Juvenile crime statistics by state , the number of crime incidents that occur, regardless of how many offenders are involved) and offense participations (i. Department of Justice (2018-FU-CX-K045). The highest placement rate in 2021 was in Wyoming, where 269 out of 100,000 youth were in placement; the lowest rate was in Vermont , where no youth were held as of the one-day count in 2021. Sickmund, M. Because of the BPD’s reports, we know that the assertion of a youth crime wave from the city’s Jurisdictional boundaries. The Data Snapshot series provides a brief, visual overview of current statistics and analyses about youth in juvenile justice systems. One characteristic of juvenile offending is the relatively high prevalence of co-offending, or engaging in crime with another person. In 2022, Kent County had an arrest rate of 9. As of 2021, Nagaland had the lowest crime rate in India. Criminal Justice Data. The state had an arrest rate of 800 arrests per 100,000 youth, or 8 arrests per 1,000 youth. Juvenile crime peaked in California in 1974 and then decreased through 1987. Contact; Site Map; Policies; Security; Disclaimer; Accessibility © 2025 Commonwealth of Kentucky. We limited our results to crimes of Criminal Justice Statistics Center is to: Collect, analyze, and report statistical data that provide valid measures of crime and the criminal justice process. Figure 1 clearly shows that there is an increase in juvenile crime rate fro m 6. S. 5% since 2009. The . Jurisdictional boundaries. Feb 12, 2025 · "We had a huge vacancy rate within juvenile justice, and all of that factored into a rising rate in our state. Check back periodically, as we will be adding new The top line represents the total police-reported youth crime rate between 2000 and 2010. In 2022, NCRB data showed that Uttar Pradesh’s crime rate was 171. " Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A national newspaper reported on the juvenile crime statistics across the United States. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. victims of violent crime, trends in youth arrest rates, and youth in residential placement facilities. Oct 21, 2024 · U. WISQARS Jan 3, 2025 · CJIS Statistics and Reports Crime in Washington Annual Report. This chapter describes the volume and characteristics of juvenile crime from law enforcement’s perspective. Purpose of the Study . needs to be assessed. WASHINGTON ― The rate of nonfatal violent victimization for persons ages 12 to 17 was higher in 2022 (27. possible were it not for the state and local agencies that take the time each year to honor our requests for data and documentation. Property Crime Down, Violent Crime Up in Baltimore City • Property crime rates across the city have dropped only 1. This chapter also ex-amines arrests and arrest trends for fe- Youth and the Juvenile Justice System: 2022 National Report iv 2019 as a common anchoring point because all the major data sets required for the report were current through The Bureau of Justice Statistics, National Institute of Justice, and OJJDP sponsor the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD). Jan 4, 2023 · Youth and the Juvenile Justice System: 2022 National Report is the fifth edition of a comprehensive report on youth victimization, offending by youth, and the juvenile justice system. Index crime by police agency and crime rate data for each county back to 1990 are available through the Open Data Portal. Feb 10, 2021 · Juvenile Crime Statistics. The state ranks 27th in overall rate of commitments, putting the state in the middle for how many juveniles per capita it commits to secure care. 0 indicates parity, i. Aug 20, 2019 · Below are the top 10 states with the lowest and highest juvenile crime rates, specifically for theft. information on juvenile crime trends. (2021) Easy Access to the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement. Juvenile violent crime rates, however, have been declining for at least the past 5 years. Retired federal senior spokesperson. 8 in 2020 to 445. Promote the responsible presentation and use of crime statistics. Sep 12, 2023 · • The proportion of juvenile complaints that are for crimes of violence has not changed significantly over the past decade. Georgia’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program is derived from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s national program. Commonwealth of KentuckyDepartment of Juvenile Justice. It shows that violent crime arrests involving youth have declined significantly since the mid-2000s, but vary by offense and age group. Arrest estimates for 1980-2012 developed by the Bureau of Justice Statistics and disseminated through "Arrest Data Analysis Tool. Crime in Washington Archive Folder, 1980-2022; Summary Reporting Archive, 2014-2016; Summary UCR data in spreadsheet format: Part One Offenses 1984-2011; Annual Jail Statistics. 4 figures May 28, 2024 · These statistics indicate that the states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu stand among the top 5 states in the number of crimes committed by Juveniles, whether in terms of the total number of crimes by juveniles or the crime rate of crimes by juveniles. Juvenile crime is out of control. Feb 1, 2025 · Florissant Valley Campus Library 3400 Pershall Rd. , Puzzanchera, C. , youth in residential placement, victims of violence) and highlights policy-relevant findings. 6%, which is lower than the national average of 258. Methodology. It pres-ents information on the number and offense characteristics of juvenile ar-rests in 2019 and historical trends in juvenile arrests. It relies on self-report and vic-tim data developed by the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Crime Vic-timization Survey, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Sur-vey, and the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s Monitoring the Future Study. It does not provide state-specific statistics or trends for juvenile crime. Aug 14, 2024 · On a typical day, 74 out of 100,000 youth nationwide are held in juvenile facilities, pre- and post-adjudication, with rates varying widely among states. Compare state-level incarceration data for youth and adults with this expanded data set. This places Arkansas as one of the states with lower costs for juvenile detention facilities compared to others across the country. The judge’s decision generally centers on the issue of whether the juvenile is amenable to treatment in the juvenile justice system. Leonard Adam Sipes, Jr. juvenile arrest rate for property crime 2014, by state Juvenile financial crime misdemeanors in Kuwait 2011-2017 Incidence of juvenile crime in India in by type 2016 going from 232,000 felony juvenile arrests of youth age 10-17 in 2006, to 86,000 in 2014. • The share of crime and violent crime in Maryland committed by juveniles is much lower than the adult share of crime, and similar to national rates and historical trends within Maryland. Nonfatal violent victimization of juveniles returns to prepandemic levels. Louis, MO 63110-1316 Oct 14, 2020 · Comparing juvenile arrest and custody rates at the state level can be misleading, however, because the laws governing juvenile crime and detention vary greatly from state to state. Based on data from Indian states, this column shows that juvenile crime tends to rise with rise in per-capita income – but at a diminishing rate. The percentage of total complaints that are school based was typically 41-45% before 2020. The prosecutor may argue that the juvenile has been adjudicated several times previously and The State of Ohio’s version of NIBRS is the Ohio Incident-Based Reporting System (OIBRS), which is a voluntary program for Ohio law enforcement agencies to submit crime statistics and use of force data directly to the state and federal government in an automated format. Examine these data on an ongoing basis to better describe crime and the criminal justice system. This section provides access to detailed Uniform Crime Report (UCR) statistics on juvenile arrests. 2 per 1,000), according to a new Bureau of Justice Statistics report, Crimes Involving Juveniles, 1993–2022. Jun 1, 2023 · This document provides an overview and introduction to 2020’s juvenile court statistics, and is organized into the following chapters: National Estimates of Delinquency Cases, detailing counts and trends, case rates, age at referral, gender, and race; National Estimates of Delinquency Case Processing, detailing information on referral, detention, intake decision, waiver, adjudication Most youth curfews laws are enacted to improve public safety and maintain order, with the goal of reducing delinquency and criminal activity by keeping individuals indoors who may commit crimes in public spaces (Carr and Doleac, 2018; Hazen and Brank, 2018; Norton, 2013; Wilson et al. Click here for additional information. The panel conducted a review of data on juvenile crime rates, including arrests, victim reports of crime, and self-reports by Feb 8, 2024 · Theft offences increased by 5,630 offenders (up 19%) to 35,201 offenders in 2022–23. Resource Library Feb 6, 2025 · Compiles a large array of statistics and publishes a variety of reports under the aegis of the Uniform Crime Reporting Program such as Crime in the United States, Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted, Hate Crime Statistics, and the National Incident-Based Reporting System. the juvenile justice system, including the latest information on youth living in poverty, teen birth rates, youth . , and Kang, W. We found the juvenile crime rate in each state by searching the OJJDP Statistical Briefing Book (2017) for the number of arrests made per 100,000 young persons between the ages of 10 and 17. Crime in Washington (CIW) 2023 Historical Crime Data. Sources include the New York State (NYS) Office of Court Administration, NYS Office of Children and Family Services, NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services, New York City (NYC) Administration for Children Jan 9, 2025 · Other states with high crime rates include Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Bihar, and Delhi. 3% inhabitants, submitted data to the UCR Program through the National Crime Statistics. Are there any programs or initiatives aimed at reducing youth crime rates in Arkansas? Yes, in Arkansas there are various programs and initiatives in place to address and reduce youth crime rates. Juvenile Court Statistics. Jan 10, 2025 · High Crime States: Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, Maharashtra, Delhi, and Bihar have the highest crime rates. Robbery and aggravated The crime rate (crime incidence per 100,000 of population) in India has decreased from 487. Dec 27, 2024 · The National Center for Juvenile Justice has released "Juvenile Court Statistics 2022. Easy Access to FBI Arrest Statistics (EZAUCR) was developed to provide access to juvenile arrest statistics at the national, state, and county level. It presents the most current year of available data and historical trends. Alabama. The following agencies contributed . The reports cannot be retroactively regenerated. courts with jurisdiction over juvenile populations between 2005 and 2022. The total police-reported youth crime rate shows a downward trend between the year 2000 (rate = 6,914) and the year 2010 (rate = 6,147), with notable peaks in the year 2001 (rate of approximately 7,200) and again in 2003 (rate of approximately 7,400). Dec 19, 2023 · 25 out of 29 states have witnessed rise in Crimes. Utilizing standard definitions and procedures established by the national program, crime data on the number of serious criminal offenses reported to or investigated by law enforcement and the number of arrests for all crimes are collected from law enforcement agencies. All crimes in OIBRS include both state and federal crime codes. As mentioned in the previous story, the NCRB only collates and publishes the data provided to it by States/UTs on Juvenile Crimes (JCs) and Juveniles Apprehended (JAs), and therefore, it does not assume responsibility for the authenticity of this information. Values include persons under age 21 who had been (1) charged with or adjudicated for an offense; (2) assigned a bed in a facility that can hold accused or convicted The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, Office of Prevention Services offers voluntary youth crime prevention programs throughout the state of Florida. Detailed Data Tool. iv Juvenile Court Statistics 202. Highlights. 2023 Crime Statistics; 2022 Crime Statistics - amended November 2023; 2022 Crime Statistics; 2021 Crime Statistics; 2020 Crime Statistics; 2019 Jan 17, 2022 · To combat this threat, Section 18(3) of the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015 provides that if the juvenile is found to have committed a heinous crime and is over the age of 16, the Juvenile Board may transfer the case to a Children’s Court where they may send him to a place of safety and after a preliminary assessment with regard to their mental Based on public concern and legislative actions about juvenile violence, one would think that it was continually increasing. 0 in 2021. 56 arrests per 1,000 juveniles – the highest juvenile arrest rate in the state. Crime in New York State reports are available on the Publications / Reports page. Jun 3, 2024 · NCRB Data on Juvenile Crimes and Apprehensions is Inconsistent and Incomplete. View state-level data to provide a snapshot of key indicators of mass incarceration's impact in the United States. Data sources: Washington State Uniform Crime Reporting Program Jun 3, 2024 · NCRB Data on Juvenile Crimes and Apprehensions is Inconsistent and Incomplete. Our mission is to enhance public safety through high-quality effective services for youth and families delivered by world-class professionals dedicated to building a stronger, safer Florida. Annual Commitments Demographic Data - Fiscal Year 2024Title Text: Annual Commitments Demographic Data - Fiscal Year 2024Recidivism Outcomes FY21-FY23 CohortsTitle Text: Recidivism Outcomes FY21-FY23 Cohorts Juvenile decline rates in US Juvenile arrests for violent crime have dropped to a 30-year low, and fewer teens are being locked up than at any time in nearly 20 years. statistics for this report: Alabama—State of Alabama Crime Statistics In Arkansas, crime statistics are submitted by law enforcement agencies using the incident base reporting method within the Arkansas Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program. While this information comes from law enforcement and includes the number of arrests and incidents known and reported by law enforcement agencies, it does not include any data relating […] The rate is the number of juvenile offenders in residential placement per 100,000 juveniles ages 10 through the upper age of original juvenile court jurisdiction in each State. Some states are actively working to reduce youth incarceration. The dissemination of juvenile justice data is governed by FC 58. This section provides access to detailed Uniform Crime Report (UCR) statistics on juvenile arrests. Thirty-five years of directing award-winning public relations for national and state criminal justice agencies. With this release, the report series has adopted a new name (the series was previously known as “Juvenile Offenders and Victims”), but the focus of the report […] Oct 10, 2023 · The juvenile arrest rate for violent crimes fell quickly following its peak in 1993 and as of 2022 was 1. Each one-page Snapshot focuses on a specific topic (e. Urban vs. From 1993 to 2005 the arrest rate has declined to just under 2 arrests per 1,000 population. The data, based on police records, demonstrated a decline in juvenile crime. Jun 14, 2022 · Get the facts and statistics on trends in U. The data does not indicate a rise in the number of crimes only in states of any particular region. The offender rate for theft offenders also increased to 152 offenders per 100,000 persons. This decrease occurred at the same time as the proportion of juveniles in California's population was declining. courts with juvenile jurisdiction. Statistics reflecting the number of youth suffering from mental health, substance abuse, and co-occurring disorders highlight the necessity for schools, families, support staff, and communities to work together to develop targeted, coordinated, and Property Crime Down, Violent Crime Up in Baltimore City • Property crime rates across the city have dropped only 1. Apr 25, 2024 · This statistical brief presents findings on crimes involving juveniles, both as victims and as alleged or perceived offenders. The gravity and frequency of juvenile crime incidents in recent years point towards the urgent need for rigorous analysis of the issue. This report provides national statistics on youth arrests for murder, robbery, and aggravated assault from 1980 to 2020. [2] Crime occurrence and crime rate varies from state to state and also by the type of crime. Department of Justice nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse, this Web site (including, without limitation, its content Oct 1, 2024 · Soon after the July 2024 report was issued, Baltimore City State’s Attorney Ivan Bates asserted, “I see the juvenile crime numbers. ” 3 This is not an accurate reflection of the data we have available to us. U. 1%. this reporting year, referral and petition statistics were submitted to the JCPSS by 57* of California’s 58 counties, representing over 99% of the state’s juvenile population. " This report describes delinquency and petitioned status offense cases handled in U. 9 in 2021 according to the National Crime Records Bureau. , the rates for the comparison group are equal. 0072 (see attached). In 2009, the USA reported that Juveniles represented 16% of their annual number of arrests, approximately 86,000. Jun 24, 2019 · Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) statistics are reported for arrest [Relative Rate Index (RRI)] and detention (Disparity Rates). gov Crime in Alabama is a collaborative effort between the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency and the Institute of Data and Analytics at the University of Alabama's The act created the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) within the Department of Justice to administer grants for juvenile crime-combating programs (currently only about US$900,000 a year), gather national statistics on juvenile crime, fund research on youth crime and administer four anti-confinement mandates regarding Jan 17, 2022 · To combat this threat, Section 18(3) of the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015 provides that if the juvenile is found to have committed a heinous crime and is over the age of 16, the Juvenile Board may transfer the case to a Children’s Court where they may send him to a place of safety and after a preliminary assessment with regard to their mental Nov 1, 2020 · By 2019, arrest rates for violent crimes decreased substantially from the 1994 peak for every age group younger than 45 years old. Many such changes were enacted after the juvenile violent crime rate had already begun to fall. Significant increase in the Number of Crimes against Children Easy Access to Juvenile Populations; Easy Access to the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports; Easy Access to NIBRS Victims; Easy Access to FBI Arrest Statistics; Easy Access to Juvenile Court Statistics; Easy Access to State and County Juvenile Court Case Counts; Easy Access to the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Subject: Five graphs depictng data analysis of the FBI's arrests data Keywords: Youth, arrests, OJJDP, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, juvenile justice, youth arrests, statistical briefing book, statistics Created Date: 7/26/2022 1:03:33 PM Nov 16, 2023 · The NCRB gathers crime statistics from India's 28 States and. In rebuttal, a renowned criminologist released his findings from a national victimization survey that shows an increase in juvenile crime occurred in the past year The current global statistics have highlighted a downward trend in youth arrest and conviction rates in the past 2 decades, yet many countries consistently report high rates of violent youth offending annually. e. The State of Ohio’s version of NIBRS is the Ohio Incident-Based Reporting System (OIBRS), which is a voluntary program for Ohio law enforcement agencies to submit crime statistics and use of force data directly to the state and federal government in an automated format. These statistics represent a 54% decline. State legislatures further create a range of complex exceptions for transfer to criminal court based on case-by-case, age and offense specifics. • The statewide delinquency rate for the juvenile justice system in 2023 was 29 juveniles per 1,000 youth in the NC age 8-17 population, up from 26 in 2022. incarceration. • Violent crime fell 11. The data also shows that 25 of the 29 states in India have reported an increase in the number of crimes committed against children during the years between 2014 and 2022. , 2016). Violent crime* Juvenile arrests for Property Crime Index offenses fell 73% between 2008 and 2019 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 Number of arrests, youth ages 0−17 Property Crime Index* 1983 1989 1995 2001 2007 2013 2019 After falling 67% since 2006, the number of juvenile arrests reached a new low in 2019 0 The demographic reports for the period 1/8/21-12/24/21 have been removed due to detected errors. 7. The State of Juvenile Crime in California. Statistics include juvenile arrest counts and rates, nationally and at the state and county levels. Briefing Book is also a repository for more detailed presentations of juvenile court data than are found in Apr 25, 2024 · Press Release. • In 2023, 32% of complaints received were for school-based offenses, similar to 2022. , a curfew violation) occurring within the state. Jan 13, 2023 · Reports | The National Center for Juvenile Justice releases the fifth edition of its report on the current state of the juvenile justice system in the U. About Crime. Rural: Crime rates are higher in urban areas compared to rural ones. A ratio of 1. This resource enables users to access online information via OJJDP's website to learn more about juvenile crime and victimization. Juvenile Justice in California 2023. 0, indicating the rates for these groups are equal. This study will analyze the juvenile crime rate trends leading up to the passage of Proposition 21 and compare them with the juvenile crime rate trends after Proposition 21 to assess Statewide and County Information on Juvenile Crime The Michigan Committee on Juvenile Justice (MCJJ) Web site is compiling valuable data to help policymakers, researchers, and the general public have a better understanding of juvenile justice issues statewide as well as in each county in Michigan. The juvenile violent crime arrest rate has declined 50% * The ratio of rates is created by dividing the rates for each racial or ethnic minority group by the white rate. Author. States continued to toughen their juvenile crime laws in recent years, making sentencing more punitive, expanding allowable transfers to criminal (adult) court, or doing away with some of the confidentiality safeguards of juvenile court. DCJS is required to annually publish a report analyzing reported crime. Neither the U. case-level data or court-level aggregate . This metric measures the incarceration rate of juveniles ages 10 to the upper age limit for juvenile delinquency in a state per 100,000 in the population, using data from the Office of Juvenile Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Annual Report - February 2025 Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Annual Report - February 2024 Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Annual Report - February 2023 Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Annual Report - February 2022 Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Annual Report - February 2021 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. However, the number and rate of theft offenders is still lower than the years prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Juvenile crime has increased since 1987. The State Juvenile Justice Profiles provide state level data on a variety of juvenile justice indicators, including population characteristics, juveniles as victims, juvenile arrest rates, and juveniles in corrections. " This Web site is funded through a grant from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Office of Justice Programs, U. Uniform Crime Reporting The FBI collects data on crime in the United States. 4 per 1,000) than 2021 (13. 01 per thousand population. . This report presents data on nonfatal violent victimization, homicide, and arrests of juveniles in the United States from 1993 to 2022. Because of this, it is sometimes important to disaggregate between offense counts (i. Juvenile crime trends need to studied and analyzed continuously in order to maintain the fight against juvenile crime. , the number of juveniles who have engaged in crime Analysis of Delaware Juvenile Crime The number of juvenile arrests in Delaware in 2022 totaled 1,670. the juvenile committed the criminal act for which they are referred. Sep 23, 2024 · More than 16,000 state, county, city, university and college, and tribal agencies, covering a combined population of 94. 1; Though overall rates have been steadily declining over the past years, approximately 423,077 delinquency cases are adjudicated and disposed in juvenile courts annually. While an estimated 2. The statistics are broken down by basic demographics (age, race, and sex). Our mission is to provide analytical expertise, research, and accurate, timely information to internal and external stakeholders. NACJD facilitates research in criminal and juvenile justice through the preservation, enhancement, and sharing of computerized data resources; through the production of original research based on archived data; and through specialized training workshops in Purpose, Roles, and FundingThe Juvenile Justice Data Dashboard Initiative is a collaborative partnership between the Partnership Council on Juvenile Justice (PCJJ), the Washington State Center for Court Research (WSCCR) and the Office of Juvenile Justice (OJJ). Users can quickly find these data for each state and even compare among states. Each year, the FBI publishes a summary of Crime in the United States, Hate Crime Statistics, special studies, reports, and monographs. For example, if white youth and Black youth were arrested at the same rate, the ratio would be 1. | Youth Today adheres to high-quality journalistic standards, providing readers with professional news coverage dedicated to examining a wide spectrum of complex issues in the youth services Jan 19, 2022 · the youth entering the juvenile justice system. States vary in how each sets the basic playing field for juvenile justice with lower and upper age boundaries. This section contains the most current data for juvenile victims of crime for Alabama as well as data that has been extracted from achived annual reports. Ferguson, MO 63135-1408 Phone: 314-513-4514: Forest Park Campus Library 5600 Oakland St. presents juvenile justice statistics in four sections: Arrests, Referrals, Petitions, and Adult Court Dispositions. Youth under age 15 and female juveniles accounted for about one-third of juvenile arrests in 2019. 7 in 2020 to 7. , Sladky, T. Lowest Crime Rate State in India. How Trained Service Professionals and Self-Advocacy Makes a Difference for Youth with Mental Health, Substance Abuse, or Co-occurring Issues. 1 When converted to a population adjusted rate, felony juvenile arrests have declined from 1 ,388 arrests per 100,000youth age 10-17, to 621 arrests. Clearance data by age (juvenile/adult) Table 28—“Number of Offenses Cleared by Arrest or Exceptional Means, Percent of Clearances Involving Persons Under 18 Years of Age by Population Group, 2019” California law enforcement agencies report to the CA Department of Justice information on felony arrests, misdemeanor arrests, and juvenile status arrests (e. J. Juvenile arrests, victimizations, prosecutions as adults, and incarceration (placement) numbers have declined considerably. g. would not be . • Between 2014 and 2018, violent crime rates rose 37%. 5% between 2009 and 2014, but began trending upward in 2015. Juvenile arrests for property crime index offenses decreased 73 percent between 2008 and 2019. Juvenile data is confidential and youth referred to and supervised the juvenile justice system in Texas are protected through numerous state and federal statues/laws. 2023; Historical Jail Statistics Mar 1, 2024 · "The publication Juvenile Court Statistics 2021 describes delinquency cases and petitioned status offense cases handled between 2005 and 2021 by U. " The data shows, across the state, 85 guns were found on school campuses last year. The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, Office of Prevention Services offers voluntary youth crime prevention programs throughout the state of Florida. Reasons for Decrease: The overall crime rate has decreased due to more police presence, better law enforcement, and increased public awareness about crime. 7 million youth under the age of 18 were arrested in the United States during a single year in 1997, that number decreased by 74 percent in 2019.
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