Catholic louisville ky. com Clergy Pastor: Rev.
Catholic louisville ky 502-245-9733 [email protected] Parish Pastoral Ministry List The annual Catholic Services Appeal invites area Catholics to join together in supporting the more than 100 ministries, services, and programs offered by the archdiocese. Testimonials • Career • Practicum • Internships • Equal Opportunity • Catholic Social Teaching A Career with Catholic Charities Your work with Catholic Charities of Louisville changes lives. bboxInit = function () { bbox. It utilizes resources both locally and 501 East Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202 is the main location for asylum seekers and immigrants in Louisville, and call (502) 636-9263; 435 East Broadway Louisville, KY 40202 is the main Catholic Charity headquarters, and call 502-637-9786; 2235 W Market St. In September 1821, Father Philip Hosten became the first residential pastor of Saint Louis Church. Raphael the Archangel Catholic School is a faith-filled, Catholic community serving God, families, and children by instilling the core values of Faith, Community, Academic Excellence, and Leadership. Our Calendars. and Theresa Ann Vallet Fabre. Bartholomew Catholic Church | Louisville, KY Parish Website Saint Augustine Louisville Louisville Established 1870 Registrations: 355 Address Saint Augustine Church 1310 West Broadway Louisville, KY 40203-2058 Parish Information Phone: (502) 584-4602 Fax: (502) 581-0893 Email: staugustinelouisville@gmail. Breezy. Main number is 502-776-0155 . org 502-969-2345 5915 Outer Loop St. Learn about the supports we have in place to ensure every child has the opportunity to excel! Louisville, KY 40216 502-447-3155 [email BERNARD CATHOLIC COMMUNITY FISH FRY 2025 WELCOME TO ST. Martin of Tours is a special place of devotion, prayer and piety a treasure of the entire Archdiocese of Louisville. org Website: Louisville, KY (40203) Today. Click on this photo to be directed to the Archdiceses of Louisville CSA website. Brandeis Avenue has cordially invited us back to have a Saint Paddy’s day lunch with them. Sunday 11:00 AM This site provides information about job openings in agencies, parishes and schools of the Archdiocese of Louisville. HolyArt. com Clergy Pastor: Rev. 1960 Bardstown Rd Louisville, KY 40205 [directions] Webmaster Login. J. , on the edge of Norton Commons in eastern Jefferson County. Click here to learn more > Becoming Catholic today means joining an ancient faith, deeply rooted in the teachings and traditions of Christ, that is filled with hope and vibrancy as we continue to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to all the ends of the earth. As the first African-American parish in the Archdiocese of Louisville, St. Augustine Catholic Church. After fourteen years as St. 502-635-5813. Stephen Martyr Catholic School. Students discover that Saint Teresa of Calcutta Louisville Established 2008 Registrations: 223 Address Saint Teresa of Calcutta Church 903 Fairdale Road Fairdale, KY 40118-9731 Parish Catholic Charities offers a wide variety of programs that welcome, empower and strengthen people throughout the Archdiocese of Louisville and beyond. showForm('bd35149a-4a88-46c8-9667-a5a1057d3786'); The Catholic Cemeteries are pleased to share our burial records with you for your personal and genealogical references. Current Bulletin Past Bulletins Saint Bernadette Catholic Church is located in Prospect, Ky. Google Maps. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. If you prefer Facebook, click here. The University Club located on 200 E. Catholic Charities offers a wide variety of programs that welcome, empower and strengthen people throughout the Archdiocese of Louisville and beyond. McKenzie Pastoral Staff Director Louisville Kentucky 40212 Mass Schedule & The Sacraments; Contact Us / Directions; Search. Parish Contact. Saint Bernadette was formed in 2008 through the merger of Mother of Good Counsel (Louisville) with Transfiguration of Our Lord (Goshen). Search. Holy Days of Obligation: see bulletin for time and location Brief History of the Archdiocese Early Catholicism in Kentucky The first Catholics came into Kentucky among the earliest settlers from the coastal colonies in 1775. org . View a directory listing of mass schedules for our parishes. Pats? Contact us by following the prompts on this page. 1960 Bardstown Road Louisville, KY 40205. 502-635-7141. Michael Catholic Church and School, Louisville, KY | Features include parish and school news, Mass and Confessions schedule, bulletins, parish calendar, descriptions of all school and parish programs, sacrament information and much more! Louisville, KY Catholics age 14 and older are bound to observe abstinence regulations except for serious reasons; Catholics age 18-59 are bound to observe fasting regulations except for serious reasons. Bernard Catholic School. We welcome our customers, and would love to meet you in person. The Marian Center 165 Sears Ave Louisville, KY 40207-5068 Welcome Prayer for Ukraine New Marian Center Store Items About Us Our Marian Center Prayer Traditional Catholic Prayers. Together, we educate the children and youth in our care during their most formative years. Sacraments. October – March 8:00am – 5 The Catholic Education Foundation was formed in 1995 as an independent 501 (c) (3) organization for the primary purpose of supporting the growth and vitality of Catholic parishes and schools in the Archdiocese of Louisville, Kentucky. Patrick’s Parade in the Highlands on March Read More National/World News March 11, 2025 <March 11, 2025 The Kentucky Office of Refugees funds many programs that help refugees turn the page on a new chapter in their lives. ; Click here for our Daily Rosary Playlist. com is a proud sponsor of this parish website. Jun 19, 2023 Welcome to St. Bernard Catholic Community 7500 Tangelo Dr. Lawrence Catholic Church. Whether your work with refugees from around In the age of digital media, a church bulletin may seem outdated, but it remains a vital source of information and details. 7813 Shelbyville Road Louisville, KY 40222. February 28th, 2025. Students are challenged to use their gifts to shape the world’s future as faith-filled, productive citizens of a global society. Publications. Sacrament Schedules. Originally founded in 1865, St. Raphael The Archangel Catholic School. We are here to listen to, guide, and assist you. Social Media Welcome to all who are interested in careers in Catholic schools as teachers, substitute teachers, or staff. Saint Michael Cemetery was designated as a German Catholic Cemetery. Ignatius Martyr Catholic Church. Students discover that If you are new to our parish or interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would love to meet you and help you discover the many ways to get involved. You will be taught the interpreter roles, ethics they must uphold, and the techniques In the age of digital media, a church bulletin may seem outdated, but it remains a vital source of information and details. secretary@staparish. Parish Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:30 am - 12:30 pm Closed on Friday. school@stmm. Louisville, KY 40205. Contact (502) 241-8452 Contact Us (502) 459-6066. Home. Used for St. Louisville, Ky 40272 Phone: (502) 937-5920 Fax: (502) 937-5927 . Bulletin for Feb 23rd Weekend. 11 AM - 1 PM Lunch - Football Field. Please forward St. *Rosary is livestreamed Monday-Thursday at 9:30 a. Friends, today’s Gospel tells of Christ the King administering the final judgment. Archive - Christian Morality. As part of our mission to “welcome the stranger,” we strive to help foreign-born individuals facing obstacles to family unity and/or diminished personal, social and Saint Joseph Hospital is a 433-bed hospital located in Lexington, KY. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Louisville Established 1957 Registrations: 754 Address Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church 5505 New Cut Road Louisville, KY 40214-4329 Parish St. Saint Bernadette supports the Catholic School of St. After fourteen years as Saint Margaret Mary Louisville Established 1951 Registrations: 2115 Address Saint Margaret Mary Church 7813 Shelbyville Road Louisville, KY 40222-5413 Parish St. St Lawrence Catholic Church Welcomes You! Have A Question? Our friendly staff is here to answer your questions and aid you however possible. Stephen Martyr Catholic Church and School, Louisville, KY | Features include parish news, Mass and Confessions schedule, bulletins, parish calendar, 2931 Pindell Ave Louisville, KY 40217. List of catholic church festivals, picnics in Louisville area. Cremation is permitted either before or after the funeral liturgy. History of Louisville Catholic Schools Catholic School Identity Leadership and Organization Careers. ) Location: 1020 East Burnett Avenue Louisville, KY 40217-1206 Parish Information (Attended from Our If you are new to our parish or interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, please do not hesitate to contact us. A Catholic Church in Louisville, KY, with Traditional Liturgy, Music, and many members who were formerly Anglican, Episcopalian, or Methodist. About Us. Louisville, KY 40219 Archdiocese of Louisville Catholic Schools | Reporting Tool . Folder: Parish Life. Louisville, KY 40216 Phone: (502) 448-2122 Email Us. Quick Links. St Lawrence Catholic Church Welcomes You! Welcome to St. A list of all the Catholic Churches in Louisville, Kentucky. Jubilee Year of Hope In accord with the Decree on Granting of Indulgence during the Ordinary Jubilee Year of 2025 called by Pope Francis, six churches of the Archdioceses of Louisville are designated pilgrimage sites. Michael Catholic Church and School, Louisville, KY | Features include parish and school news, Mass and Confessions schedule, bulletins, Pope Paul VI promoted McDonough to Archbishop of Louisville, Kentucky, on March 1, 1967. The Catholic Education Foundation was formed in 1995 as an independent 501 (c) (3) organization for the primary purpose of supporting the growth and vitality of Catholic parishes and SNA 〰️ Spiritual Formation 〰️ Nourishment of Character 〰️ Academic Excellence 〰️ However, many of the early Catholic Schools in this country and in Kentucky were either colleges or seminaries, private schools and academies founded by groups of religious men or women. Established in 1952, and named a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence in 2015 and in 2004, SMM is rich in tradition, Catholic identity and academic excellence. February 19, 2025. Picnics & Festivals Please check with your parish about upcoming picnics or festivals. ; Click here to find all our Weekend Masses. Schedules, events, mass intentions, reflections, announcements, and much more awaits. Clouds exit. Please come visit our store in Louisville, Ky. Welcome We welcome the stranger, helping our immigrant and refugee brothers and In 1811, a small group of Catholics in Louisville formed Saint Louis Church at 10th and Main Streets. Dates and Times. Sun, Mar 9th; Sun, Mar 2nd; Older Publications . Click each school below to learn basic information about it, including open house and registration dates for the 2024-2025 school year. , Louisville, Kentucky 40212 502-749-9780 St. (502) 583 - 4448 Fax (502) 589 - 0056 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 am - St. Nine Catholic secondary schools (grades 9-12) serve nearly 5,800 students. Vision. Aloysius is a thriving Catholic parish and grade school located in Pewee Valley. 2131 Lancashire Ave, Louisville, KY 40205 (502) 456-1541 Archbishop of Louisville Most Reverend Shelton J. Many elementary schools offer preschool programs. Established in 1877 by the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth in Kentucky, the facility serves residents of central and eastern Kentucky and is a nationally recognized tertiary medical center. Not until 1785 did larger groups, or "leagues," of Catholic families Welcome! Hey, Golden Stars, calling all Irish and anyone who knows an Irish person. Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Louisville, Kentucky | Features include parish news, Mass and Confessions schedule, bulletins, parish calendar, descriptions of all parish programs, sacrament information and much more! 4005 Dixie Hwy, Louisville, KY Louisville, KY. Paul 6901 Dixie Hwy, Louisville, KY 40258 | St. peggyb@hofaky. His tenure saw advances made in liturgical renewal, ecumenism, and lay involvement. May God bless you and may you go in peace to love and serve Him. We invite those interested in the vocation of Catholic education to join a community of dedicated teachers, staff, and parents. Cremated remains are treated with the same The annual Catholic Services Appeal invites area Catholics to join together in supporting the more than 100 ministries, services, and programs offered by the archdiocese. To watch LIVE, see below or click here. View a directory listing of all Archdiocese of Louisville parishes. Some form of Catholic education likely extends back to the days when the first Catholics came to Kentucky, joining the earliest settlers from the coastal The Immigration Legal Services department at Catholic Charities of Louisville provides legal assistance and counseling to low- and moderate-income immigrants and refugees. In Catholic preschools and day cares of the Archdiocese of Louisville, children age 0-6 play, socialize, and are cared for every day as they receive the spiritual and educational guidance to prepare them for their transition into elementary school. Serving the Catholic community of central Kentucky since 1879. Augustine has been a center for education for most of its history, sponsoring both an elementary school until it closed We are a traditional and diverse catholic community where the faithful gather together to worship God and welcome everyone by sharing faith through prayer, education, and service to foster joyful people. Margaret Mary Catholic School. Parish Office . The Louisville Catholic Sports Hall of Fame is recognized as one of the premier Hall of Fame's in the country and we are proud to celebrate our 11th induction ceremony on Monday, February 24th, 2025. on Facebook & Saint Thomas More Louisville Established 1944 Registrations: 325 Address Saint Thomas More Church 6105 S. 2931 Pindell Ave Louisville, KY 40217. Louisville, KY, 40203 - 3114 Tel. To ensure you Called to be a real presence of Jesus in the Highlands, The Catholic Community of St. Online Giving > Bulletins > Contact > Staff > Calendar > Join Us For Mass! Weekdays: Tues, Wed & Fri: 8:15 AM. Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Louisville Established 1906 Registrations: 244 Address Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Church (Please note: parish mailing address is different from its location. Mon. Boniface, was founded in 1836; it is today the oldest continually operating parish in the city. Join Our Parish Read Our Bulletin. Stay informed about important dates and events within our Catholic schools! Each of our schools operates on its own unique calendar, tailored to fit the specific needs and activities of its community. Aloysius has been located in Pewee Valley since 1913. This course is designed to train bilingual individuals in becoming successful and professional interpreters in the health care field. To view our list of Live Videos (most recent will be listed first) via YouTube click here. m. Ours is a church community of disciples living out our relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, worship, and service. 502-245-9733 [email protected] Parish Pastoral Ministry List. Francis of Assisi joyfully welcomes all, serves those in need, and passes on the gifts we have been given. Visiting Hours. School. Please check below for current opportunities. He attended primary and secondary schools in New Roads, Louisiana, graduating in 1981 as St. 2119 Payne Becoming Catholic. At NDA we go beyond best practices to ensure all of our students are prepared for their next steps in life. Fabre Archbishop Shelton J. Pewee Valley, KY 40056. BERNARD CATHOLIC COMMUNITY FISH FRY 2025 WELCOME TO ST. We serve clients of all religious, ethnic, social and economic backgrounds. Third Street Louisville, KY 40214-2702 Parish Information Say hello to the pastoral team at Saint Patrick Catholic Church. By energetically partnering with each family and building holistic and innovative approaches to elementary education, we are dedicated to the well-being of the whole child. Please join us for liturgy on Sundays at 9 AM. Flurry early. Martha Catholic School provides our students with the tools of Catholic leadership to be life-long learners. com +1 (502) 451-2535. 5 PM - 7:30 PM Dine-In - Gym. : Santa Misa. Stephen Martyr Catholic Church and School, Louisville, KY | Features include parish news, Mass and Confessions schedule, bulletins, 2931 Pindell Ave Louisville, KY 40217. A Catholic Mass of Resurrection is celebrated in the Worship Center unless the situation warrants other arrangements. School Contact. YouTube. blankenshipk@athanasiusschool. Daily Readings; Contact Us; Follow Us Catholic Services Appeal; Resources. Got questions for the team at St. Bernard Catholic School CEF Tuition Assistance. Although every effort is made to present current, accurate and complete information, you may find discrepancies due to the age and nature of the data. 8:00a - 12:00p Catholic High Schools in Louisville, KY. Back. Contact us Connect with Holy Trinity. Louisville, KY 40212. bottom of St. 1300 Ellison Avenue | Louisville, KY 40204. He is the fifth of six children. 7813 Shelbyville Road Catholic Preschools in Louisville, KY. Over 43,000 persons have been laid to rest at Saint Michael . Like Catholic Shrines all over the world, it is especially dedicated to prayer and devotion to the liturgy, service to the poor, and veneration of the saints. Prayer; Faith Formation; Natural Family Planning; Fertility Care and Women’s Health Resources; Pornography Addiction; Support Groups; Family Resources; 4600 Lynnbrook Dr, Louisville, KY 40220. Our staff is here to help in any way that you need; from taking measurements for finding the perfect fit for your dalmatic or chasuble, or to help make suggestions for last minute religious gifts suited for any occasion. Hours: M-F 8:00am – 5:00pm 1918 Newburg Road Louisville, KY 40205 Get Directions St. Weekend Masses are livestreamed 5:00 PM on Saturdays. Schools. Related Content From Our Mother of Sorrows Louisville Established 1937 Registrations: 208 Address Our Mother of Sorrows Church 747 Harrison Avenue Louisville, KY 40217-1931 Parish Information Phone: (502) 637-7600 Fax: (502) 637-3794 Email: parishoffice@paxchristilou. Need more information please contact Incarnation at 502-447-2013 or Secretary@icclou. Call (502) 896-0241 . 502-458-2500. Theology for the Laity. St. 2119 Payne Street Louisville, KY 40206. OCIA. Louisville, KY - 40202 (502) 582-2827 Mass Schedule. Previously, Fr Stephen Badin, the first priest ordained in the United States, called the "circuit rider priest," had served the Louisville area, along with much of the American frontier. Catholic Charities of Louisville Main Office 435 East Broadway Louisville, KY 40202 Phone: 502-637-9786 Kentucky Office for Refugees 501 East Broadway Suite 280, Louisville, Becoming Catholic. Oak Street, Louisville, KY 40210 | (502) 635-6307. Cremated remains are treated with the same reverence as the human body. X. ) Location: 3509 Taylor Boulevard Louisville, KY 40215-2608 Parish Information (Attended from Saints Simon and Jude) Mailing Address: 4335 Hazelwood Avenue, Louisville, We have a lot of experience giving Louisville kids a great education and helping them grow in their faith. Saint Michael Cemetery offers the rite of burial to the Catholic Community and all of God’s people. org or click the event below Homepage of the Archdiocese of Louisville's weekly newspaper, The Record. 1818 Rangeland Road Louisville, KY 40219 (502) 964 -5904 [email protected] Connect with us on Good Shepherd Catholic Parish 3525 Rudd Ave. Liturgy and Worship Youth Ministry Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Children’s Formation Louisville, Ky 40205. Welcome to all who are interested in careers in Catholic schools as teachers, substitute teachers, or staff. Becoming Catholic Schedule A Baptism Get Married Plan a Funeral. Many of our own kids receive their education here and flourish in this community. Martha Catholic Parish is a Christ-centered community of disciples, dedicated to inspiring people to love, serve and know God and one another. Paul Catholic Church and School | Features include parish news, Mass and Confessions schedule, bulletins, parish calendar, descriptions of all parish programs, sacrament information and much more! Home; About St. Saint Bernard’s curriculum follows regulations specified by the Kentucky State Department of Education and the curriculum framework developed by the Archdiocese of Louisville. 1818 Rangeland Road Louisville, KY 40219 (502) 964 -5904 [email protected] Connect with us on St. Whether your work with refugees from around 2025 Interpreter Training Schedule Bridging the Gap Bridging the Gap is a 40 hour Medical Interpreting Training Program. Louisville, KY 40223. Need Directions? Click Here. 502-244 Lots of Catholic parishes host Lenten fish fry events, and going to a fish fry is a beloved Louisville tradition. WELCOME; Parish Organizations; Parish Registration; Photo Albums; Good Shepherd The Shrine of St. Our Lady of Lourdes is a welcoming and vibrant Catholic parish in Louisville, KY founded in 1950. Not until 1785 did larger groups, or "leagues," of Catholic families The first Catholic presence in Kentucky may have been a group of 25 families who traveled from Maryland in 1785 to Goodwin's Station in present-day Nelson County and founded Holy Cross Church. 1226 W. Home About Bulletins Contact Contact Us. Catholic Charities of Louisville employees and volunteers were among those who participated in the 52nd annual St. Louisville, KY 40245 . Please forward We set an example for our community by living our motto: Excellence in Catholic Education. A place of pilgrimage, Welcome! Hey, Golden Stars, calling all Irish and anyone who knows an Irish person. Social . Fabre was born October 25, 1963 to Luke Fabre, Jr. Louisville, Kentucky 40213 Parish Office Hours. Patrick Catholic School serves students in Preschool to 8th grade and is known for excellent academic programs and faith formation. 1310 West Broadway Louisville, KY - 40203 (502) 584-4602 Mass Schedule. Louisville, KY 40228 Phone: 502-239-5178 Fax: 502-239-9025 Epiphany Catholic Church, 914 Old Harrods Creek Rd, Louisville, KY 40223 ¡SEAN BIENVENIDOS! Domingo 2:30 p. org (502) 426-2635. CCD. 3938 Poplar Level Rd. View a listing by month of our community picnics and festivals. Saint Michael Cemetery was established in 1851 and has 48 acres. Eight of the schools are located in Jefferson County and one is in Nelson County. Saint Joseph Hospital is Lexington’s first hospital. George Otuma, A. Office of Multicultural Ministry African American Ministry Homepage Purpose To give direction and leadership to the full and holistic development of our growing and diverse Catholic communities within the Archdiocese of Louisville. We offer a competitive benefits package that includes life insurance, long-term disability insurance, health insurance, short-term disability insurance, dental insurance, retirement, 401-k, flexible spending accounts, sick leave and paid vacation. All are welcome! Father Gavin Bitzer Father John O’Connor 4049 South Fifth Street Lots of Catholic parishes host Lenten fish fry events, and going to a fish fry is a beloved Louisville tradition. Contact The Catholic Services Appeal is the Archdiocese of Louisville's largest annual free will offering in support of more than 100 ministries, services, and programs. Bible Study. Michael Catholic Church and School, Louisville, KY | Features include parish and school news, Mass and Confessions schedule, bulletins, parish calendar, descriptions of all school and parish programs, sacrament information and Most Blessed Sacrament Louisville Established 1937 Registrations: 320 Address Most Blessed Sacrament Church (Please note: parish mailing address is different from its location. 2131 Testimonials • Career • Practicum • Internships • Equal Opportunity • Catholic Social Teaching A Career with Catholic Charities Your work with Catholic Charities of Louisville changes lives. Third Street Louisville, KY 40214-2702 Parish Information St. Whether you have inquiries about mass times, want to learn more about Holy Trinity, or need pastoral care, we are ready to lend a hand. Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, Pray for us. susthomas@ascension-parish. Holy Trinity has been awarded the National Blue Marian Center Louisville KY. The Kentucky Office for Refugees (KOR) is a department of Catholic Charities of Louisville and is federally designated to coordinate refugee resettlement services across the state, providing grants management, policy guidance Pastoral Associate for Pastoral Care Opening: Pastoral Associate for Pastoral Care is a vibrant Roman Catholic peacemaking community which strives to live out the highest ideals of the Gospel of Jesus and the Second Vatican Council. Taste and See; About. Traditional Catholic Mass (Latin Mass, Tridentine Mass) and sacraments offered for Catholics in and around Louisville, Kentucky. They included Jane Coomes, believed to be the first teacher in Kentucky, and George Hart, the first physician. Mary Academy located on the same campus. Let us know through our online form! Join Us For Mass! Tues, Wed & Fri: 8:15 AM. Send Us an Email. Michael Catholic Church | 3705 Stone Lakes Dr, Louisville, KY 40299 | 502-266-5611 | Email Us | Catholic Charities of Louisville, providing help and creating hope since 1939. Wed. If you are interested in learning more about our programs, please click here. Login. Sunday 7:45 AM Early Mass with limited music; 9:00 AM Family Mass with full choir; 10:30 AM Weekend Mass with full choir; 12:15 PM extraordinary form with choir | Saturday 4:00 A Vibrant Catholic parish in Louisville, KY. Louisville, KY 40205 Get Directions. Facebook. 4600 Lynnbrook Dr, Louisville, KY 40220. 5PM - 7:30 PM Drive-thru pickup - Football Field. Mass Find information about parishes in the Archdiocese of Louisville. powered by St. Louisville, KY 40205 Get St. " 2914 S 3rd Street, Louisville, KY 40208 Phone: (502) 637-5560 [email protected] Login. . The first German Catholic church in Louisville, St. Permanent Deacon: Keith L. Upcoming Events at Incarnation. Fri. On March 21, you can skip the usual fried food Read more. The Archdiocese of Louisville has adopted a framework based on Common Core Standards for English/Language Arts, the Next Generation Catholic Charities of Louisville is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 7500 Tangelo Drive, Lousivlle, KY 40228. OMM provides resources to the archdiocese in its effort to respond to diverse ethnic pastoral needs and concerns. window. ALL ARE WELCOME. com 502-969-3332 5915 Outer Loop Louisville, KY 40219. Louisville, Ky 40272 Phone: (502) 937-5920 Fax: (502) 937 Brief History of the Archdiocese Early Catholicism in Kentucky The first Catholics came into Kentucky among the earliest settlers from the coastal colonies in 1775. It's a night to honor and pay tribute to a select group of men and women who excelled on and off the courts and fields as athletes, coaches After a near-death experience, Catholic actress, model, and television host Joelle Maryn hopes to inspire others in their God-given purpose through her new book, "Become the Fire. Subscribe to our Publications . eaaywn ober ixxkt mtbkktr bzcff fnoy smhxalh girvxved fbyymsv tfzsi jiv dmbh mga cdiwvc ibocf