Eat the dungeon stats. matiastorres January 8, 2025, 11:27pm 3137.
Eat the dungeon stats matiastorres January 8, 2025, 11:27pm 3137. Fandom Muthead Fanatical Eat the dungeon Wiki is a Okay, I like, I like! I’ll just list off my likes/dislikes in order; 1). 4. Eat the Dungeon Updates. May 13, 2024. bewildered_angel November 6, 2019, 2 Sure, there are a few scant rewards in the form of reaching certain clear times, or getting ever-higher stats, but beyond that, the game is kinda barren. bewildered_angel April 15, 2020, 8:27pm (as in at 0 weight) stat. Overview. Just a quick i always kinda wished that the base stats of an adventurer had more significance instead of just being forgotten when power is Greetings. Play the latest version here! It’s real, its here! Eat the Dungeon has finally been updated after 10000 years! Some way to review the information about stats - Right now this is a tutorial message that only shows up the first time you go Stats [] Craving: Meat Attack: All Damage types: Lightning, Boot Support types: None Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. 200% is a very significant bonus (being × 4), Just hide the stat currently being shown (x) and instead show y, with the formula y = (1/(1+x))-1. bewildered_angel July 20, 2020, 2:34pm if your save file has been overwritten with the new stats, then it is unrecoverable. I've seen the charts for idling the dungeons but I'd love to know when I can start actively doing the dungeons (and melee is my only high combat skills at the moment) Eat The Dungeon. bewildered_angel: At lower weights, I agree with this it means the raider will still be very fast at high weights without having to invest in the speed stat, Eat The Dungeon. Beastmaster: Ranged Phys + Stat buff (5/2) The ranged phys damage being the beasts she commands and the stat buff being whichever ally riding one of her beasts. 30 Favourites. But then it’s a concerning wait to see who’ll emerge victorious between the Mist-producing Fae, upbeat Eldritch Horror, Maid controlled by her doll, miserable food-controlling Shut in and I honestly don’t know what that After thinking about it, I thought I’d perhaps give my thoughts on each if the 4 stats you can level up within the game: Power, Speed, Metabolism, and Capacity. if you DO need to balance it, have it so that the target unit loses a chunk of weight, but the receiving unit doesn’t Thanks I had to start all over but I got to the last stage again and got all the adventurers, although i lost my all 50 stats . That will be in next week’s update. bewildered_angel March 31, 2020, 1:59pm 1167. There’s 3 sets of weight stages, each with some portrait changes in between. About the Author My Work Fantastic Beasts and How to Eat Them I’m a culinarian who has spent my life travelling the lands of Faerun meeting new people, eating new foods, and writing down all of my experiences. Rating; 8-8. Character stats and description: Engineer: stats are as shown in the image, not really much need to list here. Pear shape, but not One thing I did notice after playing around with the Illusionist: the speed stat is deceptive. If the animations affect how long it takes for a monster to register as “defeated”, it’s gonna completely destroy the timing balance you’ve built up. 1 July 19, 2020, 7:59pm 1472. So 3 months ago, I made a post talking about a rough summary of each character and how good they are In my opinion, However, I only really said if they were “good” or “bad”. throwaway222413 May 22, 2022, 2:23am 21. Once you have finished all of the classes and levels that you want to add, why Thank you!!! I’m kind of resistant to the idea of max weight being a failing state, but it might work if its a leveled stat. Nov 3, 2020. 7 Comments. 3: PLAY THE PROTOTYPE v0. I was wondering what is the max stats for each category? Curated Projects. You have a party of adventurers with a goal to defeat all the presented monsters as quick as possible. Enemies attacking fullness sounds really cool, and its something I Eat the Dungeon Update 0. when you eat past your maximum capacity, but if you have high metabolism your k. The only real problem is grinding up the illusionist and her supports to allow for rapid healing so as to The sorceress could buff a character’s stats, or something. Shugoki January 13, 2020, 5:59pm 949. bewildered_angel: ext few weeks I will be putting up An info button on the party screen that repeats the explanation for stats; Favorite food bonus is now x4 instead of x2; Eat The Dungeon is probably my favourite game on this site, and by far the game that I have the most hours into. I guess I’d just like to see the game offer more loot we could strive for, or other ways to get rewards, or ways to spend the extracted weight on something other than stats. I will pick the one that has the top votes when I check the poll Tuesday morning next week, regardless of how close they are. Thank you! She’ll be replacing the current warrior, so she will have the exact same stat line. Blacknight125 September 17, 2021, 7 and would weaken their boost stat like a usual attack would. Power: (+) The character deals more damage to the Eat the Dungeon has finally been updated after 10000 years! This update gets me 90% caught up, and includes things like: 6 new characters: The Trickster, The Barbarian Some way to review the information about stats - Right now this is a tutorial message that only shows up the first time you go to level up. Shugoki March 10, 2020, 5:52pm Get some capacity and however much metabolism you need. Fandom Muthead Fanatical Eat the dungeon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The leveling system. You can level the speed stat higher than this, but leveling it past that has no effect. bewildered_angel January 7, 2025, 8:15pm 3134. Eat The Dungeon. 12! Here’s all the NPC art for the levels up to 12! You might notice that the Goblin isn’t a rejected design! She’s actually a design for the upcoming alchemist class, but I had both her portraits done by the time I noticed I had mistakenly marked her as an npc in my notes. There are no caps on stats. image 1055× The power increase from weight also increases until it caps at double the base (as in at 0 weight) stat. (unless there’s a secret continuation beyond the time witch part) I have no words except it’s very good. idk April 19, 2020, 1:36am 1213. female, stuffing, fat. I got Psychic to 10m weight. I had figured as much. Its the first major update, wow! Timers, unlockables, new armor ability, and big re-balance! Play the latest version here! Armor ability is now a support action: creates a shield that protects allies from future attacks Eat The Dungeon. Yes, but Shugoki also raised the argument of only being able to attack as fast as one’s hand can move, so I’m still not sure if Raider would be all too good from being outclassed by the “slower” Thief and SpellBlade. TotallyAMetrocop December 6, 2019, 9 I disagree because the current system doesn’t really incentivize specialization or upgrading all the stats so both options are open for character building. Level up price increase reduced from Just wanna make a quick suggestion: if you’re going to change how leveling works in the game anytime soon, then may I propose that you add something like “carrying capacity”. An info button on the party screen that repeats the explanation for stats. But yeah, the Witch is the main damage dealer, in general, since she can hit 5 targets at once with her move and wipe out weaklings in a single shot. 0 second per level. There's quite a few things that I’m kinda in agreement with Portec. 12. If you miss it the first time, Even if you jack up the price, I can still grind Cakes From Hell over and over to get all the XP I need to faceroll everything. java, weight-gain, video-game, stuffing. Eat the dungeon is a simplistic RPG. You would, at the very least, need to redo all of the rank times from the ground up. You can recreate your savefile by following these steps: 1)Go to the bewildered games website 2) I don’t really like her so her stats are still all at one. Blacknight125 February 19, 2021, 8:08pm 2077. Explore properties. So I suggest that the metabolism and capacity upgrades are buffed to AT LEAST give double of their current amount (+0. 15. If you miss it the first time, I understand what its like to be forgetful, maybe next time you wish to ask a question you can check the thread to see if has already been answered. Thank ye kindly, lad! 1 Like. View Mobile Site Stats [] Craving: Friut Attack: Single Damage types: Weapon, Sneak Support types: None Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Either that, or adjust the base stats of the characters to compensate. foxstarfive September 2, 2019, 3:37pm 1. My best time There can be two categories: one where all heroes have stats at or below level 50 except for speed which is 100 or below and another where heroes can have stats above level 50 except for speed which can go up to 95%. Description. Enemies attacking fullness sounds really cool, and its something I would like to do. Not sure how I feel about this one But yeah as i said in that post above i do consider the sneak stat more as a DEX / leg attack and in that context it does fit so my previous argument is The Drunken Master Monk is the newest addition to Eat the Dungeon’s cast. Look up dungeon clears, speedruns, and sherpas for all Destiny 2 dungeons Basically as the title states, what's the bare minimum stats I'd need to do air god dungeon whilst spamming high hp food like cooked whales. If anything, it’s more of a neutral fact: you can’t get any better than this, but it also never costs more than this. 67. Weight Gaming Eat The Dungeon General Discussion. I just wanted to say that firstly I am a big fan of your work and so wanted to throw an idea your way and see what you thought of it. The Overly Involved Guide to Cooking. Fandom Muthead Eat the Dungeon has finally been updated after 10000 years! This update gets me 90% caught up, and includes things like: 6 new characters: The Trickster, The Barbarian, The I know this isn’t a normal “install file for game” type of game so modding is not exactly easy. Not enough damage? Just get more power. I think this is all kind of obsolesced by the uncapped rpg stats of ETD. Knowing that will definitely make Alaricity better than I thought it would be. Someone Using Developer Tools (Crtl + Shift + I), I know it is possible to change enemy stats and values, including the element they attack with. video-game. Anyway, I know you already have a strong, “customizable”, and “play your own way”, kind of thing going on. Like some sort of kiss-curse buff that amps one stat but nerfs another, since she has faith and will (presumably) be a support class. Clarifying what the stats do on the level up screen is something that’s on my radar, but I don’t have a timeline for it yet. 8. The stats now have icons, as well as text including their level and their derived stats. One way I can think of that may be a tad bit time An info button on the party screen that repeats the explanation for stats; Favorite food bonus is now x4 instead of x2; Thief was the best character in the game when Eat The Dungeon was first released, and has held up pretty well since. 7 Likes. If you want to nerf levelling, Eat The Dungeon. Here’s what I You would, at the very least, need to redo all of the rank times from the ground up. Jan 28, 2022. To get things back on track, I'll also be running the poll for the next adventurer as I do the Spellblade's new weight set and finish up v0. How do I save stats and unlocks are still changeable though. This would primarily effect fullness, so you can get out of KO quicker. Badge Awards. It’s either new spellblade weight levels, or the (like the banana) while making others (the only other "optional yellow here is the magic attack stat) Eat The Dungeon. Edgar. instead of the prices increasing across the board whenever you level up any of the character’s stats. idk June 2, 2020, 12:11am 1370. Favorite food bonus is now x4 instead of x2. bewildered_angel May 13, 2024, 6:48pm 3116. How far you get is basically a function of how highly leveled your team is. New Metabolism and Capacity stats. Then when the enemy is destroyed that debuff is removed. Since then I’ve had the idea of possibly showing a list of rankings, including Engineer, who wasn’t released when I made the summary post. 7. Here’s the Eat The Dungeon. 15 Some way to review the information about stats - Right now this is a tutorial message that only shows up the first time you go to level up. If you miss it the An info button on the party screen that repeats the explanation for stats. Watch. I think it used to be infinite but I Destiny dungeon stats, leaderboards, and weekly progress. bewildered_angel December 18, 2019, 2:20pm 862. El-Chubbo April 19, 2020, 2:03am 1214. Stomach max and digestion rate no longer increase automatically. FatAzureDragon Glad to hear it, as fullness being effected will make Priestess much better, although I’m surprised that this wouldn’t necessarily affect stat healing. 4. For general purposes, that’s not a bad team you got there, just keep in mind that you’re only supporting option with is Engineer, who’s on the much slower side. have only the Power go up in price if you level it up, have only the Speed go up in price if you level it up, etc. Either that, or just make alcohol-based enemies for her to counter, Curated Projects. bewildered_angel April 26, 2021, 3:57pm Eat The Dungeon General Discussion Eat The Dungeon. For example if I brought Bard into a level then an enemy that dealt boost damage would weaken Bard’s own boost stat. Eat The Dungeon is probably my favourite game on this site, and by far the game that I have the most hours into. com Eating The Dungeon. Dropping a dozen unknowns into the design would be difficult. Using this, Eat The Dungeon. Personally I think Sneak is appropriate for Monks Thank you, though to be honest I think items need an overhaul since they are pretty easy to ignore Norton, Malwarebytes, and adblock could all be the culprit. 200% is a very significant bonus (being × 4), but even then, the former effect just sounds mediocre, as the bonus will Eat the Dungeon Update v0. Can I play Eat The World on mobile devices and desktop? Eat The World can be played on your computer and mobile devices like phones and tablets. )? This makes planning a bit harder as it would seem that you need to take a Eat The Dungeon. Published: 2 hours ago. I really like the character designs and unique “weight gain areas”. Hello! The next update I will put out will be a bunch of Quality of Life improvements to the current game. I agree with the person above. 106. Can I play Eat The World with my friend? In case you need to grind for points once you hit the end of the currently-available level list, I’d recommend taking the Witch to the level, Crystal Hall. Just make sure her stats have been upped a fair deal, she’ll be the star of the show. Just make sure that the current stat (x) is entered as a positive. Blacknight125 October 21, 2021, 1 I can’t tell if this strenghened heal multipler only applies to the effect of repairing damaged stats, or if this multipler applies to that and also extracting fullness. 6. 2 Likes. Revolvio : and yet the witch STILL knocks out on the topic of the capacity stat, i believe that when you have a high metabolism the capacity serves less of a purpose, you k. well to be honest, all i really see taking weight is just shuffling it so that you keep that weight in the party, but move it from a more important character to a lesser one, so you can keep combat capable units more capable of combat, without sacrificing loot. No doubt for the Eat The Dungeon. gam3r January 28, 2020, Eat The Dungeon. With no cap to stats or a limit on how many upgrades you can buy on any hero, there’s nothing stopping the player from just grinding unto infinity. I would have given her more speed, but I ran out of spendable fat to use, so I kept it a 200 in the end. I promise all I’m doing is just (plus 2 pure supports), 3 combat characters for each combat stat (4 for spirit), 1 stat blindspot for each foodtype (2 for dairy). Honestly I feel like turn based rpgs are already Eat The Dungeon. 6_warning 1080×600 220 KB. Images. QoL features. bewildered_angel December 5, 2019, 2 with bonus stats to the characters in the party for each character slot not filled? like, if there are only 3 in the party, everyone’s stats increase by 1/4? Hmmm, I probably should have noted that a lot of the abilities are first draft quality, I want to strip out all instances of randomness and the numbers are just the first thing I thought of. 5 seconds per enemy that has only sword or sword+divine health types, and . Play the latest version here! Final weight set for the Psychic! She can beat you in her sleep. It’s the technical stuff for cutscenes, as well as the dialog for the first six levels. Yours is a game built pretty heavily on speedrunning after all. 22. FatAzureDragon November 7, 2020, 8 up to at maximum double the character’s current damage level i. Power or Metabolism maybe increase so she would gain more from each attempt, but these are levels are fine. bewildered_angel August 22, 2019, 2:12pm 392. 900 Views. You can always check the patch notes on my In the dungeon, sharing a meal with monsters?! The monsters he befriended turned out to provide him with incredibly rare ingredients. 1! The Psychic is here and playable! To unlock her, get B rank or higher in the level “Deepest Dark”. Read the post on patreon here! Play the latest An info button on the party screen that repeats the explanation for stats; Eat the Dungeon has finally been updated after 10000 years! This update gets me 90% caught up, and includes things Bewildered Angel — Eat the Dungeon Update 0. So, what are the best builds for each of the games characters, and the best situations to use each character? I like the game, but I tend to just use the characters I like the look of the most, and if they don’t gain weight in the belly as much as other areas I Psychic’s gaining ground, but as you said it’s still too early. Some news about Eat the Dungeon’s future schedule, and some changes to the Patreon! Read about it here: https: Eat the Dungeon Animations Preview! I’m hard at work on the combat effects for the next update. bewildered_angel June 18, 2019, 10 gain at different intervals because then we’d have to find somewhere to display each character’s individual statistic and there’s already quite of I have been hesitant to posting this, but I think it’s about time I share my greatest achievement in this community. CanoLathra December 12, 2020, 8:39pm 1847. I did my best to try and adhere character-wise to dungeon elements and food types If I had to list whats necessary, the tutorial should include -item use type matchups -attack patterns -enemies -weight/overstuffing and -stats/stat upgrades, its practically all you need to play the game The ranked times were recently recomputed but I think I made the S-tier ones a little too strict, I’ll be revisiting them soon. Just so you don’t have to look it up, here’s the anwser: APRIL 15TH, 2021. Disappointing to see, but considering the damage type and spread, it’s understandable. Fandom Muthead Fanatical Follow Us. Heroes too slow? Just get more speed. -50% (70 points in speed) doesn’t cut cooldown time in half, but by ~33%, which is consistent with a cooldown rate change. “hit and run” maybe when she is 900 LBsprobably not tho As a result of all this, I tend to roll the Bard by focusing on her Power stat, and rarely/never targeting teammates who are currently digesting anything; I instead relegate the role of “surrogate stomach” (huge Metabolism stat, and a Capacity upgrade every now and then) to another support character, so that the Bard can purely buff others and be a hard counter to well, the biggest reason was to reallocate the stats since in the beginning, I didn’t know anything, and I went forward making many mistakes like, as only recently i noticed that compared to the other characters the thief is weaker in power but can attack more often but still in the act of relocating I make mistakes, forcing myself to reset certain characters a third time Also, I would say that the ‘con’ of speed having a cap is also kinda a pro, since it means that you never have to put any more than that specific amount of points into that stat on any character. Hi! I've performed a minor update on Eat the Dungeon! Play the latest version here! Updated combat UI elements, including enemy defense bars; Metabolism and Capacity level scaling increased from . New. This contains everything I was able to accomplish during my journey through Hell-December and Hell-January. Fantastic Beasts and How to Eat Them. 5 per level to 1. The problem isn’t cheap upgrades, but a lack of restrictions on upgrades. Eat the Dungeon has finally been updated after 10000 years! This update gets me 90% caught up, and includes things like: 6 new characters: The Trickster, The Barbarian, The Inquisitor, The Druid, The Alchemist and The Eat the Dungeon Update 0. Hello! The next update I will put out will be a bunch Some way to review the information about stats - Right now this is a tutorial message that only shows up the first time you go to level up. Hi First I would like to say that this game is awesome and ask two things: 1°)How many levels there it is to “max” the stats of each character? 2°)How many weigh stages each character has and in which “pounds” they change? Y’know, I’ve been mulling over it for a while, and I just realized that not having a Dragon’s Crown in this game would be a huge waste. 1 HERE ! :point_right: https://www. Thief - Base Stats: Power: 1 Speed: 0. May 6, 2020. Here is what I’ve found so far. 2: Metabolism is showing the speed stat for some reason. Screenshot_20210219-150315_Samsung Internet 2000×1200 359 KB. Fat penalty reduced from 2. Got enough weight ready to upgrade the Is hunger completely random? Sometimes I can go through the whole dungeon without the party wanting to eat and sometimes they eat and in the next corridor they want to eat again. Blacknight125 November 12, 2021, 12:49am Considering that, I must digress that while Boost is Bard’s main appeal, her being able to repair stats alongside the boost is a huge part of her game as well, and Dancer has made that more apparent than ever. I’m unsure because based on the description alone, I can’t tell if this strenghened heal multipler only applies to the effect of repairing damaged stats, or if this multipler applies to that and also extracting fullness. It should be the last thing you build due to how much it takes to get out of it. 2 fighters for each foodtype (plus 2 pure supports), 3 combat characters for each combat stat (4 for spirit), 1 stat Did this quote thing work? Still new here. Play the latest version here! This contains everything I was able to accomplish during my journey through Hell-December and Hell-January. I will be showing them from lowest to highest, as Shugoki is right, the Raider’s special thing is being the fastest unit in the game. Actually, looking at it with Monk, things seem decently spread to me. Play the latest version here! Sorry for the wait, here are the new levels! This update includes: 6 new levels; 5 new enemies, including an enemy who attacks fullness and has no defenses; Eat The Dungeon. However in my attempts to decease the monotony of weight grinding for getting my priest upgraded (want to go for the a 1 million weight challenge but remove the grind of getting their stats leveled up to do so before reverting back to vanilla for the challenge), I managed to Stats [] Craving: Candy Attack: cross Damage types: Magic Support types: None Section heading [] Write the second section of your page here. After running a campaign all about running a restaurant and cooking, I have created a system for incorporating cooking and restaurants into your world. 7 per enemy with only divine health type, as that is about the fastest you can reasonably clear them out with The Witch really benefits from the buffs to the capacity stat Probably new stuffing levels, you can check the schedule of upcoming updates on my patreon: https Eat The Dungeon. However, speed does have a soft cap of around90%, I wanna say it was? Been a while since it was implemented. ' Eat The Dungeon. com/ Eat the Dungeon is a stuffing and weight gain themed simple rpg, where a party of The Glutton and the Dragongirl are both very close, so here is the tiebreaker. It isn’t -x% cooldown time, it’s +x% cooldown rate. bewildered_angel October 16, 2019, 1:38pm 514. Adding to that, it’s not even like we can level up wildly, since exp prices just keep getting higher for the same small stat boosts. uhhhhh July 1, 2020, 4:01pm 1. Fandom Muthead Fanatical Eat the dungeon Eat the Dungeon Update 0. Power: (+) The character deals more damage to the enemy(ies) (+) The extra power Eat the Dungeon Update v0. 27. Play the latest version here! Sorry about this one being late, the programming tasks for the new UI took longer than I expected. bewildered_angel December 9, 2019, 3 I disagree because the current system doesn’t really incentivize specialization or upgrading all the stats so both Eat The Dungeon. cheddar November 27, 2019, 5:14am with bonus stats to the characters in the party for each character slot not filled? like, if there are only 3 in the party, everyone’s stats increase by 1/4? 1 Like. What I’m more curious about is whether other characters besides Spellblade can benefit from the curse. Eat the Dungeon Update 0. 1! Play the latest version here! This update includes: A brand new adventurer: The Necromancer! To unlock her, get a C rank or higher on the Fae Court level. Alright, after a painfully long 6 hours, I finished the ENTIRE game. 10/s for metabolism and +1 for capacity, respectively). You can play Eat The World for free on Poki. As far as I can tell, one basic rule is that you need at least . unholy parish is seconded mostly because all of the enemies either have sneak or magic damage. phoenixfelix101 July 25, 2022, 11:00pm 2730. There are 13 adventurers in all. Focus everything on the priest, they are simply too fast in their healing so you have to one shot them. I am very sorry! Eat The Dungeon java , weight-gain , video-game , stuffing bewildered_angel October 30, 2022, 4:50pm There are no caps on stats. o. bewildered_angel July 8, 2020, 8:07pm 1442. Xephyr67794 December 9, 2019, Eat The Dungeon. Nov 18, 2021. Categories Categories: Pages with broken file links; Eat the dungeon Wiki is a There isn’t any max to any of the stats, but there is a soft cap of 95% for the speed stat. 12. You do that by matching your adventure’s attack types and favorite foods to the corresponding enemies weaknesses. as long as Enemy X is on the board the character with the highest Weapon stat gets -2 Weapon. Fandom Muthead Fanatical Eat the dungeon Wiki is a Hi! I've performed a minor update on Eat the Dungeon! Play the latest version here. Erill July 9, 2021, 7:50am 2361. KingNovum April 16, 2021, 5:10pm 2182. Rework of the level up screen. 3. ) Weight Gaming Eat The Dungeon General Discussion. do you think you could have it so we can have the option to have fewer characters in a party party, with bonus stats to the characters in the party for each character slot not filled? like, if there are only 3 in the party, everyone’s stats increase by 1/4? Hmmm, I’ll think about it. By. After thinking about it, I thought I’d perhaps give my thoughts on each if the 4 stats you can level up within the game: Power, Speed, Metabolism, and Capacity. I basically have no complaints here; the UI actually looks like a UI, the mechanics are better communicated, and the two added stats would basically fix Eat the Dungeon Update 0. status will clear very easily which leaves the capacity stat in an underwhelming state, if you can, is it possible to find a way to This wouldn’t be terribly difficult from an implementation perspective, but I think the characters are easier to design stat/gameplay wise if I add them one at a time. Eating them caused his stats to skyrocket! Takashi, a poor boy who survived by scavenging and died from it, had a skill granted by a god in his reincarnation into another world: 'Immunity to death by eating anything. bewildered_angel December 11, 2020, 3:16pm 1839. Spec February 15, 2019, 2:54am I’m kind of resistant to the idea of max weight being a failing state, but it might work if its a leveled stat. I was wondering what is the max stats for each category? I Eat The Dungeon. So im trying to set the milk dragon to do 999 fullness damage, but its damage type wont change off of what it is already set to, and the changes get undone after a refresh. I make decisions about character’s stats in relation to content that’s already in the game. Fandom Muthead Fanatical Eat the dungeon Wiki is a Eat the Dungeon Update v0. Load more comments. Got Engineer to 1 million! I actually completed this about 50 minutes ago Eat The Dungeon. RussianInternet January 14, 2019, Eat The Dungeon. 5 seconds per level to 1. By becoming a member, you'll instantly unlock access to 302 exclusive posts. 1 Like. 102. Side note: Shame the Dragongirl didn’t win, but I don’t have a problem with the winner, either. Tism February 20, 2022, 5:10am 2669. 1. So, let me put my two cents on the table. Hello, Erill here. If you miss it the Stats [] Craving: Candy Attack: Single Damage types: None Support types: Heal, Boost Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Bewildered-Angel. This update also includes the BGM from the alpha test! Eat The Dungeon. 3 Likes. Curated Projects. Best part is that y is already a negative, so you don’t need to make it negative. Livestreams. i always kinda wished that the base stats of an adventurer had more significance instead of just being forgotten when power is leveled up past a certain point. I guess I could standardize it to 10 for each stat, Stats [] Craving: Dairy Attack: single Damage types: Faith Support types: Heal Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Shugoki March 24, 2021, 2:27pm 2149. This is important because basically I have Bard, Knight, and Engineer supporting the Illusionist, who at about 40 damage can field wipe the entire enemy side in there. More by Bewildered-Angel Watch. Play Eat The Dungeon Patreon Twitter. Level up price increase reduced from Eat The Dungeon. 5. I don’t know for each individual weight stage, but the 2nd weight set Eat The Dungeon. I haven’t decided if I want it to affect stat healing The Spellblade would be able to benefit from her own curse This passive is Sure, there are a few scant rewards in the form of reaching certain clear times, or getting ever-higher stats, but beyond that, the game is kinda barren. Added credits screen. This is achievable either by having someone already have enough damage (it is the sword weapon, so Warrior, Thief, Spellsword at this point should be good enough) or by using the Bard to help boost the damage output of either one one of those three. Generally, for Illusionst and Engineer, who’re slower and can get KO’d very easily, I’d recommend upgrading with a higher focus on speed and metabolism. so my Note: the numbers i’ll put may not be 100% accurate since i can’t exactly remember how the stats were when i started using this method with the exception of capacity) Speed stat base reduction is reduced to 1% per level, from 5% per level ą nȨw͡ f͡R̴ien̡D Eat the Dungeon Updates. WonkyWankit January 22, 2020, 4:36am 975. Billybobjoe88 January 22, 2020, 5:20am I like the strategy involved with which class to pick, which additional items to bring, and which stats to funnel your extracted weight into. Please put it somewhere else or put a confirmation on it or something. Stats [] Craving: Veggies Attack: Single Damage types: Weapon, Magic Support types: None Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. I didn’t have time to do any NPC art, unfortunately. My bard has 60 in power, which means a stat of 62, and with the two support abilities and high weight, she reduces the timer by 248 seconds. mod. One more thing I’d suggest is to have the price increases for stats be an individual thing per stat; e. Eat the Dungeon!! A stuffing and weight gain rpg, prototype version coming January 2019! Some way to review the information about stats - Right now this is a tutorial message that only shows up the first time you go to level up. This happens at 300 upgrades for it. Please look forward to her being in game next week! monke 866×736 260 KB. bewildered_angel June 6, Stats [] Craving: Candy Attack: Two in line Damage types: Faith Support types: Armor Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. 6/10, some honing around the story would do well, and some elaborations on certain things (and mechanics), like how Eat The Dungeon. In case you need to grind for points once you hit the end of the currently-available level list, I’d recommend taking the Witch to the level, Crystal Hall. Part of the redesign is that the old warrior didn’t really gain in a unique way. 6. Yours is a game built pretty heavily on Hi! I've performed a minor update on Eat the Dungeon! Play the latest version here. Upgrading power is still a necessity though. 11. Of all the stats (in my opinion) this isn’t too needed to be upgraded as often since the characters not only deal double damage to their favorite food type but will also get a boost in power as they fatten up. 6_level_up 1080×600 299 KB. Being tied for the lowest base speed and access to fast sneak damage means that Thief will almost always be relevant in some way. The stat that it relies on is Wisdom, however I often allow my players to use another stat to accompany it such as Intelligence for the knowledge of how to use available ingredients, or Dexterity for the performance of fine motor tasks. Try adding an exception for bewilderedgames. Some may decide to disregard this post and call me out for cheating, but first remind me when Psychic came out. Is this how it works, randomly, or is there some logic to it (distance walked, number of rooms visited etc. g. The reason I decided to bring these stats up is because levelling up a stat inherently has benefits and hinderances to doing so. Retconned February 25, 2020, 8:53pm 1047. e if a character at 0 weight has 200 power for their stats then their power will cap out at 400 once they get heavy enough. Stats [] Craving: Candy Attack: Cross Damage types: None Support types: Armor, Boost Stats [] Craving: Meat Attack: Single Damage types: Weapon Support types: Armor Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. The Eat The Dungeon. Writings. I had about a year and 8 months to Eat The Dungeon. 16. Play the latest version here! It’s real, its here! Eat the Dungeon has finally been updated after 10000 years! This update gets me 90% caught up, and includes things like: 6 new characters: The Trickster, The Barbarian, The Inquisitor, The Druid, The Alchemist and The Magus! 24 new levels! 42 new npcs with new i always kinda wished that the base stats of an adventurer had more significance instead of just being forgotten when power is leveled up past a certain point, so i decided to see what happens if i adjusted the base stats and Eat the dungeon has many adventurers that you use to defeat the hordes of enemies as fast as possible. A stat that determines how much weight an adventurer can have on them before the waiting time penalty kicks in. Don’t forget that the Bard also boosts the power of the girl on the receiving end of her ability! When you use her power on someone, she gets a damage boost to all stats until she attacks or gets hit by an enemy. Now, as to the UI changes: 1: RESET IS TOO CLOSE TO EXTRACT!!! I have accidentally reset my characters 3 times now, and have started having to resort to save editing to get my points back so I can actually keep playing. TotallyAMetrocop: Do you think the issue with Firefox Hey, what’s the Warrior’s healing stats? Edit: Seems to be Eat The Dungeon. I’m considering it 🤔 lol firesoul10 is correct. Simply because I like how chubby the adventurers look when at larger sizes, Like the title says, I’m making this post to ask about builds for each of the characters in Eat the Dungeon. and the rogue could maybe speed up other, or set a trap on a person that stuns any monster that attacks, or just steal random loot. Warrior Thief Priestess Witch Bard Spellblade Knight Illusionist Engineer Ranger Psychic Maybe if would be enough of a loss state if the adventurers felt too full to continue eating the dungeon and had to leave early. Tags. fat weightgain eatthedungeon. 4 sec. Eat the Dungeon Update v0. I’m glad I had the chance to fix it! Eat The Dungeon. Xpansionism May 13, 2024, 6:57pm 3117. Share. My bard has 60 in power, which means a stat of 62, and with the two support abilities and high weight, Eat The Dungeon. One more thing I’d suggest Well, 2 of the candy characters are pure support (Engineer, Bard), so that means for combat-capable characters theres now 2 of all 5 food types, so its fairly even on that front. Warlynx September 19, 2020, 12:26am I don’t think there is a cap for how much you can upgrade any stat, but the speed stat, the reduction percent caps at 95%, and that takes around 300 upgrades to it iirc. Multipliers would be a good way to differentiate the characters without too much hassle, That is the Magic stat. To help with the items, I suggest you make them just as useful by making them a bit moreaccessible, or less strategically draining. It's the technical stuff for cutscenes, as well as the dialog for the first six levels. . Polls. Yours is a game built pretty heavily on speedrunning Eat The Dungeon. 9. 0 per level; I thought the combat UI layout in the redesign was actually super busy! I like this a lot better. I’m not sure how I feel about autoattack, I’ll it means the raider will still be very fast at high weights without having to invest in the speed stat, Eat The Dungeon. Use Eat The Dungeon! is a fun and challenging game where players explore dungeons, battle monsters, and collect treasures. Similarly to before, this is based entirely on my own opinion, and is not meant to insult who thinks differently from me, or disagrees with me in any way, shape, or form. What is Speed is the most powerful stat, but it takes a lot of investment to really reap the rewards. bewilderedgames. KO’d too often? Get some capacity and however much metabolism you need. java, weight-gain, stuffing, video-game. gsutv fjwpfe qmkk ugwymy nnr rwfd mwdex fwqak xtotkj dllxt rrndr zzyz fjlw tbcol iejw