Hoi4 light tank template. Recon for speed (the recon stat itself sucks).

Hoi4 light tank template. I found the Artillery company wasn't useful enough.

  • Hoi4 light tank template The 6-4 I suggested above will do for light tanks. Here my tanks blueprints Light/Medium/Modern tanks / Flamethrower for all tiers, with some research info, to avoid over-research. Also, arty DOES NOT have breakthrough, which is one of the reasons line arty is usually trash (14-4 and 11-6 exempted). Support: Armoured recon, Engineers. Because I think this the highest point you can get with medium tank templates. You can go for either light,medium or heavy tanks. Light tanks don't cut it when it comes to fighting AT, so it's not worth bothering with light tanks when they're involved. Though you can only use light tanks to get armor bonus for a few years. I was playing with light tanks and they absolutely shred. You'll want to make offensive templates for serious pushes. First, you're gonna need more support companies (recon, signal, logistics, flame tanks etc. 5IC. com], 4 light tank, 3 motorized 2 light spg with field hospital, maintenance, armed reckon and signals upgraded to 4 med and 4 motorised and 2 med spg. I generally would not bother with light tank divisions beyond super early in WW2, and the amount of resources it would take to make effective light tank divisions before they become basically obsolete makes them not worth it most of the time IMO. Light Tanks are the easiest tanks to produce in HOI4, since they require the least amount of production points, and they will usually have a great focus on their Max Speed. Tanks that go 4km/h with high armour and breakthrough to boost div stats. Use your existing armored division template with light tanks battalions and edit it. + situational companies. First, you'd need to research Light Tank 3 in order to convert Light Tank 2, which has a huge opportunity cost in terms of research. speed: effects how fast tanks go, should be consistent across all of your templates. You also will need to defend the far bank against counterattack as it will take a while to cross the river and the gap will likely be reacted to in time: SPG's excel on the defense) Medium tanks/SPG's fight just as well as Light Tanks here. It's harder to make a case for the breakthrough specialist tanks being lights, because 3 man medium turret gives way more when you're throwing on radio and armor clicks etc. The higher average Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. I'd switch to mediums then. What i usually do to do that is make a medium tanks template of 3 medium, 1 motorized anti-tank, 2 motorized artillery & 4 trucks with supports of mot. Anyway, for what type of tank, I consider my resources: Light tanks only need oil and steel Medium tanks need tungsten as well Heavy tanks need chrome instead A 1936 Light Tank has 15 armor while a 1936 medium tank has 60 armor, your division's armor is equal to 30% of the highest armor in the division plus 70% of the average armor in the division. The light tanks are cheaper than the armored cars and have more hardness which means saves more lives. Engineers, maybe logistics, maybe support artillery, maybe mechanized. From the wiki [hoi4. Got any good ones? In case you are wondering I use light tanks agaisnt infantry and for entcirclements. That means motorized templates are 3x faster and can help you to encircle enemy Whenever you assign a certain tank to the "Artillery" role in the dropdown menu under the tank name in the tank designer, it will kill almost all breakthrough and give a comparatively small buff to its soft attack. If you invest in both, you'll not invest in something else. Such a division would be 6-4 (light tank-motorized), or maybe 5-2-2 or 4-3-2 (light tank-motorized-light spg). During my Hoi4 School stream last week some people asked for some tank designs and suggested templates for medium and heavy tanks, here's my thoughts! I also Italy best strategy is going for light tanks and motorized, preferably small divisions to use to rush and encircle more than for breakthrough. For support companies: engineers, support artillery, and maybe light tank recon. Light tanks are really good for speed. The idea is that once the tanks or motorized hit an area with low supply, their speed is reduced significantly, making high speed divisions not Use either anti tank or artillery support, not both, racking up enough XP to create two separate divisions for this is highly recommended. 5 km/h -> Base speed 5. Maybe just replace two Similar templates with light\heavy\Modern Tank template for landing and breaking rivers (download the doctrine of the Marines) Aircraft Designer The 36-37 fighter The fighter Also you can join my telegram chanell. The dozer blade on a fully entrenched unit is +2% attack and defense buffs, that if used correctly can go up to almost 3% with static warfare and defensive doctrine, while fuel can let you move amd allow you to operate with less Tank divisions in Hoi4 are the best tool for piercing the enemy line and establishing encirclements. Note that I would not recommend creating a Light TD. But I mostly prefer medium/modern tank template, where I don't use SPGs; I used to gradually upgrade my infantry divisions from 10w pure INF to 20w pure INF to 20w 7/2 INF/ART It’s not necessarily an issue but it is worth mentioning. For light tanks, then, you want a 20W template. The use of light spgs reduces the division’s over all cost and adds a bit of soft attack; however breakthrough is reduced. Come join our Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Use these as your main offense. A very strong and very viable tank division is 15 tank battalions (you could add SP's or tank destroyers if you want) and 5 motorized or mechanized battalions. tank design: medium tank speed about 8km/h, reliability about 100% or less if you are using maintenance support company. Unlike 25 x Cavalry Military Police, they provide hardness and strong suppression (93. a Fallout themed HOI4 total overhaul serving over 300,000 users and counting. A 10 INF division has 4 piercing and a 7 INF 2 ART division has 4. com], What are the best light tank and medium tank templates? Between 30-40 width Archived post. 4km/h tanks with cavalry. You could add also add artillery and AA, this depend where you are fighting and with who. Best tank for hills, forests and deserts bar the MUCH more expensive quality heavies you might start getting out in numbers in 40. Why this Design is Great: Moving forward with the main battle tank, this design template was aimed to gain both the speed of light tanks and the armor of heavy tanks. However, they still get bogged down and have extreme trouble punching through the AI lines even with air superiority. Same for armor, ideally. Then a lighter tank division with one medium, four lights It is time for the best division templates in 2025, updated from last year!We will also discus combat widths, and the most important stats. They're more cost efficient than lights and heavies and also give more hardness compared to lights. Intro. c This is pretty much the standard offensive template for anyone who either can't afford to build tanks or doesn't know how to design a proper tank template. Here are some of the best Usually I go for 1x medium tank, 2x light tank SPG, 2x light tank and 4x motorized + logistic, maintenance, support artillery, engineer and recon companies. Really like radios. Lights are bad, worse than mediums. 40 width amored anti-air / anti-infantry template. Discover 7 optimal Hoi4 tank templates, including heavy, medium, and light tank designs, to enhance your Hearts of Iron 4 gameplay with effective armor, mobility, and firepower strategies. So if you’re building tanks as Romania I’d say go medium. Find examples of infantry, tank, and armored templates with fla Learn how to design the best tanks for different roles and scenarios in Hearts of Iron IV with this guide. Replace some of Template 2's medium battalions with lights. A somewhat more useful template, that is along the lines of a space marine template, is mixing in a fast medium tank battalion into a mechanized infantry division. Be the first to comment Hoi4 Mp nation tierlist? I'm VERY organized, so i don't mix something like 10kmh medium tank with 8km light tank in same "chassi" tier, each tier have a speed goal: basic: 6km. Save the template and convert some (or all) of your tank divisions into the new template. 1) Unless you plan on fighting Germany AA might be more useful than AT, the AI usually does not field medium tanks, or fields mixed medium/light tank divisions. The AI does often use air support. The supply will be a nightmare. 20w would have 6 LT 4 MOT, 40w would have 10 LT 7 MOT 2 LT-SPG, for an extra bit of soft attack. i don't understand the whole width division template lingo so a picture of the template would be nice. This division will be very fast and will work Another 7/2 template, but this time with motorized units. But we only use it as a support light tank recon company which makes it pointless. More posts you may like r/hoi4. You have three options Tanks. See examples, pros and Notes: This template is your starter tank unit. The only must haves for any 40W tanks, imo. IT IS THE REASON WHY THE STATS ARE LOW. improved: 8km. For vroomvroom motorised + light tanks; for rolling mechanised + medium tanks. However, early game I can also advise for very cheap 14w cav+light tanks with support arty which can be detrimental to the It's a UK armored division (1 Light Tank + Light Tank recon support) with a licensed German Light Tank. *The light tank zooming around strat. You're going to want to use cav recon. Reply reply More replies More replies More replies What are some Templates you should use if you have the turkey Empire (Turkey+Greece)and have to attack iran and irak? If you have enough factories I would switch to Light Tanks though Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . usually around 1:1 ratio of tanks to mot, 3-3 or 5-4 maybe. in a tank division) can be applied cheaper by hitting the +button next to 'engine' in the tank designer. A place to share content, ask questions and/or Light Armor Recon Engineer Company AA/Arty Company Medium Flame Tank Logistic/Radio Company Battalions 3-5 Medium tanks 3-5 Motorized Infantry, preferably Mechanized Infantry 2 Motorized AA/SPAA 1-2 Motorized Arty/SPH Grants you a bunch of Soft Attack, Armor, Breakthrough, HP, Org etc. Basically what I need is a cheap light tank template that would be very good at maximizing soft attack as I only plan on using it against infantry. If you cannot, then use dedicated 40w infantry attackers. then signals or logistics later in the last slot. You can add Repair and Logistics companies too. Was thinking Light SPGs might be the way to go with motorized, but would love some more input. Try to stay above 30org. You can either do 20 width or 40 width, but i usually recommend 40width. Don't focus on combat width. likewise if you’re Tank division - 13 medium tanks, 7 motorized, support engineer and logistics (there are many options for tank templates but this is a good one to start with). Depending on your So you can get a very potent infantry by just attaching few line artilery pieces to your basic infantry template. If you aren't going to make lspg 5-5, 6-4, or 7-3 ratios work ok. u/vindicator117 has a very nice 20 width light tank template . Find out the best light tank The Ultimate Guide to Division Templates, Aircraft and Tank Designs (Updated 21-01-2025) By Vezachs. Now, in term of manpower only, the best ratio has multiple winner with the exact same stats. Extra line battalion slots For armored templates, use a ratio of motorized or mechanized infantry to tanks that gives you at least 30 organization. If you're looking for a good Soft-Attack-Oriented Tank build, simply replace the standard cannon with its artillery variant. Combat engineer, fire support tank, supply, motorise reconnaissance. Always supported with arty, shovels and AA hello, i would like to get some good (preferably cheap) tank templates for Hoi4. New comments cannot be posted. You can use this template until until 1941 and switch to medium tanks template. Cavalry trades fuel efficiency for supply efficiency, and is much slower than light Early game you just want 3 to 6 light tanks and the same amount of motorised with arty & engineers support. The world of Hearts of Iron IV (HoI4) is a complex and immersive one, where strategy and planning are key to success. Try to get the medium tanks to about 100 armour so the div isn’t pierced and then make the The thing with Light Tanks is that the time frame for their ideal use mostly falls before WW2, when you don't have the industry to support lots of tanks. either make a new division template from scratch, or add medium tanks to an existing division. Lights are not worth their cost as soon as anyone starts adding support aa to their divisions. I've researched light tanks, one heavy, and I'm currently only producing light tanks (along with the other stuff needed), just to keep the only tank divisions I have supplied. Under the name of the tank, press the Light/Medium/Heavy Tank button and select the Flame (Support Company) option. Something SomethingContentLikeSubscribeAll That Jazz#gaming #hoi4 Hearts Of Iron 4: Best Division Templates Hearts of Iron IV. Without NSB, heavy tanks are a terrible choice having the same manpower requirement as light tanks but needing a full 334IC/s. Against 1939 anti-tank supported infantry, you need a template which has 100 armour, 125 for safety. i38e. Now everything between 10 and 45 width is viable, while everything between 30 and 40 is kinda sub par. With just med howitzer 1 you get about 50 soft attack which is insanity. They can provide 30-40 breakthrough at the cost of only 3. So, you’d just have to change the Medium Tanks for whatever Tanks you want, and the result would be the same overall. By 1942, you should replace the Cavalry with Motorized Infantry since they are a lot better stat-wise. I wanted I updated my armor, mechanized, tankk elite best armor division template for Hearts of Iron IVJoin this channel to get access to perks:https://www. Lights with the close support gun are comparable to mediums (slightly better because they are more in a battalion. Other then that keep your air up to date and you should beat pretty much everything. Mountain Assault: Light Tanks, Light SPG's, and Mountaineers. The most important thing is So whenever i play as russia the army divisions i always use the 9 batallion infantry with 1 arty batallion, support arty, engineer, sup AA, and cav recon. Cavalry also make it 20s with logistics, but only full cavalry units don't bother with artillery here, you'll drain your motorized reserves and God knows you'll need to to handle the Americans. Airborne Light Tanks are mutually exclusive with all of the other recce companies, and they use standard light tanks. The AI doesn't really invest in hard attack and piercing which will increase their performance even more. 9/1 21-width works pretty good too by the way, but it's kind of an unnecessary compromise. See examples of infantry, tank, and anti-tank divisions with tips and tricks. Try to get some support arty and 10-20 width cavalry divisions. Any advice or are my division templates at fault here? The best Tank divisions are 40 widths and probably the best option are medium or Heavy tanks since lights can't really do much. In some cases I like using a single turret light tank because I plan to phase them out into garrison and recon duties. Instead of building my usual medium tanks, I decided to build and train up a massive light tank force. Come join our Discord Hoi4 Light Tank Template Guide. Reducing the armor and engine to stop using the chromium will help a lot with that. If you make lights with stats, medium instantly beats it even if the design features some speed, as they already have better main gun, better armor, and use only 50 per battalion while light tank requires 60. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Note: in Africa, these might be supply hogs. Notes: Fill the whole template with Light Tanks battalions. This is still more IC expensive than cavalry, but at least it's closer (57. The number of tanks will probably end up about equal to the number of motorized, but it depends on how much org your tanks have due to which doctrine you picked. If you can, make dedicated 40w medium/heavy tanks, or 20w light tanks*. The latter are cheaper and have more soft attack, the former has better armor, org, and breakthrough. Currently I have starter 12w + engineer divisions, what composition should I use in order to have more effective divisions? As tanks are concerned I have upgraded and modified light tanks while medium tank model is just researched. What should I change template depends on how much supply there is where i'm fighting and how many tanks i can produce in time for the fighting. For me, my current division template doesn't work very well, it takes a while to invade France and I mostly rely on Infantry. ATt least I like to have higher org and a combat width of 30 for my tank divisions. A good general template will be good. 4 mech/mot, 3 light tank, 3 SPART (20) is what I use as Germany or Italy. Keep in mind the starting points the reduction is very significant for both light and medium. as of now I only really use light tanks because I haven't found luck in searching for medium and heavy tanks. Open comment sort options I have been playing Hoi4 Day by day, Light tank template Question Im playing as turkey and i would like to do light tanks but i don't have any idea what is the optimal template for it Locked post. youtube. I used light SP in tank divisions when I upgraded them from 20w to 40w. Yes it is, you have to assign Division template: Just use 30w tanks, you'll mostly be using them in plains tiles anyway. Even 1941 light and medium tank damage compared to SPG only double where Heavy is still almost 3 times. For players Mobile warfare template: remove the SPA for higher org. 8IC per suppression) The only research needed is the 1918 gun (which nation has on start) and interwar tank design. Put like 1-2 factories on motarized and 2-3 on light tanks. i add maintenance when i get it. if you're going mobile warfare keep an eye on the hardness of your divs, the blitz tactic only triggers if you have 50% hardness or more. 12/8/2 tank/mech/mot AA is king. if you wanted to do Light or Heavy variants of this template, the other parts work well either way. The game starts with the 1934 Light Tank chassis researched. paradoxwikis. You can also change the type of tanks. It probably is just light tanks and if youre producing multiple light tanks with different parts, the groups use what they get first supplied to them. a ratio of 4 tanks:3 motorized:2 lspg is solid. Variations are: 5 light tank, 2 light SPG, 2 motorized; 4 light tanks, 2 light SPG, 3 motorized. Are they for reconnaissance, rapid response, or To save ICs, 5 tanks + 0-4 artillery + 5-9 infantry is an option. players will need a Tank Destroyer in the division to increase the Hard Adjust your light tanks to have the most soft attack. Artillery Replace motorise troops by mechanics troops once you have spare productivity. Tank design: Cheap, Fast, Combat Effective - pick any two. I'm starting to get better at hoi4 and want to use more tanks. They're also easily pierced, meaning you should give up their armor stat and just use the light tanks themselves for breakthrough in high-speed exploitation units. 40W tanks ofc. tank template: about 6 tanks and motorized or mechanized in late game, stay around 30 org balancing this value with . 5th slot for light tank recon or support anti air (my favor is AA). According to the 1934 chassis research, it should unlock a Division template. A 16/4 tank/mot is garbage. Never do 20 width tanks. Recon, engineers, art. Support - Engineers, Recon, Anti Air, Logistics and Signal Company This is the best division in the game. 40 width armored template. To create an effective light tank template in HoI4, follow these steps: Determine the Role: Decide how you intend to use your light tanks. They should always be fine for adding enough breakthrough to beat opposing attack. Best Garrison Template for Germany in HOI4. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Make them larger with fewer tank and more moto/mecha. A mt brigade contains 50 tanks, or 650 ic. And it’s not just light tanks, it’s high speed tanks and divisions overall. If a unit has more armor than an enemy has piercing, it does 50% more damage and receives 50% less damage. ) I would reccomend an equal distrubution of tanks and motorized for now. Then if I want larger divisions, I go to 20 width which can have around 9 divisions or more. I'd throw logi on. Lights cost 10 ic/unit for the 1941 model. 5 light tanks, 2 light spgs, 2 motorized supports are artillery, engineers & recon. The 40 width light tank 10 motorise infantry 10 tanks 1 motorise anti air. However, light tanks run a little light on soft attack. For 40 width divisions you could go with 10 light tank, 10 horse cavalry or 10 light tank and 10 motorized infantry. Maintenance is a good support company. Armored car Light tank medium tank Heavy tank Super heavy tank Modern tank All have a suppression of 2. They are fast, and by 1937-38 you basically can have the best light tanks designed. You are swapping org for breaktrough for the same effective greeen bar pool but at 2X the cost. This way you'd even get the speed in every terrain. 6IC vs 25. focus on improving your light aircraft designer. 2º slot - Medium flamethrower tank: buffs for everything[terrain] on atack, no debuffs. Calculation: Light Tank 3 (1941) Base Speed = 5 km/h Tank Design modifiers: Gas Turbine Engine +0. This is the best offensive unit. Same for heavy tanks btw, they can have their use, but you always have to ask if they're worth picking over something else. Avoid mechanised since it slows you down. ADMIN MOD Division template, Heavy tank, SPA and mech designs from my other post Image Archived post. , signals I’ve been improving at HOI4 and noticing my templates are pretty bad. Templates apply pretty much across the board. As Italy my main goal is driving Allies out of Africa and Im wondering what are good templates for that. If you know of any 20w light tank divisions please reply? Archived post. Updated Sep 23, 2024 Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. You just want your organization above 30. absolutely chews up the AI (who mostly fields infantry and doesn't really build anti-tank weapons). And so on. If you're getting closer to 41, consider turning back exactly this template. Meds cost 13 ic/unit for the 1941 model. I use two armor division templates: The heavy tank division is One heavy, four medium tank battalions, and five mechanized. I consistently use 40 width tank divisions with 13 tank battalions, 2 SPGs, and 4 motorized with (at least) engi, sigi, and logi companies as support. At the same time your tank design lack massively in soft attack, yet the piercing is light or medium tanks with motorized and light spgs. Modern Tank: 12km. Motorized template have 12 km/h speed whereas infantry have only 4 km/h. Using other supports is probably a good idea if you can spare the equipment, Recon & Signal are pretty good but they can be really costly. Design of a small cannon, radio, 2 or 3 man turrett, wet ammo and So basically I am trying to learn the template mechanics in the game and I made a light tank division. You need support flame tanks. The world of Hearts of Iron IV (HOI4) is a complex and engaging one, where strategy and planning are key to success. Africa wrapped up by Sept 40, invaded Sicily march 41, driving through Munich via Italian alps in late 42. Cheap light tanks: 4 MOT + ARM to fill 20W. With this in mind, it’s still key to pair this unit up with mobile infantry and the right doctrine in order to make the most of this design Medium tanks are the most well rounded, having good stats for the cost. By Nathan Dawber & Rhenn Taguiam. Tanks, anti-air, and anti-tank give lots of piercing while infantry and artillery give a little. Neither case would you be changing your 20w pure infantry. I suggest that you use light tanks with medium howitzers for spa and spam breakthrough on medium tanks to make up for lack of it on spa. Light tanks have virtually no armor and a low cost. 10 light tanks 4 motorised infantry and 2 artillery. However when looking for templates most of them are for multiplayer or are outdated. g. But, if you plan to use light tanks throughout use two or three man turrets to maximize breakthrough in case your armor check is passed. The forced usage of 10/20/40 width divisions is obsolete since they changed it with the nsb/Barbarossa patch. Recon isn't really worth it and the speed (e. You can experiment with the template as you wish, just remember to have at least about 25 organization. Tanks should have engineers, support artillery, armored recon, and if they're to fight alongside infantry, signal detachments. Then use XP to create a variant with upgraded stats to try to future proof your TD investment. Master Hearts of Iron 4 light tank strategy with our expert template guide, covering optimal divisions, armor, and support units for effective warfare and tactical superiority. Duplicate Template 1 and create Template 2. The Ultimate Guide to Division Templates, Aircraft and Tank Designs (Updated 21-01-2025) By Vezachs. 45w are an okay alternative too, but it's better to have 12 30w divisions than 8 45w divisions for example. I found the Artillery company wasn't useful enough. Furthermore, if you have a stalemate on the front, using tanks against your enemy might just do the trick. r/hoi4. Tanks do however have other stats not reduced by the flame tank classification, like Entrenchment or fuel capacity. For the tank templates again what tank template light, medium or heavy & what ration tank to motorised etc. 3º slot - Light tank recon company: 10% buff for everything[terrain] on movement, no debuffs. Generally, more tanks and heavier tanks in a template increase armor. Recon and support artillery are solid optionals. Sometimes logistics. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game In short, if you want to spare manpower, use armored car (or any tanks). net/OrGbvn We Finally Discovered The LIGHT TANK META - HOI Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. The Fast Light Tank (1936) Image. Recon for speed (the recon stat itself sucks). Im looking for these templates, however any good tips or templates are appreciated All around template Offensive infantry Defensive infantry Motorized template Light tank template None Light tanks are only really usable if you make cheap ones. Never do light tanks. Generally, it's best to have all of your tank battalions in the division of the same class. Something like 6 tanks and 4-6 motorized will work depending on your doctrine. You're much better off transitioning to meds. There isn’t much cost difference, and mediums preform better. You'll have 50 health and lose half the tank clicking inf. Supp art is very efficient soft attack, but tanks should already have plenty of that. 35 width with mech, mediums (i forget the ratio but go for above 30 org) and an aa. Then do the exact same template with Heavy Tanks or If you're doing Mobile Warfare, 4 or 5 motorized and then fill with medium tanks and eventually 1-4 medium spg, if you're doing Superior Firepower, which is kinda better, do same but with 6 motorized as Germany, 7 as any other countries. . Even with 30 org from MW. If you want to use infantry offensively, use 14 infantry 4 artillery with support engineer and artillery For example, normally you cannot mount a medium howitzer on a light tank chassis, but if you change tank role to artillery and use light fixed superstructure instead you can have an insane amount of soft attack for a very cheap price. Should there be a Light Tank Division template available at the start of the game? Battalions: 10 light tank, 4 light tank-spg, 5 motorized. don't use medium spgs, they're a trap. Light tanks are very underrated, and can be used to do some really stupid stuff (album not made by me) when used well. decide on a number and stick to it. These maximize the punch you can deliver with a limited number of allowed divisions to send as volunteers. thanks in advance! Title. There is a Cavalry template for HOI4 that you can use from 1936 to 1942. Edit: Any templates you guys use is also helpful :P These can either be 40w infantry (13 infantry 4 artillery 1 anti tank 1 anti air) or 20w light tank divisions. That is what I would change if I were you. ADMIN MOD What are good templates for the Soviet Union Tanks and infantry . Going 50/50 on tanks and infantry in the early game provides the best compromize between armor, breakthrough, and If you look at the tank research tree, you will notice three distinct tank types: Light, Medium, and Heavy (With amphibious tanks and super-heavy tanks being outliers). If you can’t win the air war, replace one tank with 2 SPAA. Share Add a Comment. I have been playing Hoi4 Day by day, everyday, since May 7th, 2020, ask me anything Vindicator's 5-2-2 light tank template is probably the most cost effective 20W. Here is the best Light Tank division template to use at the start of the war: 4×2 Light Tank; 4×2 Motorized Infantry; 1 Motorized Artillery; Support: Engineer + Motorized Recon + Anti-Air + Maintenance + Flame Tank; You can Learn how to design effective divisions for different combat widths and purposes in Hearts of Iron IV. This is a light breakthrough and rapid encirclement div that can be used to snipe victory points or punch through lightly to moderately defended lines. Piercing; Once that now unfortunate tank takes their shot, they must survive the shot from our division’s tanks, because this template has the highest piercing, 9/10, the enemy tanks would be no more. Armor is also a factor. Early: light tanks, just duplicate and remove the motorized from the light tank As for infantry with this build, try to go for 20 or 30 width if you go 20 width go for 6-2-2 as in 6 infantry, 2 artillery and 2 anti-tank, if you go for 30 width use 10-2-4 as in 10 infantry, 2 artillery and 4 anti-tank, in my opinion anti-tank is more The tank division that I go with is a 6/4 with medium tanks and motorized, aswell as some support companies like Artillery, Logistics and Engineer. hvhhggggh. Best Light Tank Designs in HOI4. As much as I'd love to see an 'ultralight armour' option built around modifiable half-tracks, which would fit a lot closer to what you're looking for there, be a better option for smaller/less industrialised countries, and has countless historical examples to use as examples. This template is a lifesaver. In SP though, Ive never seen the AI do adequete AT for plain light tanks early In that regard, larger templates that use fewer support companies are generally going to be cheaper than smaller templates that use more support companies. Heavy tanks aren’t usually needed because their specialty is killing other tanks, and if you’re not using them for that, then their cost makes them inefficient. Question Making division templates is beyond me, and I’m very stuck to 10w infantry w/ shovels, and 20w light tanks and maybe some support companies depending on how the game is going. Reply reply 462782 Against purely 1939 infantry, go for any template which has 15 armour, 19 for safety. Medium tanks have good Learn how to create optimal divisions for different terrains and combat widths in Hearts of Iron 4. A lt brigade contains 60 tanks, or 600 ic. “Everything the For single player with minors i use 27w infantry/tank divisions with 11inf / 1arty / 1 medium tank or 10 inf / 1 arty / 2 medium tanks if my industry allows. I had about 35,000 out in the field and another 20,000 in my stockpiles. Also, unlike SPG which requires 50 tanks to make a battalion the tank designer has 6 important common elements, consistent across all tanks. Users share their opinions and experiences on the best light tank templates for different scenarios and nations in the strategy game Hearts of Iron 4. The real important thing is the damage though. add a light tank battalion to an infantry template to give them armour lol. Support light tank using models that carry fuel, may as well give it a dozer blade for good measure. Idk if support tanks were added to base game yet. 2) Once your 8/1/1 INF division template is set, you can flip those INF battalions to MTN for a useful 8/1/1 Alpini template, costing 40 Army XP and 9/1 still works fine for the vast majority of your army, but more as a line filling and defensive unit. STOP Games on a budget! 💰 Upto 50% off your fav PDX games 🖥️ https://paradoxinteractive. 13 medium tank battalions, 1 medium tank destroyer battalion, 2 medium tank anti air battalions and 5 motorized battalions. Units take damage to organization and strength. This is a basic tank template. Just don't try to push through Siberia with large tank divisions. Logistic company is probably a wise choice even on your infantry since the supply is usually shit in that region. Don't forget to add the production company for tanks, it doesn't look like you added it. I researched the 1936 Tank chassis, built a few tanks then realized that there isn't a Light Tank Division template available. Don't bring any fuel units in the mainline of the divs. I also added support anti air engineer company cavalry recons and support artillery. If i want something faster, 6. If the war kicks of before 1940 you can actually just use motorized & light tanks and be fine. advanced: 10km. For Tank division templates, you should stick to 34w as it stacks best against the 70w terrain you will mostly be working with. ive heard that in the olde days of hoi4, there was no such thing as a special forces cap, so it was best to Light tank and armored car have the same suppression value, but light has more hardness, so it will take less loss to resistance activities. Keeping these templates upgraded should carry you a long while later you can change light tanks to What you can do is convert your old Medium tank 1's into Medium TD2s. Support: Pioneers + medium flame tanks + support art + logistics. Maintenance is a should-have if you’re rolling with mechanized, or if your tanks lack reliability upgrades. You have 6k light tanks in stockpile. It would probably be cheaper and more effective to throw one or two light tanks into that template than switch to pure Mechanized. Then as you keep getting more tanks and trucks, keep using army experience to add more to that tank template until it’s 40 width and 10-10 or 15-5 (tanks-trucks). I recommend only using 1936 light tanks until you research and are able to produce medium tanks and I strongly advise against using the 1934 heavy tank in most situations. I will write about HOI4 and guides there - *Click* [t. You can make fast and slow models and set equipment restrictions in division template design, but maybe this isn't worth the effort unless you're really doing sweaty stuff to squeeze The alternative would be to make them as cheap as possible to at least get the recon stat up and the movement bonuses ofc. If anyone could give me some tips it would be appreciated. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. in the last years as Italy I’m using infantry / artillery / tank templates for the offensive, so I may be unreliable Reply reply r/hoi4. You may find that 5-2-2 or 4-3-2 is better (ltank-mot-lspg). As to hardness Light losses flat 30% (or almost half), Medium 25% (over a quarter), Heavy 15% (not even a fifth). Template 1 has 10 medium tanks and 5 motorized infantry, but you are losing medium tanks too fast to replace them. The infantry defaults to motorised. If we chopped off the support companies, 18 infantry 3 artillery in a single Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. recommended number : 6 light tanks, 4 motirized, + light tank recon, engineers, support art, maybe support AA. The Desert campaign is a bit different, adding 5inf divisions together with our light tanks do a good job. 5 km/h; Gas Turbine Engine +25%; Christie suspension +20%; Henschel German Mobile tank designer +5% By investing in light tanks - be it research, army xp for templates and designs, and production costs - you don't invest in medium tanks. it means that you are not using the M-arm you need to switch out the light tanks for Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. me] 8 Comments < > r1ver [author] Feb 21 @ 9:52pm To get Flame Tanks in HOI4, you first need to research Engineer Company II, create a tank template with a Flamethrower Main Armament, and then design a division and add the Flame Tanks as a Support Company. No need to make a special light tank for them, unless you are just IN THE TEMPLATE SCREENSHOTS THERE IS NO DESIGN NOR ANY DOCTRINE. For tank divisions, that is 3 tanks, 2 motorized as an example. 5 piercing, so your 15 armor light tank divisions will do well against them. If you want to spare factories cost, use cavalry. Mix in 2 LSPART or LSPAA depending on your needs if you can afford it. Watch the video to Medium tanks are the most cost effective and combat effective in a wider variery of situations compared to heavy tanks. The build of your light tanks is based on your division construction. so I just want a good light tank template as italy please tell if this would work or i need to change it I have been using online templates i found on either YouTube or any hoi4 communitys for a while but I can't find any light tank templates. However with the cheapest possible heavy tank design this can be brought down to 108IC/s and taking only 1/20th the damage of a cavalry template or 1/4th the damage of a light tank template. Pre-No Step Back the OP 20-width light tank template was 5 light tanks, 2 motorized infantry, 2 light self-propelled guns, with Anti-Air, logistics, maintenance, and artillery as support companies. 4º slot - Logistics: the queen here for obvious reasons. You wanna use the basic medium tank chassis, there isnt any reason to go beyond that. Open I don’t think the template would be different than a medium division, just replace the mediums with lights. The tank design is bad. Just build Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. What makes tanks good on the attack is their Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. 7 suppression with fully upgraded Military Police support company). ONLY LIGHT TANKS suffer the most out of the reliability debuff making around 2 3k loses on whole 50wd light tank divisions. ) these small tanks with 11 ic each were absolutely shredding everything untill 1943, and yes they take more THE most effective template is 25 cheapest light tanks you can makee-tracked, not wheeled, htat lowers hardness too much+best MP support you can get Top 1% Rank by size . Add in logi, aa, flame tanks, light tank recon and another of your choice. Standard Superior Firepower template is 12-8 or 13-7, medium tanks or heavy tanks (pick one), and motorized or mechanized (pick one). 5 for 500 manpower. works for all nations of course These are bad division templates. Medium tanks have good armor and low cost. Then put some early research into tanks and motarized. Then you want to use max level radio, a 3 man turret, a howitzer or the medium cannon (if you wanna go against infantry mainly then the howitzer, if you want it to have decent soft attack and good piercing then the mdium cannon) Then you want to use 2 medium turrets and wet ammo storage. Share Sort by: Best. and then a 9 bata motor div with the same support as infantry but the recon is changed to a motor, and a tanks division with 6 light tank (light tank template has lvl2 radio, lvl2 cannon 3 turret and 4en 6ar tanks),8 motor bats The production cost of the this light tank rivals some medium and heavy tanks I build, you need to get that number down. Archived post. ssivc rwqnocf pvdt vbddnt vrmxba iaolu qysnb nudjh fsvbeb hnovzw ekt eadh ryp aykfe otmqw