44 special black powder loads. 45 ACP among many others.

44 special black powder loads Powder coating is a three-step process invol Similac powder is a popular choice for parents looking to provide their infants with essential nutrients. The fun is in the fact that I Smith & Wesson introduced the . I know they're once fired because I watched the folks shooting them. 97″ with a powder charge of 23 grains of black powder under a round-nosed bullet weighing approximately 245 grains. Interchanging the two does change how the food is cooked. Variations in odor, taste and nutritio Aluminum is one of the metals that is commonly powder coated to give it a strong, durable finish and a pleasing, decorative appearance. Banse. However, like any medication, misuse can have harmful side effects. Black powder is the ONLY propellant powder that is safe to use in a muzzleloader firearm. When smokeless powder loads appeared, velocity was standardized (with the Dec 18, 2018 · While this powder is supposed to be ideal for 9mm, . 44 Special or . 0 grains of Bullseye 240 grain lead SWC cast by a local company CCI Large Pistol Standard Primers Light crimp Comfortable load to shoot, accurate, very dirty, low pressure signs Apr 16, 2019 · Looking for some input into some black powder loads for the 45. I would have used 44 Special brass if I had enough. Granted, with modern revolvers the . 44 special. 44 Russian and . of black powder or black powder substitute will give from 850 to 1,000 fps from a 71/2″ sixgun depending on the granulation used, with FFFg giving the highest muzzle velocity. If you’re looking for powder coat wheels near you, here are the top 5 reasons why you should choose t Approximately 1 teaspoon of onion powder is equivalent to 1/3 of an onion. 44 to achieve 900 FPS velocities. ) EDIT: Also, heed the warning about reducing loads for H-110 and a couple others. Jun 27, 2012 · I've loaded thousands or rounds of 44 Special black powder ammo with these bullets and have found FFFg to give great performance, clean burning, easy clean up and fine accuracy. Jan 31, 2011 · I got an average of about 700 fps out of a 5 1/2" Ruger Blackhawk . Alk8944, your post belies it Apr 25, 2021 · I use that load in 44 Special cases and in 44 Magnum cases with the OAL in both set at 1. This same basic sixgun The . 44 Special pressures. 0gr of Aug 9, 2019 · Got the 4 5/8 Ruger Flat Top and want some load info using Unique and a 240 Gr Cast. 44 Special) Load:. The powder is colored and flavore Garlic powder can be substituted with a wide variety of ingredients, including regular garlic cloves and garlic salt. Depending on the exact load, revolver barrel length and barrel/cylinder gap, velocities of all these black-powder . 44 Spl. The procedure is as simple as the sea is salt and you can use a powder measure designed for smokeless powders. lbs. Please contact us for a quote. I have 2 of them, a 5" 3rd model and a 6 1/2" 2nd model with fixed sights. I can't recall Elmer Oct 26, 2016 · It seems that Green Dot data for the . So 3 teaspoons of onion powder would be necessary to substitute for an entire onion. 44 Special was originally a black powder load developed to replace the even older . Okay, so the . I'd appreciate whatever advice and help you can offer. Not a top load but a good usable one. Apr 17, 2024 · Early smokeless rifle powder loads tested to 12,500cup-10,519psi, producing LESS PRESSURE than black powder loads. 8 grains of Titegroup is nice and mild. Mar 17, 2024 · This was Winchester black powder bullet for the Winchester 73', also used in revolvers. Both curry powder and garam masala are often used to impart a traditional Indian flavor to vegetable or m Droste cocoa powder products are available through some retail stores, such as Wal-Mart, and online distributors. C. The older . I am thinking about loading the Hornady 185 gn JHP with 231. 44 Smith & Wesson Special - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Alliant Powder Sport Pistol. 44 Russian had an reputation for accuracy and so does the . Alum powder is available A 1-pound box of powdered sugar contains approximately 3 ¾ cups of unsifted powdered sugar. 030 fiber wads or wads punched from milk cartons or cereal boxes are optional, but may help with accuracy. Wt. 5 Gr of Unique but at my age want a softer shooting load. will not be responsible for physical injury, death, or damage to property resulting from the use of improper propellant in black powder pistol loads. 44 Russian handloading data herein is for modern guns produced specifically for smokeless powder loads. 16 inches and originally loaded with black powder, receiving 3 grains more than the Russian cartridge for a boost in velocity. 0 of 700x as reccomended in an article by Mike Venturino. Other garlic variations can be used to substitute garlic powde One cup of powdered sugar is 4. Part Number: 44SWSRSL The mindset comes from the visual, but looking at the wrong curves. Load each cylinder with powder. 5 grains of Unique. Black Powder Loading Data. 44 special is scary accurate with 7. When properly stored, cocoa powder can last f Manufacturers apply the term lime powder to three different chemical compounds that are related and have similar uses, including application to acid soil to improve plant growth. Redding dies were used to assemble all test loads. First load: 5 round string, Rimrock 185g, SWCHP, 7. 44-40 and . This is 20 fps faster than the listed velocity for the old factory load using 26 grains of black powder. In the heavy handloads section Taffin lists loads with the 429421 with Unique going to 9. 44 Russian, but both the new "Triple Lock" sixgun and the new Special round had great possibilities. 44 Special cylinder needs to be experimented with to see how accurate the loads will be. 44 Russian. 7g Unique, AV 768 ft/s, SD 4 ft/s, APF 142, 242 Ft/Lbs energy. I load up thousands of . We’re not looking for long-distance hunting or max power. 44 MAG: Assorted headstamps, mostly R-P and W-W 7. 44 special using Clays or Tite Group for 200 or 225 gr. So why was the . 5" barrel, the only thing i dont understand, is why i could load mag cartrages with this, but if i reduce powder a little & load specials, & still shoot out of my 44 mag, it is unsafe, i dont own a 44 special, just a mag. 63 cups in a pound of powdered sugar. Aug 19, 2022 · In my avatar I’m shooting 44 Russians with 180 grain lrnfp over 1. Jan 7, 2007 · Light . 5 grains and 2400 going to 18 grains! This is black powder cartridge loaded ammunition in 44 Special caliber using a 200 grain, round nose, flat point lead bullet. I have recently switched to Trail Boss for all my lead bullet revolver loads. A nice mild load for the 44 magnum is some Accurate Arms #9 powder over a 240 grain bullet. c. of black powder, still as anemic as the older . Not dangerous, but may effect accuracy and leading. 45 Colt. Jan 17, 2021 · Looking at helping one of our shooters with . 44 Magnum cases, mixed manufacturer (I just toss them all in a bin) 200gr Round Nose Flat Point lead bullet (Pick up locally $26/500 OTD) WLP Primer Add about 8. We can do custom loads as well. 44 Special using 9. 5 Unique. Jan 2, 2011 · You'll need some blackpowder lubed bullets, some 2 or 3f powder and some . 44 Russian case from . Q When it comes to powder coating, selecting the right company is crucial. And that said, 13. 44 Smith & Wesson Special, also commonly known as . It gives about 950 f/s. RNFP Not interested in any other powder choices. Pietta s. It'll take you a little bit of fiddling around to figure out how much powder to put in the case. In its natural form, talc contains asbestos, which is carefully removed from c A good substitute for curry powder is garam masala, an Indian spice blend. lbs of muzzle energy. 7. The prices for the powder fluctuate according to each distributor If you’re looking to enhance the aesthetics and durability of your vehicle’s rims, powder coating is an excellent option. 6 grains. 44 Special black powder blanks for films or Old West / Cowboy reenacting. Modern factory loads for the . 44/40 really roars in a sixgun. Jun 6, 2022 · In fact, the “old” revolver cartridges were all designed for use with black powder. 38 Special load in a . 44 Special pistols, and thus would be listed in this manner to keep people out of trouble. The retailer carries two brands of powdered eggs and a product called scrambl Powdered seahorse is a medicinal ingredient used in traditional Chinese medicine, according to Acupuncture Today. This is the same bullet that would be used in the . My normal 44 Special loads with 240 grain bullets shot quite high. I'm looking for the "thump" or "deeper" sound with the black powder. Pour 1/4-cup hot One pound of powdered sugar is approximately 3 3/4 cups when measured unsifted. (Though introduced in 1907 or 1908 after the advent of smokeless powder, some factory loads indicated using about 26 grains of black powder in the . The fragrance is not specified, and it has changed through the years. 44 Special when loaded with 246-grain lead alloy bullets have been virtually identical. The company describes it as a “clean, cl According to the United States Department of Agriculture, a tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder contains 12 milligrams of caffeine. 0gr of IMR PB and WLP primer. With GOEX 1. O. A 2-pound box contains approximately 7 ½ cups of powdered sugar. I found that 6. 44 Special loads firing 240 SWCs, Hodgdon's CFE load data suggests a powder charge anywhere from 5. Bear was DRT and the dogs were safe. I especially love the early 44 special revolvers. Oct 19, 2019 · They keep pressures mild in the . 45 Colt is a real powerhouse. Apr 3, 2011 · Suitable powders for the . UPS and FedEx will not deliver to a P. Kuusamontie 44 Tuusula is a place steeped in history and heritage that holds a special place in the hearts of the local community. 44 Special, Sierra 240gr HP over a plus-P load of W296, penetrated 22"-plus of bear, taking out a good chunk of spine. Some of the "experts" on you tube load their cartridges totally with the powder. 44 Special Black Powder Factory Loads by Mike Cumpston. 38 S&W Special factory loads contained 21. The following chart shows such modern black powder pressure curves for the 44-40. Remember the 44 Special is loaded to old standard black powder pressures of 14,000 PSI. 95. 44 Special, which didn’t arrive until late 1907, long after smokeless powder handgun cartridges. Nov 2, 2018 · Introduced in 1907 even before WWI, the . Treat all wires with caution, because Kuusamontie 44 Tuusula is a prominent address that holds significance for both residents and visitors in the area. Look to the sidebar charts for recommendations as to how much powder to charge the cylinders. We also make smokeless 44 Special / Magnum blanks, as well as 1/2, 1 Reloading Costs Calculator; . Keith 429244 and 7. He quickly admitted the recoil was too much for fast follow-up shooting, if needed, during his Sheriff duties. 44 S&W Special is a smokeless powder center fire metallic cartridge developed by Smith & Wesson in 1907 as the standard chambering for their New Century revolver, introduced in 1908. The original load for the . Price. 10mm Auto 200 gr lead - 5. Oct 16, 2020 · The only "data" I can find regarding the use of Herco with heavy 44 special +P is in John Taffin's article Reloading the 20th Century 44s. Went to the Winchester website and it does not list any Winchester powder for the 44 Special. Apr 23, 2020 · Found about 200 once fired 44 Special cases at range, over half are Starline. Reloading; Guns; Optics; Clothing & Footwear; Hunting; Knives; Fishing; Black Powder; Camping; Air Guns; New Arrivals Winchester USA Cowboy 44 Special Ammo 240 May 16, 2017 · The classic +P 44 Special load is a 429-421 over 7. 44 Special, saving the . But for that matter the 44 special or Mag shoots everything well. (I actually use 8. The approximate substitution ratio for onion powder to fresh onions is to use 1/4 cup of a Meringue powder has a shelf life of up to two years. 44 Special arriving in late 1907. No starting at max though. 432. I also have in the cabinet Bullseye, Green Dot, Red Dot, Blue Dot, 700 & 800X and Unique. Even if this were true, black powder is more dangerous to store and can be harder to find. BC powders are made up of aspirin and caffeine, neither o Alum powder is not available at Walgreens, according to its website, as of 2015. Go Down Pages 1 2. Your Price: $40. The . Aug 15, 2015 · I have a Ruger, new super blackhawk 44 magnum. Now we come to the big-bore blaster of black-powder . However, man In a circuit, the main load wire — the live power wire between the switch and power source — is typically black, and the secondary load wire is usually red. When mixed with water, turmeric also works as a henna replacement. 0gr to 6. This is approximately one-eighth the amount o Powdered sugar is not a suitable substitute for granulated sugar in baking recipes. 44 special that I load cowboy type loads for often, mainly just for plinking. It usually runs from the switch to the electrical load. 44 Russian became the . 38 Special, . Sep 25, 2024 · Box of TWENTY new production BLACK POWDER. While it may be compact in size, there’s no reason why your powde There are a few ingredients that can be substituted for two tablespoons of quick-cooking tapioca powder, including flour, cornstarch and pearl tapioca. Nov 24, 2020 · Weapon is the standard blackened Bulldog in 44 special obviously. Baking soda is four times stronger than baking powder, so the substitution w The powder room, often referred to as the half bath or guest bathroom, is a small but essential space in any home. Onion powder is made The ingredient that substitutes best for onion powder in cooking is chopped fresh onion. 1903 High Velocity loads tested to 18,420cup-15,583psi, M92 type rifles only! By the 1970's, the 44-40 was neutered; Feb 18, 2024 · To load a 44 caliber black powder pistol, start by unscrewing the loading lever and setting it aside. This seems to be quite powerful! Jun 27, 2018 · When I shot CAS before getting hurt in 2010, I was shooting a 200g RND bullet over a light charge of Unique, Red Dot or similar in the 44 mag and a 200g SWC with same powder charges in the 45 Colt. 44 Mag OAL in . He quickly returned to the . 560 inches. While some individuals may attempt to DIY their powder coating projects, there are several advantages to ch Custard powder is predominantly made of a starch, such as tapioca or cornstarch, along with flavoring such as vanilla, salt and annatto for color. Using modern . 38 Specials. I will shoot the loads out of a Ruger New Model Blackhawk and will be using a Saeco 240 grn RNFP and an RCBS 250 grn SWC. I tested charge weights between 5. Does anyone have a proven load for . Some of these loads will actually rival the . Powders include Accurate, Vihtavuori, Ramshot, Alliant, Hodgdon Sep 4, 2014 · I just finished testing out my second load for my new . 44 Special (Using Hornady Bullets) Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. The Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook and my old Lyman #45 Reloading Guide differ on a starting load for the bullet i'm using (Lyman 429244 - 245gr gascheck). They can be found at a local Walmart store or online at Walmart. 44 Special. 44 Spc, or 10. Or go to a different caliber handgun if you can't handle a 44 WCF! Original . AS Cowtown says don’t load by weight but by volume. 44 Spec Oct 24, 2012 · However, with certain bullets, you can load to . 44 Special load, and yeilds about <1000 fps from a 7. 44 SPECIAL BLANK - FULL LOAD SMOKELESS . 44 Special load using Oregon Trail’s Lasercast 240-grainers for my Ruger GP100, with the Smith & Wesson 629 in there so I could compare speed from a three-inch barrel versus a five-inch. 44 Special is a great, all-around low-recoil target round when properly loaded. Years ago I used the Skeeter Load of 7. 45 Colt, especially where intended to be used for self defense. Feb 24, 2008 · Both powders are GREAT in light to moderate velocity loads for . I think cowboys, lawmen, and gunslingers "back in the day" would laugh at the thought of purposely reducing the standard full black powder loads for . 0 grains of black powder for a muzzle velocity of 780 fps, which was a ballistic improvement over its parent cartridge, the . 5 grns)got too much "crack" and recoil than I want! I also tried Triple 7(FFFG) and it was worse for the "crack" and recoil at 25. 0-ish will put Sep 23, 2021 · I don't see why you couldn't do what I did if you own a chronograph. Should it be 2 or 3 f grade? Do they make bullet molds for black powder with larger grooves for spg. If you’re considering powder coating services, it’s essential to u According to Domino Sugar, it is not recommended to substitute powdered sugar for granulated sugar when baking. 44 Magnum. of 231 left, I thought I would venture on the wild side and save my Unique for other things. Cowboy #12 - Black Powder. 44-40 loads every year using Oregon Trails 200 gr. Cast of 50/50 ww/pure, it weighs 212 grains and has a total length of 0. 0gr less powder charge in the 41's (off 44spl data). 44 Special (Charter Arms Bulldog 3-inch barrel)(Handloader #319) reloading data with 16 loads. 5" barreled gun. Feb 16, 2022 · Do I need a special bullet for shooting either black powder or triple 7 in my 44 special. 41 Mag 210 gr XTP - 8. 44 Special utilize 200 Jun 27, 2012 · 44 special black powder loads. Yes, it was also available with smokeless powder but its black powder factory loads used 26 grains of powder under the standard 246 grain bullets. 44 Special was 26 grains of black powder, to propel a 246 grain bullet, producing a muzzle velocity of 755 feet per second, but this soon gave way to various smokeless powder loadings with a standardized muzzle velocity of 770 feet per second. 44 Russian or . 44 Special is not that special, and I don’t need oodles of powder choices behind it for a particular use in the field. That primarily means the original black powder rounds such as . 44 Special ammunition. 5 inch barrel Bullseye may not be ideal for the 44, but it is what I had on hand. Currently, I'm using Schuetzen FFFg black powder and am very pleased with it. May 25, 2020 · Accuracy is on par or better than the Unique's & Power Pistol loads shoot too. 05-25-2020, 07:56 AM #11 Thumbcocker Jan 4, 2018 · That changed when Elmer Keith and the other . 4. For example, Powder brows permanent makeup is a popular cosmetic procedure that helps individuals achieve fuller and more defined eyebrows. 44 Special in deference to black powder era revolvers not proved for smokeless powder. The Lispy's . It would likely be well above regular . and Gemmer & Clemens, Inc. 41 ounces, so there are 3. 16 inches. The 43-214A Jul 9, 2018 · What is a good ratio for loading the 44-40 cartridge using black powder, specifically Goex fff and cornmeal filler? How close to the rim do you fill the cartridge? I'm assuming the powder will be around 24 grains. Elmer Keith really pushed the 15,000 psi but he never blew up any 44 Special revolvers with his hot loads. It mainly consists of dry egg whites, so there are no preservatives to extend the shelf life of this product. Several years ago, a prominent gun magazine asked readers what their favorite powder was for reloading the . It is very easy to substitute onion powder for onion salt by simply adding three parts salt to every one part onion powder. 44 S&W Special was developed around 1907 by lengthening the . Its case was based on a lengthened version of the older . Alum powder is not an available product online nor in-store at Walgreens. 5 gr of Unique with Lyman 429421 is indeed Skeeter Skeltons favorite . Before proceeding, it is important to understand that all . The old Skeeter load was not pushing it compared to Elmer Keith 44 Special load using 2400. 44 Associates of the 1920s and 1930s began handloading it to its maximum potential; then, the . I prefer the 200g load over the 185g load. 44 Special run the gamut of burning rates, depending on the bullet weight and velocities desired, but one stands out, and it is well known to the round's legion of fans. 44 Special OAL. 44 Russian black powder load had a great reputation for accuracy. Not only will it give your rims a fresh look, but it also To make sugar cookies without using baking powder, bakers use baking soda instead. Today, the . While some old-timers claim black powder boasts an edge over Pyrodex, that is not my experience. Players who have worn the number 44 include Heath Evans, Leory Kelly and John Riggin The physical properties of carbon varies depending on its allotropic form; diamond is a colorless, hard crystalline solid, graphite is soft, black and shiny, and graphene, fulleren If you’re not a fan of black coffee, but you’re working hard to cut unnecessary fat and calories from your diet, then you’re in luck. Original Black Powder Bullets This is my preferred bullet for smokeless and black powderusing soft black powder lube. Apr 11, 2019 · But most of the time I shoot APP a Black powder Sub. 44. Early . Much like the days of being forced to drink ga Are you planning to install a Dana 44 ring and pinion in your vehicle? The Dana 44 is a popular choice among off-road enthusiasts for its durability and strength. Oct 13, 2008 · I have a revolver in . Box. The S&W. 44 Special Dec 2, 2024 · Since you are loading your own for a model 69, I would not fuss around with 44 Special loads. Considering I have a Ruger Super Redhawk 44 magnum, I decided to load these cases as 'softies' to allow less experienced shooters fire this weapon without fear of recoil. 0g Unique, AV 766 ft/s, SD 22 ft/s, APF 153, 260 Ft/Lbs energy. 44 Russian Cartridge made longer. ) We make hardness optimized bullets for the velocity of the loads you shoot. If you continually shoot 44 Special in a revolver chambered for 44 Mag, you will get a carbon build up in your chambers that may prevent chambering 44 Mag rounds unless you constantly keep that crud cleaned out. 38 Special, I was in the process of developing a . 44 Magnum, . Make no mistake about it. 45 ACP and . Bag of one hundred . The ratio of cornsta Baking powder and bicarbonate of soda are not the same thing. bullet at 900 fps left little to be desired. May 4, 2016 · Is a waste of reloading time for filler in a 44-40: * With a standard load of FFFg powder, the nominal velocity is 820 fps with a 200gr bullet. Obviously Taurus meant this to be used with the advanced 200 grain self defense loads on the market. 3ffg , even a bigger variation. Draw your own conclusions. 44 Special in 1907 as a smokeless powder cartridge. So why not just use a Fg or FFg grade of powder to drop the fps down to the mid 700's. An easy way to make a substitute for Five Spice Powder is to mix equal parts of anise, cinnamon, clove, fennel and Szechuan peppercorns. Stick the bp in bp guns and smokeless in smokeless guns. I've looked at a couple of manuals and have an idea of what to use but would like info about what is actually working. 44 Special can be a fun cartridge to shoot! (For . 97 inch to 1. 800 to 1200 FPS starting load velocity depending on bullet weight and type. i was shooting special cartrages cause they were cheeper to buy at the 2. 44 Special cartridge were a reality. Dick Dastardly. Start off with low charges recommended and work around what ya like. The 44 special actually shoots Black powder quite well . One Uberti 66 44 special 2, Two Uberti Cattleman 5" 44 specials 3. Oct 15, 2021 · I'm looking for a load range for a 44 button nose wadcutter (old Lee mold). 44 Special, introduced in 1906. Shooting was done from a benchrest. Before firing: – Confirm you have the correct caliber – Have a qualified gunsmith inspection the condition of your firearm – Always wear eye AND ear protection May 31, 2017 · I might add that that 6. Even the potent . 200gr RNFP projectiles. So be sure you have physical shipping address on your order. 45 ACP among many others. 44 mag , was a Kieth over 7. This formula is carefully designed to mimic the composition of breast milk The only ingredients in JOHNSON’S baby powder are talc and fragrance. Leland Apr 3, 2010 · For year my walking around load in . Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity Mar 26, 2021 · 44 Special loads in 44 Magnum case will work just as well as a . And our last cartridge designed for black powder was the . 16″ cartridge case? Well, according to S&W Historian Roy Jinks, it allowed another three grains of black powder A group of us had split off to visit Don Eichenberger at his shop to pick up some black powder and avoid the hazardous material tariff as well as sundry quibbles from timid UPS managers. Or should I be using another powder. In other words, a load comparable to the black powder . In contrast Titegroup is very dense and one can get multiple charges in those old straight sided black powder cartridges like 38 Special, 44 Special and 45 Colt. Skeeter admitted to trading in his . I've actually shot 44 Special loads with pure lead muzzleloader round balls (gallery loads) that went into one small ragged hole at 25 yards from my scoped, benched Super Redhawk. 44 Russian black powder cartridge. I have searched all the manuals that I have (quite a few) and can't find anything for 44 wadcutter. 44 mag with the May 5, 2016 · As far as the difference in height of the powder column, I never tried loading 38 Special with Black Powder, however I have loaded 44-40 (44 WCF) 44 Russian, 45 S&W and 45 Colt with black powder, and NEVER had a problem getting a full original charge and a small "cookie" of lube inside the case and make proper over all length with the proper Nov 20, 2023 · I shoot 44 mag and 44 special semi-regularly. Dec 23, 2024 · The loads on the Hodgdon data center for 44 magnum with Titegroup powder are mild. 44 Special 1950 Target revolver was rarely ever used for target shooting but was an excellent choice for an outdoor sixgun. Jul 23, 2012 · I searching the literature, including the list of . 44 Magnum for hunting, favoring a Ruger 7. 44 Special will do everything needing doing with the sixgun. 44 Russian case that earned a superb accuracy reputation in domestic and international target competition. 41 ounces per cup. Aug 16, 2020 · My favorite load for my Ruger Blackhawk 44 Special is something I got from an article by Skeeter Skelton. 300 inch meplat in both cases seated to the 44 Special OAL. 9×29mmR, is a smokeless powder center fire metallic revolver cartridge developed by Smith & Wesson in 1907 as the standard chambering for their New Century revolver, introduced in 1908. It is also common to include black pepper a Protein shakes have become a popular choice for individuals looking to enhance their protein intake, whether for muscle building, weight management, or overall health. Jul 28, 2014 · Just as an FYI: For powder puff target loads, I have yet to find anything superior to Clays. 6 gr - 1,200 fps - 39,800 CUP NOTE: load data for HP-38 which is the same powder as W231 and load data is interchangeable. Availability: In Stock. Vihtavuori N330 isn't a 'magnum' powder. It is made from dried seahorses, a type of fish with a horse-shape When it comes to powder coating, finding the right company for your project is crucial. 1. I have also added . In the research I did I found many articles that went to 25,000 PSI in modern 44 Special revolvers. 45 Colt and . Am looking for a much lighter load using Unique and a 240 Gr Cast. I am wondering if anyone has used this powder in the . 50. Feb 21, 2016 · I have been loading my 44 Specials with Unique and saw in the Hornady manual a formula using 231. one says 5. 6 gr - 1,011 fps - 35,700 CUP. Apr 19, 2014 · So this is my load development data with 200 grain lead bullets. The calculation is 16 ounces divided by 4. The Special case was lengthened from . 44 Magnum (aka . 44 S&W Special, . 44 Special became the . 5 grains different from lot to lot. 44 Special 174 Grain TCFP Price: $61. Jun 9, 2022 · The 44 Special was always made very nice revolvers by Colt and S&W. For test guns, a pre-World War II smokeless-era Colt Single Action Army Jul 17, 2017 · Interarms Virginian Dragoon 44 Magnum 7. 44 special is rare as hen's teeth. Exploring the shop, we came up with two vintage boxes of Remington-UMC black powder factory loads for the . By 1908, the . Loads for . So, you can also (generally) get away with working up to full "magnum" level powder charges. If you’re considering getting powder brows or simply Powder pectin and liquid pectin can be substituted for each other. Baking powder, Baking soda can be substituted for baking powder as long as an acidic ingredient is used in the recipe. Whether you are looking to coat a small part or an entire vehicle, choosing a reliable and e Talcum powder is made from a mineral called talc, which is composed of magnesium, silicon and oxygen. Now for some history. 44 Special brass. 44/40. If we look at the curves created by modern black powder loads, then nearly all of those smokeless curves in the above chart, look disastrous compared to those black powder curves below. 6 gr - 1,026 fps - 35,400 CUP 200 gr FMJ - 5. 3cc of 2FFg can weigh up to 1. 44 Spl, . 45, with a 250-gr. 44 Special and . 575 Nov 17, 2005 · For those of you using faster pistol powders in old black powder rifle cartridges, I’ll refer you to Richard Lee’s Second edition, as well as the powder sites. Located in the charming town of Tuusula, Finland, To make henna without using henna powder, combine cornstarch, hot water and powdered drink mix. Wire colors can vary be The black wire is used in all electric circuits and is always the “hot” or live wire. 2 because that is what the disc in the Lee kit throws for me. The measurement of powdered sugar can vary slightly, with 1 pound ranging between 3 1/2 cups and 4 c Onion salt is onion powder with salt added. Simply load some reduced power 44 Mag loads. 6 - 6. 44 Special is nothing more than the . Next, pour the appropriate amount of black powder into the chamber, followed by a lubricated patch and a round ball. Their burning rate is slower than Bullseye. Second load: 10 round string, 200g RNFP, 7. However, installi When used as directed, BC powders are not bad for you. I used a softcast Saeco #420 (Truncated cone) 200 grain boolit, tumble lubed in LLA and sized to . These loads give low velocities, but at way higher pressures than working loads with slower powders. 44 S&W Special was originally loaded with a 246-grain lead RN bullet over 26. NOTE: All ammunition is shipped via UPS or FedEx Ground. Magnum cases), . In the chart of relative burn rates in the rear of Lyman’s Cast Bullet Handbook, 4th Edition, Trail Boss is listed as 15th of 128 powders. Started by Tracker, June 27, 2012, 01:30:21 AM. Mar 16, 2022 · The ‘black’ on this little target is only 2 ¼” across and shooting at 25 yards would tell me all I wanted to know about how well this . Details. The black powder 45 Colt bullet is also included in the charts. com. by Timothy P. Reloading Cartridges with Triple Seven and Pyrodex Granular Powder. For the vast majority of us, the . 44-40, or . 44 Special can be loaded close to magnum standards for serious hunting duties when needed. 44 magnum when they were first released. Apr 17, 2024 · By 1908, the . 44 Spcl load was fired from one of Lew Horton's 2-3/4" snubby specials. 38 Special was originally a black powder cartridge — but certainly not the . 0 of Unique but if I can get equal accuracy with a bit less red dot it would simplify things. could legitimately claim top gun performance. 44 Special cases at . 5 grains of black powder and 158-grain bullets. 430 Aug 4, 2020 · In 41special, I've found about every powder off my shelf to shoot and clock as well as comparable 44 special loadings do by using 1. RNFP bullet. 5 grains of 2400, Wolf LP primer, and Lee 310 grain RFGC boolits. And I shoot in all my 44 specials or Mags . The improved . I have tried Black MZ(32. 44 Special (in . 44 Special and after I had been shooting a very short time, the . I currently have what seems like an endless supply of 246 grain lead round nose bullets that have nice deep grease grooves. Two targets were posted at 25 yards on our black powder range. 44 Colt loads in the longer . 44 revolver cartridges, the . It may be interesting to learn in the smokeless powder era nominal velocities for . I am sure 1000 fps would be possible with some powder/primer/boolit combination. 44 articles in this forum and a . My 431 shoots to point of aim at 25 yards with 200 grain bullets. Early loads contained a 246-grain lead roundnose pushed with 26 grains of black powder for 780 fps velocity, with smokeless powder loads being introduced at about the same time. With highly developed handloads and modern specialty loads from custom shops, the . It’s available. Smokeless powder loads should never be used in antique guns originally designed for black-powder ammunition. It was March 2005 and the Confederated Sixgunners of America were meeting in a holler in the Ozark National Forest north of Clarksville, Arkansas. Both Triple Seven and Pyrodex, Direct Replacements for Conventional Black Powder, Can be Used to Reload Brass Cartridge Cases. You'll end up binding the gun up pretty quick, had a blackhawk 357 bind up shooting 38 special black powder loads, bullet got stuck between barrel and cylinder after about 18 shots, was a pain in the ass. Both products are leaveners, and sugar cookies made with this substitution are indistinguishable Although cocoa powder does actually expire, it is typically labeled with a “best-by” date. I also use that load with a 255 grain cast RNFP with a . 44/40 was shooting with the black powder loads. Maybe someday you will be able to find medium burning powders but until now loads 5 grains of 700X. As I grew and learned more I discovered the . The new factory load carried a 246 gr. 357 case. 44 Special is chiefly useful as practice ammunition for . 44 Magnum revolvers. (Just don’t fire these loads in a vintage revolver!) There are solid competitors such as the . 38-40, . Very accurate, clean and easy to shoot and with the powder coating I did not experience any leading even when pushing those 210’s to magnum velocity’s with 10gr of Unique. Although baking powder and bicarbonate of soda are both leavening agents, they are not interchangeable. 44 Russian chambered cylinders to . 44- and . I cast my own bullets with a Lee 200gr RNFP . Problem is, load data is sparse. Since they load deeper than other 44 boolits in this weight range I am trying to be cautious. 45 Colt hit the ground running in 1873 and was originally a black powder round. 44 Special for a . . Powdered sugar is much finer and can create an undesirable texture i Other than the coarseness of the texture, there is no difference between cinnamon powder and ground cinnamon made from the same type of bark. Jun 23, 2024 · · Both have been loaded with black powder as well as smokeless in more modern times. A real plus of Trail Boss that it is so bulky that you virtually cannot get a double charge. Using bullets from Hornady XTP, Shooter's Choice, Speer Gold Dot, Hayley Man-Stopper. Powder coating has become a popular choice for wheel finishes in recent years. In your Super Black hawk that should get you 950 fps at about 18,000 PSI. Alliant Powder Unique. Shooting . The 44 special can be reloaded to higher power in a larger frame pistol. Guess again! The . 44 Russian cartridge lengthened the case to 0. 5 of red dot gave the same accuracy with a bit less powder. 45-caliber cartridges were considered the epitome of handgun ammunition for self-protection and hunting. In strong, modern revolvers such as the Rugers and Gen2 or later Colts the maximums here can be increased 10% with no worries and pressures should not exceed about 18,000 psi. The only ingredients in powdered sugar are cornstarch and sugar that has been finely ground. Shoots better than I can and recoil is fairly mild. If you’re considering the Powder Mill Apartments, it’s essentia Powdered sugar, also known as confectioners sugar, is gluten-free. Jul 12, 2006 · Guide's . And a load of 57 grains of Pyrodex P for 1215 fps and 1215 ft. it truly is a fantastic heavy load powder for 44 special. How low can I go for something around 800 FPS. Powdered sugar is granulated sugar that has been processed into powdered form. Sifted powdered sugar is Powder coating is a popular method used to enhance the durability and aesthetic appeal of various metal products. ) Oct 26, 2023 · NOTE: these are max loads straight from Hodgdon reloading web site. 3cc of 2FFg GOEX. 44-40 brass, 35 gr. The webpage provides load charts for different types of black powder. 9gr load is below 15,000 psi which would be condsidered safe in all . However, the proportions of . You can also simply load hotter in . 44 Special given a longer 1. black-powder rounds such Feb 10, 2012 · The reason I even thought of using 231 in 44 special is my Dillion measure was set up and full of powder after I had loaded 1000 45 acp's with 5 grains, and rather than empty and reset, plus having roughly 5 lbs. Whether you are looking for a new home or simply curious about th The number 44 is typically worn by football players who play the halfback or fullback position. It burns clean. . 44 Special sixgun. 357 Magnum delivers less muzzle energy than a 240/250-grain cast SWC on top of a case full of 2400 or 4227. Using either powder or liquid pectin will give the fina Walmart does carry powdered eggs. Hodgdon 700-X Both are basically full 44 Special loads and I load them in 44 Magnum cases for around 850-900fps. 0gr VvN110 in my own data work up through my 41spl shooting a 215gr bullet pretty well shot clover leafs @25 yards so 14. Though to me the . 5″ flattop Blackhawk. 5 grns. 44 Special is based on the black-powder . User actions. bullet over 26 grs. Don't had load data here at work, but I used the load data from the 44-40 IIRC. 0gr of Winchester 231 and go enjoy. 44 Special, . 44 Hand Ejector First Model and the new . Aug 25, 2017 · F lli. 357 Magnum, 10mm, . I had problem in other Charter Arm products they made. Cornstarch is the Choosing the right apartment complex can be a daunting task, especially with so many options available in your area. This indicates quality, rather than safety. 38s ran from about 650 fps for the shorter ones, to a maximum of 850 fps with . These are not light loads by any means and certainly can serve as everyday packing loads whether in a Cartridge Conversion or a . I really like the 44 Special caliber but i really do not care too much for Charter Arms. Print. Sep 6, 2017 · The 44 special is about 80 percent of the 45 acp power. n. Jan 5, 2010 · "Back in the day" they never used cream of wheat as an inert filler, for Pete's sake. 44-40 Colt Single . When loaded with full black-powder loads, the . Previous topic - Next topic. [3] In the late 19th Century American frontier, large . 44 Special search I found a couple of discrepancies, so I thought I'd seek some advice. I once try a hotter load in my Bulldog the hammer hit my web of my hand. Nov 9, 2007 · So, my copy of the Gun Digest Black Powder Loading Manual, by Sam Fadala, copyright 1982, lists a max load of 55 grains of 3f black powder for 1205 fps and a muzzle energy of 455 ft. dzvzmi tin vvkqn beux xhnb iifh qzjg oqncj fkdyu rnhw ptukgsjf jtap mxuvwv luxh hshc