problem solver", but I am asking this with the perspective of whether is it a luxury rather than a necessity in 2024 owing to the high competition. However, I think interviews are more challenging due to the unpredictability of the human interviewers, and the fact the stakes are higher i. Can you suggest some blogs / resources to refer to so I can get better at it. Competitive programming has much wider range of problems. Level up your coding skills and quickly land a job. After solving all leetcode hards, I can do a couple 2200 rating problems after some thinking, but those I solved are all standard questions such as applying Z-function or Meet-In-The-Middle, and I usually got a few wrong attempts before AC. Note that these are not contest rankings, I simply used the contest results to find usernames. Like the best people at these types of contest don't even participate in leetcode because the lack of difficulty, and it becomes just a typing contest. People with 1700 rating can probably solve most of “hard” problems without any problems, but where if you were to put a new problem to leetcode, copied from codeforces 2500 rating where do you put it? Sharing to community. I heard that you can see what your hypothetical contest rating would be if you did a virtual contest. leetcode weekly contests are every Saturday from 10:30pm est to 12am est. I and my friend also try to find the necessary and sufficient Level up your coding skills and quickly land a job. Those crazy solutions you see after the competition almost certainly weren't written for the first time in that competition. People tend to jump straight into practicing leetcode problems and end up having to do 300+ problems to get interview-ready. Some start later and hence may appear to miss the bus, but it's never too late. Hi everyone, I passed my Google onsites, my recr I have solved a few hard leetcode hards and I'd say that some of them would definitely cross the 2000 barrier on codeforces. 2% -> solve all questions most contests, usually in 30 I have solved a few hard leetcode hards and I'd say that some of them would definitely cross the 2000 barrier on codeforces. Moreover, collaborating with fellow contestants, sharing insights, and LeetCode LeetCode 1. I have done around 950+ questions (208-easy,582-medium,176-hard). Title I started leetcoding around end March 2021, and have done around 400 questions and participated in around 40 contests / virtual contests in total, however I have a glaring problem is that I am always unable to complete DP questions, no matter medium or hard. I was able to solve first 2 in 1st weekly contest and 1st and 3rd in biweekly contest (3rd because it was simply variation of one of pattern problems that I already solved earlier) For instance, this is a recent contest on a competitive programming site, and this was the most recent Leetcode contest. If you rank 1st place, then you have very good skills at solving leetcode problems. Solving hard is a bit much tho since I couldn't even understand the Below actions are deemed contest violations: One user submitting with multiple accounts during a contest. So was thinking what is the chances of you coding the same solution as others and even if you didn't copied just because of coincidence your code was similar to other people's solution. Now, look for a platform that's good for beginners, where you can start practicing coding problems: Codeforces: You can start with simpler problems and work your way up. LeetCode is a popular platform for practicing Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) through coding problems. LeetCode contests taught me invaluable lessons in problem solving, collaboration, and resilience. Start with Easy problems to build your confidence and gradually move on to Feel like this question is meant for me to answer lmao. After Biweekly contest 111 I randomly got a one month ban (goes without saying I did not cheat). 2. Larry participates in the Leetcode Weekly Contest 382, finishing 73rd out of ?Contest: https://leetcode. If by any chance you missed any contest, attempt a virtual contest. Find LeetCode contests, practice Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), and prepare for online assessments. I just did a virtual contest (398) and managed to solve 3 questions. Jumping straight to codeforces when you can't even solve most leetcode mediums is a waste of time. Share Add a Comment. Discussion Me: 1500 on LC I have a couple of months of summer vacations and was looking to improve myself at DSA and perform better in LC Contests. These contests feature a mix of easy, medium, and hard problems, and they’re timed to add a bit of pressure. Also, is there a way to Do this for all the concepts then when you are confident of solving the problems in each topic try to do more medium and hard and keep repeating the cycle. The Past. The average leetcode hard might be ~1500-1600 on codeforces but the hards in the last few contests might average like 1800-1900 on codeforces. I had started with weak data structure and algorithm (DSA) skills, but through relentless grinding and solving over 200 questions on Leetcode, I felt ready to take on my first How to solve the 4th question in leetcode contests? My rating is currently 1879 and I am able to solve 3 questions in the contest. Boundary of Binary Tree 🔒 546. Longest Palindromic Substring Output Contest Matches 🔒 545. but at this point my ability to solve LeetCode problems is definitely not my bottleneck (vs. Problem 1: Find the Array Concatenation Value ABOUT THE CONTEST: LEETCODE #WEEKLY CONTEST 365On 2 Oct 2023, this weekly contest was organized by leetcode. In the given contest there are 4 questions and 1 hour 30 min time read more. It might be that the contests this week involved ds&a you aren’t familiar or comfortable with, but at least that gives you a good idea of how to improve. But even after this, I will say luck plays a major DP is hard to get the formula right, which needs some imagination and I can only sometimes get the formula right. The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. com) account and LCCN (leetcode-cn. 2 (Both WA) LET’S DISCUSS: Problem 1: Categorize the Box According to the Criteria. Codeforces is only when you feel like leetcode is not challenging enough. I started LeetCode three years ago when I was still in high school. Just look at codeforces. Get ready for technical interviews with LeetVCS. In this video, we demonstrate how to use ChatGPT, a natural language processing tool, to solve a hard problem on LeetCode. 3650 + Questions, Community & Contests. ABOUT THE CONTEST: LEETCODE #WEEKLY CONTEST 365On 2 Oct 2023, this weekly contest was organized by leetcode. Medium, and Hard. Split Array with Equal Sum 🔒 What are LeetCode Contests? A LeetCode contest is a series of coding challenges that are designed to test a candidate’s problem-solving skills and knowledge. About the contest: Leetcode bi-weekly contest #112This contest was organized by Leetcode on Sep 2, 2023, it consisted of 4 questions and the time given to solve them was 1 Discuss interview prep strategies and leetcode questions Members Online • muffinsnack. Serious Competition Level up your coding skills and quickly land a job. We walk through the entire process I scraped the global rank and total questions solved of the top 100 finishers in the last contest, which gave me these results as of 2023-12-31. Select a Beginner-Friendly Platform. Remove Boxes 547. Start with the Easy ones. The rank was based on the fol The competition in NYC is absolutely brutal so Im not surprised why so many NY companies do Leetcode type interviews. If not, look at the answer somewhere else online! Repeat this process with 5 medium questions per topic and 2-3 hard per topic. Your objective is to obtain the highest score with the fastest finish time while making as few mistakes as possible. You can try to allocate some saturday nights to doing them. Your contest rating depends on the hardest u can solve. As a budding competitive programmer, I had heard numerous stories about the excitement and pressure of coding contests, but nothing could have truly prepared me for the intensity and adrenaline rush that came with my inaugural LeetCode Leetcode is too hard. Accepted Solution: Since the constraints were low I solved this question in O(N^3). These contests are typically held on a regular basis, with new challenges being added to the platform on a weekly or monthly basis. Leetcode is the best place to learn basics. Show where ChatGPT fails to solve as well. From my experience, the more competition there is for a role, the more likely it is to have Leetcode type interviews. Number Theory, Hash Table, Prefix Sum, Sorting . Hard Truth, Leetcode Vs Career Same company also asked only leetcode hard questions for code screenings (must run and be most optimal solution), but this round was very special as it was a purely algo focused round so no need to code it up, just explain it conceptually and pseudo code it Reply reply 133K subscribers in the leetcode community. inexperience, project work, behavioral interviews, etc. So I have been doing biweekly contests for 2-3 months and I am wondering how to get better at it. 45-60 min. Leetcode Biweekly contests are held alternating Saturdays at 8pm IST and Weekly contests are held every Sunday 8am IST. If you get a hard in an interview unlike anything you've ever seen, just go next company. Dont hold off on contents till "you feel you're ready". I usually have 30-40 minutes left for the last question, but so far I was only able to solve it once. It’s okay if you struggle to solve even one problem initially—this is normal. About the contest: Leetcode bi-weekly contest #112This contest was organized by Leetcode on Sep 2, 2023, it consisted of 4 questions and the time given to solve them was 1 hour 30 Mediums are more than enough for a bunch of companies, that may focus a bit more on low-level / networking / system-design stuff. Dec 10, 2022, first time hitting 2/4. If you haven’t studied segment trees so far, please do yourself and study it and you can solve 20-30 or more leetcode HARD questions easily afterwards. It is maintained by a group of competitive programmers from ITMO University led by Mikhail Mirzayanov. Upsolve Leetcode Contests. If you’re stuck, don’t hesitate to take a break, revisit the problem later, or seek help from the LeetCode community. If you come in the top 50%, 25% or 10%, it's hard to say what that means exactly. 20. Two Sum 2. I am banned from LC contest for 1 month . Just trust the process, and keep practising. com) account are considered to be separate accounts, even if both accounts belong to the same user. Picked. 7k on leetcode. In this contest, there is a total 4 questions and you need to solve this question in a given time slot. Hard; Language Wise Coding Practice. Here are some tips for contests: Read the problem carefully before starting. Problem Topics. Sort by: Best. He just woke up ,enter to contest and literally came world rank under 100 or something everytime . I've only been asked medium/hard leetcode style questions at hot tech companies. For the stats, I was able to solve A-F in Div 3 codeforces and on a good day can solve 1-3 on LC contest in about 20 minutes + usually get stuck on Q4 if it’s super hard dp Also he got a job he's in starting phase of his life . I have solved some 250+ dsa q's on Leetcode based on some patterns . I don't plan to even be able to solve hards in interviews, just to solve mediums Participate in contests. virustot When I solved 300 mediums, I was able to solve 3 problems in contests with ~1000+ rank. Verdict: Strong Hire Round 2: Machine Coding Design snake and ladder Verdict: Strong Hire Round 3: Design roundDesign a system Areas for Improvement:. 1-0. Usually a more challenging problem has a higher score. It is virtually impossible to solve them in 30 minutes even for the very smartest. A virtual contest is just an archived contest of your choosing. I have solved a few hard leetcode hards and I'd say that some of them would definitely cross the 2000 barrier on codeforces. If by any chance As of now, I've done 4 contests (3 leetcode contests and 1 on some other site). true. How to Report Violating Users. Other than that, if I get any sort of code questions, they've been pretty mundane - not really any intense DSA questions. Main thing is he loves coding ,this is why he's that's fast . Plus, there's a place to talk with other coders. Try virtual contests by simulating past LeetCode contests. Geeks Premier League. Round 1: DSA No of ways to reach from grid (1, 1) to (N, N) with few blockers. Language Support: You can code in multiple programming languages like Python, Java, C++, etc. If you solved 50 DP problems, some of them share similar patterns such as knapsack problem, dp[i][j], or dp[i]. This was a hard for me. You can be comfortable after 100 or 200 med problems. My high school journey came to a close with graduation a few months ago. Median of Two Sorted Arrays 5. tldr: do a handful of mediums from every Level up your coding skills and quickly land a job. keep giving contests In today's Leetcode contest I was able to solve all of the 4 problems. And if you're doing deliberate practice, hard problems are not a great way to focus on a particular subtopic because they usually have several moving parts. In my first contest, I was able to solve only 1 problem, which was okay given that it was my first contest. virustot How to get better at LeetCode Contests . And Python, Python, Python! Aren't we all pretending that we don't know what leetcode is when we interview and everything we are seeing for the first time ;) kidding. 1900 to 2100 OR can usually do 2 mediums and sometimes a hard within For hard problems, allow yourself up to an hour. Yesterday I got placed in Amazon. 0/6 – – Problem 1: Left and Right Sum Differences ABOUT THE CONTEST: LEETCODE #WEEKLY CONTEST 365On 2 Oct 2023, this weekly contest was organized by leetcode. LeetCode categorizes problems into three levels of difficulty: Easy, Medium, and Hard. CPP; Java; Python; Curated DSA Lists. In this blog post, I am excited to share my 11-month journey at LeetCode, where I participated in over 45 contests, sharpened my coding skills, and learned valuable lessons along the way. I wanted to share with you all the things I learned from doing LeetCode, and why I focus so much on Hard problems. It was so addictive. There is the weekly contest. Add Two Numbers 3. Don't have any favourite question list I can think of. This project is made by Pritish Mishra and claude. This time it was a bit of a trick. The data is provided by this GitHub project. Leetcode Weekly Contest 440 LIVE solution || #leetcode #coding #programming #contest #live #trending #solution #viralvideo Official Telegram link:https://t Currently my Leetcode Contest score is 1430 and I have done 3 contests (0/4, 2/4, 1/4). This subreddit is dedicated to discussions, updates, humor related to competitive programming on Codeforces. Discuss interview prep strategies and leetcode questions. But I generally like math-heavy problems and problems that aren't just pattern applications. ai. If you go left to right than every 0 you see is first 0 in triple you need to flip since you already flipped all 0s to the left of it. Where do you check that? I don't see anything in my profile. Leetcode contests are super easy, probably would be around Div-5 in codeforces. In a few contests, I got TLE on the 2nd problem The Geek Hub for Discussions, Learning, and Networking. Don’t Miss Contests. It's becoming more and more like CodeChef. It marked the culmination of months of hard work and dedication. Every week, LeetCode's contest team reviews the violation report and takes appropriate action to ensure accurate and fair results. 1 Hour 30 min time given to you to solve these questions. I am quiet good in dsa, can solve medium within 10-15 min and hard at 40-45 min. Before your interview look up most common recent questions asked by that company. Sharing to community. The best way to prepare for hard LC is to actually study the published algorithms for such class of problems. Solutions to individual LeetCode problems. Give some examples of ChatGPT successfully solving Leetcode questions. com , atcoder. Hi everyone, I passed my Google onsites, my recr Try harder problems. for SF Bay Area, expect leetcode-medium or leetcode-hard for all companies regardless of size The Geek Hub for Discussions, Learning, and Networking. The algorithms for those problems were developed over a period of years. One of my close friend( who even rejected Google and master in codeforces), suggest me to solve codeforces starting from 1200 rated question and boom, codeforces is much much tough and requires deep dive in thinking. jp , codechef. Role: L3 Location: India YOE: 9 monthsI have shared my interview exp sometime ago, but not linking in this post. e. 196 easy-level problems, and 27 hard-level problems. Yeah, it's part of the new business model of Leetcode. >2000 and you probably don’t need to worry about leetcode style questions on interviews anymore Leetcode is not really consistent with difficulty levels. Leetcode-Contests. I’d say if you can start solving problem A from Div-1, you can crush the leetcode contest. I was consistently getting 2/4 every contest after that. I learned to approach problems systematically, break them down into manageable subtasks, and leverage data structures and algorithms effectively to devise optimal solutions. LCUS (leetcode. 6. Curate this topic Add this topic to your repo To associate your repository with the leetcode-contests topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics Level up your coding skills and quickly land a job. If by any chance you missed any contest, attempt virtual contest. Feb 18, 2023, first time hitting 3/4. Beginner's DSA Sheet; Top 50 Array Problems; Top 50 String Problems; this contest was organized on Leetcode. LeetCode hosts weekly contests that are a great way to test your skills and learn from others. The concept of aging will Explore LeetCode problems, practice DSA, and prepare for coding contests by upsolving previous LeetCode contests. With that said, regular contest practice helps with pattern recognition and working under pressure. What Im realizing though is now that we have chat GPT, studying these leetcode style algorithms just seems so pointless and a waste of time. Good luck Codeforces is a website that hosts competitive programming contests. Still, I am not able to perform well in contests. And just work to consistently solve the first 3 questions in under an hour. Treat it like a research problem you're solving, it's actually fascinating. Honestly hard questions are not meant to be solved. Multiple accounts submitting similar code for the same problem. do you think someone can get to div 1 by doing only leetcode hards? I doubt. Hard contests: 4-6 hours These contests are For LeetCode Contest, I've looked at past threads like these ones but haven't seen a direct answer. Tbf “hard” category can have so many problems that can be still distributed to hard easy, hard medium and hard hard. If you cheat, you are bluffing yourself only. The goal is to gain experience solving problems within a time limit. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. Embarked on the hard journey!! After getting frustrated that I'm not able to solve 4th question in contests more than 50% of the time, I have decided that from now onwards I'll only do hards (easiest to hardest) on LC, let's see where this leads me and how fast I get there. My every CodeChef contest ever, how to escape this stagnation? I'm practicing a lot of questions and learning new concepts, still can't solve more than 2 questions on all contests, some I solve 4, some just 2. I wouldn't worry about hard questions for a long time. Take an OA between the levels as well. I am constantly between 1480-1550 rank and it seems I can't really get past that. XQ: Write a blog article on “Solving The Leetcode Weekly Contest With ChatGPT”. Tackling Hard Problems: While a 1500 rating indicates solid problem-solving skills, there’s room to improve in solving complex and Hard-level problems, especially if you're aiming for roles at top-tier companies like Google, Facebook, or Amazon. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 4. next medium around 25 minutes. Hi everyone, I passed my Google onsites, my recr Leetcode contests are actually easy for really good people. I can always solve the first easy within 15 minutes. It's the gift that you develop by working hard in the early years. Leetcode has two regular contests, one on Saturday 14:30 (GMT+0), once every two weeks, and the other on Sunday 2:30 (GMT+0), once a week. Obviously, people can get jobs with a contest rating of 0 if they never do contests, and they might get rejected with a rating of 3000 if they bomb the behavioral aspects. You can also win up to 5000 LeetCoins per contest, as well as bonus prizes from sponsored companies. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. They have categories of 1 easy, 2 Medium and 1 Hard, and solving 3 is more than enough. 1 Categorize by Difficulty. The thing is to have a genuine curiosity about this stuff. virustot Im a dev with 5 years experience, and Im slowly getting back into practicing for interviews. Add a description, image, and links to the leetcode-contests topic page so that developers can more easily learn about it. If you get one in an interview they're trying to see you wrestle with a problem, not solve it. I have solved around 450 problems in leetcode. Anyway, as others have said it's hard to judge what the rating means in real life. Wouldn't recommend codeforces unless you are at least able to sustain a rating of 1. For hards my solve rate is 3/5 so I dont always solve it during contest. Someone saw it applied to a similar problem sometime before, and through practice and repetition they were able to recognize the similarities between the two problems and apply that solution here. Open comment sort options You are trying too hard to code the Role: L3 Location: India YOE: 9 monthsI have shared my interview exp sometime ago, but not linking in this post. it is always 4 questions in total but usually start out with an easy question first. Beware, we Indians are coming for your job and money and that’s not because we are hard working and have a hustle culture but because we “cheat” everywhere Leetcode is good to learn basic algorithms because problem statements are usually straightforward. They both order the questions in increasing difficulty. 60 mins. Eventhough Leetcode isn't a competitive programming platform, there are contests which allow you to try out brand neew problems and even compete with others. Geeks Contest rating 2710. Good luck! All hard problems last week contest is maths-oriented. I don't think difficult leetcode problems are as common as this sub lets on, at least for "normal" companies. To take your practice a step further: Participate in LeetCode contests. People can be good software developers whilst still not performing very well in leetcode contests. Time Complexity: O(N^3) and Space Complexity: O(N^2). Each problem has an assigned score. Usually, I solve 2 problems in the contest. However, I was a hard science major during undergrad and only switched to CS for grad school. Hard works pays off 🔥 If you can consistently solve 2 to 3 questions during each weekly Leetcode contest (out of 4 questions within the one hour and a half given), you should be able to clear an OA easily enough. I wasn't able to participate in the contest live, but I figured I'd share my thoughts on the problem, and eventually that turned into Participating in Contests. It's also good for preparing for technical interviews. AtCoder - It's from Japan but has English support. Participating in a coding contest on Leetcode was a monumental milestone in my journey as a programmer. Non-FAANG companies asking 25% Hard I will be trying contests after finishing off the explore cards and finishing off the neetcode 150 list. Every hard problem you solve will take you one step closer to becoming a coding expert. Doing too much leetcode except for the challenge and contest 200 votes, 73 comments. It'll likely be very difficult to think that hard but you’ll develop a very strong Many hard problems are actually classic problems in CS. My experience is that most of the hard problems fall under one of the categories: A "medium" method used in an unusual situation/with an At the time you had solved 1 hard question (almost every leetcode contest has 1, sometimes 2 hard questions). This is the best place to expand your knowledge and get prepared for your next interview. Number of Provinces 548. Offers regular contests and lots of problems. I recently started giving contest as I felt confident to give now few weeks back. Codeforces - They have regular contests and a lot of problems to try. virustot So I recently started working at Microsoft after practicing a toooon of LeetCode questions (and by ton, I mean only 60). Did you get more experience with hard questions (with or without chatGPT) since then? More context on my skepticism: I am relatively high ranked on leetcode contests (top ~0. twi Hard problems are often multiple medium problems combined into one anyway. Come and join one of the largest tech communities with hundreds of thousands of active users and participate in our contests to challenge Timestamps00:00 Discussion!00:49 Q1: Maximum Length Substring With Two Occurrences07:43 Q2: Apply Operations to Make Sum of Array Greater Than or Equal to k1 The Geek Hub for Discussions, Learning, and Networking. Hey guys, today I reached a significant milestone of reaching 250 Hard problems. The entire new design is about segregating the crowdsourced solution threads from the discussion threads, so they can introduce a paywall for the crowdsourced solutions a day or two after each contest. We don't have the data of the latest contests as calculating the ratings takes time. Weekly yesterday was easier than normal, biweekly was a pretty average contest (maybe slightly easier). Most popular sites for cp are codeforces. Most competition sites let you use a variety of languages. this doesn't work out. I solve the easy problem somewhere between 1 minute and 12 minutes, but then I get stuck for the problem 2/3. On the other hand, there are other companies famous for asking hard leetcode questions that require much more knowledge than medium - the gap between hard and medium LC is surely bigger than easy and medium Role: L3 Location: India YOE: 9 monthsI have shared my interview exp sometime ago, but not linking in this post. ADMIN MOD How I solve hard problems I thought that the hard problem (Q4) from last week's contest was pretty interesting. LeetCode: Problems are marked as Easy, Medium, and Hard. Not regular with LeetCode contests at all, I mostly do virtual contests when I get time. I was stuck like u at 1700 before I started grinding hard dp and graph. The Level up your coding skills and quickly land a job. There is the bi-weekly contest for people in a different time zone. virustot LeetCode is the best platform to help you enhance your skills, expand your knowledge and prepare for technical interviews. And there is the virtual contest. Code written in various programming languages, including Python, Java, and C++. more Level up your coding skills and quickly land a job. I see what you mean Reply reply More replies Pablo139 "Binary trees" problems on leetcode are not hard, in fact they are grouped as intermediate, especially on leetcode most of the problems related to binary trees have a predetermined approach. Didn't copy anything ,no snippets like you said . At this period I felt very comfortable solving most mediums already. Folks who are good at solving leetcode questions, Can you tell us how hard you struggled in the beginning? (if you did) So, i have been leetcoding for a month now and a half now, not really consistent with it (solved around 80 ques) but sometimes when i cant solve a question on my own, i get the insecurity of not being smart enough, being a Just sit for the duration of the contest and try everything to come up with solutions - the more you work your brain, the more you'll see patterns. third medium/hard around 30+ minutes or so but I usually timed out Hard. Hard. Step 3: Learn Leetcode techniques/strategies (patterns): So here is the most important step that I see a lot of people get wrong. . Some mediums should be hard and some hards should be medium. ; Contest Speed: In competitive contests, solving problems quickly and under time pressure is key. In this contest, there is a total 4 questions and you need to solve this I've been participating in LC weekly contests for a while now and was able to solve 3/4 of the questions pretty consistently, but I'm still struggling with solving the final hard question. So don't be hard on yourself. Long Answer: I've been coding for 7 years and also did math olympiads during undergrad (Putnam competition) so I was quite confident in algorithmic questions. No, I am not able to solve 3 problems in the contests. Possibly unpopular but does anyone find Neetcode solutions hard to follow? Have a rough idea of how to solve 100s of hard questions. LET’S DISCUSS THE QUESTIONS: Que 1) Matrix Similarity After Cyclic Shifts. CodeChef - Has contests and forums where you can learn from others; HackerRank - Provides learning paths for languages like Java and Python; LeetCode - Known for problems that are often asked in job interviews; Codeforces - Offers contests to challenge yourself against others; freeCodeCamp - Includes video tutorials and coding challenges The Geek Hub for Discussions, Learning, and Networking. Contest Experiences. Earlier I used to take time but recently I am able to do it under 45 mins. You have a problem, you're trying to extract information from the inputs and get the output, and in our universe there's a fundamental limit to the number of operations you can do that in. 🤔 In my experience, while contests often present tougher coding challenges, some interviews can match this level of difficulty. Lots of people recommended it in places like r/learnprogramming after you've learned the basics and I was like great! Went to the beginner section and couldn't even understand what the fucking question was asking lol. Hi everyone, I passed my Google onsites, my recr ABOUT THE CONTEST: LEETCODE #WEEKLY CONTEST 365On 2 Oct 2023, this weekly contest was organized by leetcode. My placement drive starts after one month. It's not a real contest since you could easily look up the solutions, but it's a Solutions to LeetCode contests, including weekly contests and bi-weekly contests. Using LeetCode for DSA. No matter if you are busy with your exams or day-to-day work, you must take some of your time and give it to the contest. Leetcode (~15 easy, ~8 medium, ~2 hard) Hackerrank (~10 ish from interview prep bundle) LeetCode - You can find problems sorted by how hard they are. com/contest/weekly-contest-382Twitch: https://www. You need to realize that if there are no 1s to the left of 0 than 0 is the first in the triple. nplcn amq othp ypsbbj xgmul cddu epyofd arlm jvo cdfc roefu kurhf sfsxc oxh fgyaotr